S / 2003 (379) 1

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(379) Huenna I (S / 2003 (379) 1)
Provisional or systematic name S / 2009 (317) 1
Central body (379) Huenna
Properties of the orbit
Major semi-axis 3336 ± 54.9 km
Periapsis 2600 km
Apoapsis 4100 km
eccentricity 0.222 ± 0.006
Orbital time 87.6 ± 0.026 d
Physical Properties
Albedo ≈ 0.06
Medium diameter 5.8 ± 1.2 km
surface 106 km 2
Medium density ≈ 0.85 - 1.17 g / cm 3
Surface temperature 157 K

Jean-Luc Margot

Date of discovery August 14, 2003

S / 2003 (379) 1 is a moon of the outer main belt asteroid (379) Huenna . Its mean diameter is 5.8 kilometers.

Discovery and naming

S / 2003 (379) 1 was discovered on August 14, 2003 by Jean – Luc Margot using adaptive optics with the 10 m Keck Telescope II at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii . The discovery was announced a day later on August 15, 2003; the moon was given the provisional designation S / 2003 (379) 1 . An official naming by the IAU is still pending.

Track properties

The orbit of S / 2003 (379) 1 around Huenna.

S / 2003 (379) 1 orbits Huenna in an orbit at a very wide mean distance of between 3300 and 3400 kilometers from its center (about 27.6 Huenna radii). The eccentricity of the orbit is a high 0.222, the inclination of the orbit has not yet been determined.

S / 2003 (379) 1 circumnavigates Huenna with 87.6 days, therefore exceptionally slowly; this corresponds to only about 23.2 orbits in a Huenna year (about 5.57 earth years).

The orbit of S / 2003 (379) 1 is assumed to be stable because it is well within Huenna's Hill radius of 15,000 km, but also well outside the synchronous orbit.

Physical Properties


According to current data, S / 2003 (379) 1 has a diameter of 5.8 km (almost 1/15 of the central body), based on Huenna's estimated density of 0.85 - 1.17 g / cm 3 and the corresponding assumed equal reflectivity of 6%.

Assuming a mean diameter of 5.3 km, the surface area is about 105.7 km 2 , which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the German island of Sylt .

Determination of the diameter for S / 2003 (379) 1

year Dimensions km source
2003 7.1 IAU
2008 5.8 ± 1.2 Marchis et al

The most precise determination is marked in bold .

internal structure

Since S / 2003 (379) 1 has a similar color to the mother body, it is assumed that the moon is made of the same material as Huenna and therefore has the same spectral type (B or C). Due to the similar spectrum, S / 2003 (379) 1 is either a fragment from a former collision on Huenna or a fragment of the collision that created the Themis family.

The mean surface temperature is 159  K (−114 ° C).

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Daniel WE Green: IAUC No. 8182: S / 2003 (379) 1 discovery publication (August 2003). Retrieved September 13, 2017 .
  2. ^ Franck Marchis: 379 Huenna and S / 2003 (379) 1. Retrieved September 13, 2017 .
  3. Franck Marchis et al .: Main belt binary asteroidal systems with eccentric mutual orbits (May 2008) (PDF). Retrieved September 13, 2017 .
  4. Francesca DeMeo et al .: A spectral comparison of (379) Huenna and its satellite (February 2011) (PDF). Retrieved September 13, 2017 .
  5. Francesca DeMeo et al .: (379) Huenna's Satellite: A Chip Off The Block . February 2011, bibcode : 2010DPS .... 42.3919D .