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The Rothe Baum around 1790 (top right) on the Chaussee over the Hundebek

The Rothenbaumchaussee is an inner-city street in the Hamburg districts of Rotherbaum and Harvestehude . It runs from Edmund-Siemers-Allee at Dammtor train station to Klosterstern and crosses Hallerstrasse , among other things .

The name Rotherbaum is derived from a guard post that once stood in front of the town during the fortification period . The post was at the starting point of the road to Eppendorf , at a crossing over a stream called Hundebek and is said to have had a red barrier. It is noteworthy that the place name, despite the spelling in one word and with the historical th, often occurs in a bent form (“am Rothenbaum”).

On the Rothenbaumchaussee from south to north are u. a. the Moorweidenpark with the Zombeck Tower , the Grand Elysée Hotel, the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg , the Curiohaus , the Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg , the local TV station Hamburg 1 , the Hallerstraße underground station , the Am Rothenbaum tennis stadium , the NDR - Funkhaus and the Klosterstern underground station .

Web links

Commons : Rothenbaumchaussee  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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