Rose mug

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Rose mug
Rose cup (Stauntonia hexaphylla) with fruits

Rose cup ( Stauntonia hexaphylla ) with fruits

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Buttercups (Ranunculales)
Family : Finger fruit family (Lardizabalaceae)
Genre : Stauntonia
Type : Rose mug
Scientific name
Stauntonia hexaphylla
( Thunb. Ex Murray ) Decne.

The rose cup ( Stauntonia hexaphylla (Thunb. Ex Murray) Decne. , Syn .: Rajania hexaphylla Thunb. ), Also called Stauntonia , is a species of the finger fruit family (Lardizabalaceae). It bears the German name because its cup-shaped flowers smell of roses.


Rose cup ( Stauntonia hexaphylla ), illustration

Stauntonia hexaphylla is a tropical, evergreen climber that reaches heights of growth of 7 m. Their alternate, long-stalked leaves are three to seven parts, composed in the shape of a hand and are up to 30 cm long. The leaflets are ovate, dark green on top and light green on the underside.

Flowering time is March to April. There are about six flowers together in 5 to 10 cm long clusters . The cup-shaped, unisexual flowers are yellowish-beige in color, about 2 cm long and smell of roses. There are six sepals . The male flowers contain six stamens that have grown together to form a tube. Female flowers contain three carpels . The purple follicles ripen from September to October, are 2.5 to 10 cm long and contain many seeds.


It grows wild in protected valleys in East Asia ( Japan , Korea , Burma ).


Rose mug with flowers

In Europe it is used as an ornamental plant due to its long adherence to foliage ( evergreen ) and its rapid growth , but it is hardly widespread. This species is frost tolerant down to −10 ° C.

The fruits are edible and have a sweet, honey-like taste. In Japan they are valued as a dessert fruit , but are a little difficult to eat due to the large number of kernels. They are particularly popular with the Japanese monkeys .


In Japan, the bark, roots and fruits of Stauntonia hexaphylla are considered medicinal products . They have a diuretic effect and are anti-rheumatic . The juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of ophthalmia (inflammation of the eyes).
