Rudolf Otto von Reibnitz

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Rudolf Otto von Reibnitz (born October 9, 1829 in Königsberg in Prussia , † December 7, 1909 in Danzig-Langfuhr ) was the Prussian infantry general and most recently governor of Mainz .


His parents were Otto Friedrich von Reibnitz (* October 15, 1788; † September 15, 1857) and his wife Valeska, born von Kunheim (* June 12, 1802; † February 22, 1839). His father was a lieutenant colonel. D. from the 1st Infantry Regiment as well as Herr auf Kerschitten.


Shortly after his mother's death, he came to Kulm as a cadet on September 1, 1841, and became a non-commissioned officer there on December 14, 1843. From there he came to Berlin as a cadet on July 3, 1844 . After his graduation, he was transferred to the Kaiser-Alexander-Grenadier-Regiment on April 1, 1848 as Portepeefähnrich and aggregated as a Second Lieutenant on May 13, 1848 . As such, he took part in the first Schleswig War in 1848 , where he fought in battle near Schleswig. On January 16, 1849 he was then assigned to the regiment. In the same year he took part in the street fighting in Dresden during the March Revolution . For this he received the Red Eagle Order 4th Class with Swords on June 9, 1849 . In the autumn of 1849 he was assigned to Bernau together with 60 men to protect the railway. After his return he came to the rifle factory in Sömmerda from April 30th to July 30th, 1850. On September 13, 1852 he was transferred to the 3rd Guards Landwehr Regiment, where he was appointed adjutant of the 1st Battalion in Görlitz until December 31, 1855. During the king's maneuver in 1856, he was adjutant of the 1st Guards Landwehr Regiment. On April 14, 1857 he was promoted to Premier-Lieutenant with a patent on June 16, 1855 and at the same time transferred to the 26th Infantry Regiment. On October 9, 1857, he joined the 26th Landwehr Regiment, where he served as a company commander in the 2nd Battalion in Burg. Promoted to captain on May 31, 1859, he returned to the 26th Infantry Regiment on June 20, 1859 as a company commander. But on July 1, 1860, he was transferred to the Jäger Battalion No. 2, where he was appointed company commander on August 18, 1860. During the German-Danish War he occupied the Peenemünder Schanze with his company from July 1st to August 1st, 1864 . During the German War of 1866 he fought near Gitschin and Königgrätz . For this he received the Crown Order 3rd Class with Swords on September 20, 1866 . After the war he was transferred as a major to the 84th Infantry Regiment on September 25, 1867. There he was appointed leader of the 1st battalion on October 15, 1867, confirmed as battalion commander on March 24, 1868, but was transferred to the 2nd battalion as commander on July 4, 1868. During the Franco-Prussian War he fought at Colombey and was wounded at Gravelotte . But he was already fighting again at Noisseville , Orleans and Beaugency . He was also at the siege of Metz and the battles at Bellevue, Montlivault, Chambord and Vienne. For this he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class on August 30, 1870 and the Iron Cross 1st Class on January 30, 1871 .

After the war he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on March 22, 1873. Commissioned on December 12, 1874 with the command of Grenadier Regiment No. 8 and placed a la suite of the regiment, he was confirmed as regimental commander on January 12, 1875 and promoted to colonel on January 18, 1875. On September 18, 1880 he was awarded the Crown Order 2nd Class with Swords on the Ring . Subsequently, on December 11, 1880, he was entrusted with the leadership of the 58th Infantry Brigade and was placed a la suite of the regiment. On March 30, 1881 he was promoted to major general and confirmed as brigade commander. On January 20, 1884, he received the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on the Ring, and on September 16, 1885, the Star for the Crown Order. On April 15, 1886 he was promoted to lieutenant general and transferred to the 18th division as commander. There he received the star for the Order of the Red Eagle on January 18, 1888, and was transferred as governor to Mainz fortress on December 15, 1888 . There he was awarded the Order of the Crown 1st Class with Swords on March 23, 1890 and the character of General of the Infantry on September 20, 1890 . In addition, on January 18, 1891, he received the Order of the Red Eagle 1st Class with Oak Leaves and Swords on the Ring . During the imperial maneuvers of the IV. And the XI. Army Corps in 1891 was used as arbitrator from August 15. The following year he was on 18 October 1892 board for discussion found, the crown was awarded to Red Eagle in yet.


Reibnitz married on September 29, 1858 in Görlitz Wilhelmine Sophie Ernestine Emilie Anna von Prittwitz and Gaffron (* July 16, 1836; † June 26, 1859), a daughter of General Karl Ludwig Wilhelm Ernst von Prittwitz . After the death of his first wife, he married Ottilie Adolfine Anna von Levetzow (born April 8, 1849) in Schwarzenhof on October 9, 1869 . The couple had several children:

  • Ernst Otto Leo (born July 4, 1870), captain
⚭ 1893 (divorced 1897) Lilly Schlesinger (* July 1, 1873; † 1919)
⚭ 1897 Klara Bischy (born December 17, 1868) divorced Voss
  • Max Emil Paul (born May 19, 1872 - † November 22, 1914), captain, killed in a storm on Oleckow near Lotz
  • Anna Fanny Ida (born January 30, 1874; † June 7, 1899) ⚭ 1895 Erik von Loebbecke (born November 6, 1865; † January 16, 1912), Herr auf Mahlen
  • Selma Adelheid Erna (* March 16, 1875) ⚭ 1910 Jakob Friedrich Arthur von Heyden-Nerfken (* February 12, 1875 - March 12, 1917), director of the chemical factory v. Heyden
  • Asta Mathilde (born June 21, 1878)
  • Leo Alfred (born July 24, 1882), emigrated to Guatemala


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses, 1903, p. 514.
  2. Remarried in 1900 to Isidor Braggiotti
  3. ^ Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses, 1913, p. 501.
  4. Handbook of the Prussian Nobility, 1892, Part 1, p. 353.
  5. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses, 1922, p. 395.
  6. Jakob Friedrich Arthur von Heyden . In: Marcelli Janecki , Deutsche Adelsgenossenschaft (Hrsg.): Yearbook of the German nobility . First volume. WT Bruer's Verlag, Berlin 1896, p. 815 ( ).