Rudolf von der Planitz

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Rudolf von der Planitz († May 23, 1427 in Meißen ) was Bishop of Meißen from 1411 until his death .


Rudolf came from the noble family of Planitz, who lived in Vogtland . His father was Captain Hans von der Planitz at Stolpen Castle. Rudolf was a member of the cathedral chapter of Meissen and Merseburg and was there in 1407 provost .

On January 9, 1411 Rudolf was elected Bishop of Meissen, on March 11 by John XXIII. confirmed and consecrated bishop on May 31 in Naumburg Cathedral by Merseburg Bishop Walther von Köckritz . He took over a heavily indebted diocese from his predecessor and had to sell or pledge other property. The Archbishop of Magdeburg Günther II did not recognize Rudolf's election without his consent, as he regarded the diocese of Meissen, which had been exiled since 1399, as a suffragan of Magdeburg. The military clashes that broke out in 1412 were only ended by an armistice in 1415. The Hussites invaded the country, in 1426 a Meissen knight was defeated near Aussig . Rudolf's term of office was marked by efforts to discharge the diocese.

After his death in 1427 he was buried in Meissen Cathedral. Two sandstone fragments of his tomb were preserved in the 18th century; one of the fragments was drawn in 1896.


predecessor Office successor
Thimo from Colditz Bishop of Meissen
Johannes IV Hoffmann von Schweidnitz