Rudolf Cramer (geologist)

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Rudolf Cramer (born January 9, 1882 in Ratibor , Province of Silesia , † December 7, 1949 in Erfurt ) was a German geologist .

Cramer graduated from high school in Erfurt in 1900 and studied geology and paleontology in Strasbourg, Halle, Munich and Berlin, where he received his doctorate in 1906 under Wilhelm von Branca on the fauna of the Lower Carboniferous in Silesia. From 1907 he was at the Prussian Geological State Institute (PGLA), where Curt Gagel and Theodor Schmierer were his teachers. During the First World War he was a lieutenant on the western and eastern fronts and in Serbia and in 1919 in the Freikorps in Silesia. He then went back to the PGLA, where he worked in Silesia ( Schweidnitz , Groß-Rauden, Jakobswalde , Leschnitz , Bischofstal , Peiskretscham ), Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg ( Oppelhain ), Posen ( Usch , Budsin , Zelice , Kolmar ) and in the Lausitz ( Weißwasser / Oberlausitz , Triebel ) mapped. He also compiled annual reports on the literature on the geology of Germany and dealt with water supply in Upper Silesia. In 1920 he became a district geologist and in 1934 a state geologist with the title of professor. In 1940 he became a government geologist. During the Second World War he was a captain in the Air Force in Czechoslovakia, and after the war he continued to work on peat exploration after retiring in Jena.

He is the father of geologist Peter Cramer .

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References and comments

  1. ^ Cramer: The Lower Carboniferous Fauna of Gaablau in Lower Silesia. Jb. PGLA, 30, 1912, pp. 40-72
  2. Cramer: The fauna of Golonog. A contribution to the determination of the age of the Greywacken sandstone layers of Golonog and the corresponding deposits in Upper Silesia. Jb. PGLA, 31, 1910, pp. 129-167