Rudolph Hering (Bergrat)

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Rudolph Hering (born January 3, 1803 in Schandau ; † May 12, 1888 in Freibergsdorf ) was a German mining official, among other things the Rudolphschacht in Lauta was named after him.


The son of the raft master and lieutenant Carl Adolph Hering attended the Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Leipzig . In 1821 he became a member of the Corps Montania Freiberg . After completing his studies, he worked from 1828 to 1834 as a protocolist and later as an assessor in the Freiberg Mining Authority. As a miner he then headed the Johanngeorgenstadt Mining Office for four years, succeeding Wilhelm Fischer . In 1838 he was appointed Bergmeister in Marienberg . His successor in Johanngeorgenstadt was Anton Voss on October 24, 1838 . When Hering was assigned to his new office in Marienberg on January 23, 1839, the waterhole shaft at Lauta was renamed Rudolphschacht . On this shaft, which is still present in the Marienberg district of Lauta, a horse peg was rebuilt in 2005/2006 . Since the middle of the 19th century Hering took over the management of the Royal Saxon Copper Hammer Grünthal and moved to Grünthal. In 1858 Hering received the title Bergrat from the Saxon King. In 1873 he retired from active service and moved to Freibergsdorf near Freiberg, where he died 15 years later.
