Gerd Rinesberch

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Gerd Rinesberch , also Rinesberg , historically Ghert Rynesberch , (* before 1316 probably in Bremen ; † 1406 in Bremen) was a vicar and chronicler . Together with Herbord Schene , he wrote the first Low German city ​​chronicle of Bremen.


Gert Rynesberch was probably the son of councilor Reiner Rynesberch, who in turn came from a branch of the Rynesberg family, who were masters of Gut Riensberg . He was only vicar at Bremen Cathedral and also vicar at St. Ansgarii Church since 1365 . He also worked as the legally qualified procurator of the provost of the cathedral .

He became known through the Bremer Chronik, which he wrote together with the canon Herbord Schene, which Peter Koster referred to as Schenen and Rynsbergen Chronica and Schenen Chronica and which was the starting point for other city chronicles in Bremen.

Probably on behalf of the Bremen Council , they began to write a story of the Archbishops of Bremen , but on the advice or urging of a good friend ( ein gudt frundt ), a story of the city developed from it. In addition to documents , the lives of the bishops and local traditions, they used a version of the Lübeck Chronicle from 1112 to 1276 . It started with a translation from Latin into Low German of the Historia archiepiscoporum Bremensium, which was completed at the death of Archbishop Giselbert . However, the translation shows misunderstandings. The subsequent descriptions of local events, which represent an independent work, are of much greater importance.

Johann Hemeling , Mayor of Bremen from 1405 to 1410 , provided the chronicle with numerous insertions in a tendentious arrangement.

Rinesberch died when he was at least 90 years old.


  • The Bremen or Bremen Chronicle:
    • Bremen chronicle of Gerhard Rynesberch and Herbord Schene (first edition) as chap. III, in: Johann Martin Lappenberg : Historical sources of the archbishopric and the city of Bremen (1841) digitized MDZ Munich .
    • Gerd Rinesberch and Herbord Schene: Bremer Chronik . In: Bremen . The chronicles of the cities of Lower Saxony (37th volume), historical commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences by Hermann Meinert (ed.), Carl Schünemann Verlag, Bremen 1968.


  • Wilhelm von Bippen:  Rinesberch, Gerd . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, p. 629.
  • Hermann Meinert: The Bremen Chronicle of Rynesberch, Schene and Hemeling. On their new edition in the series of German city chronicles. In: Bremisches Jahrbuch 48 (1962), pp. 132-138.
  • Herbert Black Forest : The Great Bremen Lexicon . 2nd, updated, revised and expanded edition. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X .
  • Herbert Black Forest: Gerd Rinesberch and Herbort Schene. Clergy, historians and Bremen patriots. In: Ders .: famous Bremer , Munich 1972, pp. 27–31.
  • Herbert Black Forest: The Chronicle of Rinesberch and Schene. Author, editor, tradition. In: Bremisches Jahrbuch 52 (1972), pp. 21-37 ( online ).
  • Walther Stein: The Bremen Chronicle of Rynesberch and Schene. In: Hansische Geschichtsblätter 33 (1906), pp. 139–212.
  • Klaus Wriedt : Rinesberch and Schene, Bremer Chronik . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 7, LexMA-Verlag, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-7608-8907-7 , Sp. 855.


  1. This is what Pierre Monnet suspects: Les Rohrbach de Francfort , Geneva 1997, p. 43.