Rudi Lesser

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Memorial plaque on the house, Solmsstrasse 33, in Berlin-Kreuzberg

Rudi Lesser (born July 12, 1902 in Berlin ; † March 1, 1988 there ) was a German watercolor painter , etcher , and lithographer .


From 1919 to 1923 he attended the teaching facility of the Kunstgewerbemuseum, followed by studies at the Berlin Academy with Hans Meid and later in Königsberg (Prussia) with Klaus Richter . 1931 Exhibition in the Gurlitt Gallery. In 1933, after his studio was destroyed by the National Socialists , he emigrated to Scandinavia and other Western European countries. Between 1946 and 1956 he lived in the USA . There he sent exhibitions (e.g. at Lotte Jacobi in New York ), and he was also a lecturer at Howard University in Washington, DC .

In 1956 he returned to Berlin. Here he ended up living in poor conditions in the Kreuzberg district , but in contact with other artists and the Berlin painter-poets such as Günter Bruno Fuchs , Kurt Mühlenhaupt , Nepomuk Ullmann , Peter Blaar and others. a. Lesser produced smaller exhibitions and covers for the Kreuzberger Neue Zeitung .

Rudi Lesser died in Berlin in 1988 at the age of 85. His grave is in Cemetery III of the Jerusalem and New Churches in Berlin-Kreuzberg .


  • Rolf Jessewitsch, Gerhard Schneider (Ed.): Ostracized - Forgotten - Rediscovered. Art of expressive representationalism from the Gerhard Schneider Collection. Wienand, Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-87909-665-1 , p. 454.

Web links

Commons : Rudi Lesser  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Exhibition for Lesser's 100th birthday at - Even if this exhibition was held in 2001 for Lesser's 100th birthday, we now know that it was 'only' his 99th birthday! - Rudi Lesser was born on July 12, 1902 in Berlin. - This is what it says (for the first time) in catalog 228 of the Taube Gallery from 2012!

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 244.