Rudolf Heinrich (set designer)

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Rudolf Heinrich (born February 10, 1926 in Halle (Saale) , † December 1, 1975 in London) was a German set designer .

life and work

Rudolf Heinrich completed the Burg Giebichenstein painting class in Halle from 1946 to 1948 with Charles Crodel , Max Elten and others. Subsequently, in 1948 he was assistant set designer in Leipzig.

From 1950 to 1959 he worked at the Landestheater Halle as head of equipment. He created sets for 33 pieces in opera, ballet and drama. In 1957 he received the Handel Prize in Halle for setting up Handel operas ( Ezio , Radamisto , Poros and others) . In 1959 he won first prize at the National Theater in Paris for Hoffmann's stories .

For the opening of the new Leipzig Opera in 1960, he created the equipment for Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg . In the same year he worked with Walter Felsenstein at the Komische Oper Berlin , where he designed Verdi's opera Otello , and he was awarded the GDR National Prize.

In 1961 he was at the Academy of Arts of the GDR appointed, but moved to West Germany to. From 1962 he worked in Munich with Fritz Kortner , Günther Rennert , Joachim Herz , Otto Schenk and others.

In 1964 Rudolf Heinrich became head of the stage design class at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich . From this year he was professor of the stage design class at the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. He has mainly worked for the opera houses in Munich, Hamburg, Schwetzingen, Mannheim, Zurich, Vienna, Frankfurt, Santa Fee, Paris, Moscow, Leipzig, Berlin, for the Salzburg Festival , Metropolitan Opera (New York), Teatro alla Scala (Milan ), Zurich and London, and also worked at the Austrian Theater Museum (Vienna).

From 1973 to 1975 in Leipzig he created the equipment for The Ring of the Nibelung with Joachim Herz . He was appointed to the Academy of Arts in West Berlin in 1973.

He died on December 1, 1975 in London while working on the outfit for Salome . His grave is in the Perlach cemetery in Munich. He was married to the American soprano Joan Carroll and had one son. His brother was the costume and set designer Reinhard Heinrich .

The Berlin Academy of the Arts has a Rudolf Heinrich collection with around 3,000 works by Rudolf Heinrich.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1967: Love for Love (TV movie)
  • 1974: Measure for Measure (TV film)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Birthdays in July 2012 - 27.7. Joan Carroll turns 80 ( Memento of the original from May 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , The new marker @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Archive of the performing arts: Rudolf Heinrich Collection , Academy of the Arts Berlin, accessed on November 12, 2010