Rudolf Peiper

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Rudolf Peiper (full name Leo Rudolf Samuel Peiper , born January 16, 1834 in Hirschberg , Silesia , † October 9, 1898 in Breslau ) was a German classical and Middle Latin philologist and high school teacher.

life and work

Rudolf Peiper, the son of the pastor and writer Carl Rudolf Samuel Peiper (1798–1879), studied from 1852 to 1858 Classical Philology at the University of Breslau . After the teaching examination, to which he did not complete a doctorate , he completed the probationary year at the Gymnasium in Liegnitz from Easter 1858 , where he was appointed assistant teacher in 1859. At Michaelmas 1861 he switched to the Maria Magdalenen Gymnasium in Breslau as a full teacher , where he worked until the end of his life. In addition to school service, Peiper was scientifically active, joined the Silesian Society for Patriotic Culture in 1867 and from 1873 belonged to a Masonic lodge . In 1874 he was appointed senior teacher. In 1876 Peiper also took over the management of the grammar school library .

Peiper received rich recognition for his services: on October 31, 1883, the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Breslau awarded him an honorary doctorate ; In 1888 he was elected to the board of trustees of the Wroclaw City Library ; on December 21, 1889 he received the title of professor. From 1888 onwards, health problems forced Peiper to limit his official and scientific activities. In 1893 he became a member of the Comenius Society in Berlin.

Peiper's scientific work initially focused on Greek and Roman stage poetry. He was particularly concerned with the transmission and textual criticism of Seneca's tragedies. In 1867, together with Gustav Richter , he published a manual edition of the Seneca tragedies. In terms of textual criticism, it was overtaken by Friedrich Leo's large edition (1878–1879); nevertheless it was given a second edition in 1902 and a reprint in 1921.

Peiper's research focus later shifted to Latin poetry from late antiquity and the Middle Ages . He published text editions of numerous works, including the poems of Walter von Châtillon (1869), the Consolatio philosophiae des Boethius (1871), the Waltharius- Lied (1873), the tragedy Orestes des Dracontius (1875), the comedy Querolus (1875) and selected vagante poetry (1877). These editions were also replaced by other works during his lifetime. Peiper's editions of the collected works of the late antique poets Avitus (1883) and Ausonius (1886) as well as of the Heptateuchos , a versification of the Old Testament (1891), were most widely distributed .

Fonts (selection)

  • Aeschyli Supplices v. 776-909 . Breslau 1862 (school program)
  • Observatory in Senecae Tragoediis libellus . Breslau 1863 (school program)
  • with Gustav Richter: L. Annaei Senecae tragoediae. Accedunt incertae originis tragoediae tres . Leipzig 1867. 2nd edition 1902. Reprint 1921
  • Walter of Chatillon . Breslau 1869 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DPQ8GAAAAQAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3D~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ). Reprinted in Ann Arbor 1980
  • Praefationis in Senecae tragoedias supplementum . Breslau 1870 (school program)
  • Anicii Manlii Severini Boetii Philosophiae Consolationis libri quinque. Accedunt eiusdem atque incertorum opuscula sacra . Leipzig 1871
  • Ekkehardi primi Waltharius . Berlin 1873
  • Dracontii Orestes tragoedia . Wroclaw 1875
  • Q. Valerius Catullus. Contributions to the criticism of his poems . Wroclaw 1875
  • Aulularia sive Querolus Theodosiani aevi comoedia . Leipzig 1875
  • Gaudeamus. Carmina vagorum selecta . Leipzig 1877. 2nd edition 1879
  • The handwritten tradition of Ausonius . Leipzig 1879
  • Viennensis Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus: Opera quae supersunt . Berlin 1883 ( Monumenta Germaniae historica , auctores antiquissimi VI, 2)
  • Decimi Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis Opuscula . Leipzig 1886. Reprint Stuttgart 1976
  • Cypriani Galli poetae Heptateuchos. Accedunt incertorum de Sodoma et Jona et ad venatorem carmina et Hilarii quae feruntur in Genesin, de Maccabaeis atque de evangelio . Vienna 1891 ( Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum 23)


  • Festschrift for the 250th anniversary of the St. Maria Magdalena grammar school in Breslau on April 30, 1893 . Breslau 1893, p. 54.
  • Hermann Markgraf: Rudolf Peiper (Nekrolog) . In: Journal of the Association for the History of Silesia . Volume 33 (1899), pp. 412f.
  • Ludwig Traube : Rudolf Peiper . In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity . 29th year 1901 (1902), volume 111 (1902). Nekrologe (= Biographical Yearbook for Classical Studies . Volume 24, 1901 (1902), pp. 14-27.)
  • Ferdinand MeisterPeiper, Rudolf . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 53, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1907, pp. 5-8.

Web links

Wikisource: Rudolf Peiper  - Sources and full texts