Sabine Hackenschmidt

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Sabine Hackenschmidt

Sabine Hackenschmidt (born May 13, 1873 in Jägerthal , † June 6, 1939 in Strasbourg ) was an Alsatian painter, graphic artist and draftsman as well as art historian.


Sabine Hackenschmidt was the daughter of pastor Karl Hackenschmidt , who had lived in Strasbourg with his family since 1882. From 1902 to 1904 she studied at the Karlsruhe Art Academy with Walter Conz and Franz Hein and with Lothar von Seebach . From 1905 to 1913 she worked as a drawing teacher at the teacher training institute in Strasbourg. From 1913 to the end of 1938 she worked on the graphic collection of the Strasbourg museums .

During his stay in Strasbourg in 1915, she brought Max Beckmann the graphics of the 16./17. Century closer. He portrayed her several times:

  • 2 pencil drawings in Sketchbook 13 (1915), Washington, National Gallery of Art
  • Portrait of Sabine H. Pencil drawing (1915), formerly Munich, private collection
  • 2 pencil drawings (1915), Leipzig, Museum of Fine Arts .
  • Portrait of SH (1928). Oil on canvas, Christie's London, February 3, 2004, no.200


  • Calendrier alsacien. Douze vues de l'Alsace d'après les dessins de S. Hackenschmidt. Strasbourg 1912-1914.
  • Alsace-Lorraine and the Vosges. Alsace-Lorraine Tourist Office, Strasbourg 1911 (illustrations).
  • Henry Wolf . In: Strassburger Post 1916, No. 349.
  • with Alfred Reh: Un dessin inconnu de Wenzel Hollar, le péage du Wickhäusel. In: Archives alsaciennes d'histoire de l'art 1927, pp. 50–55.
  • Sur un paysage de Caspar Isenmann . In: Archives alsaciennes d'histoire de l'art 1928, pp. 45–55.


  • Anna Maria Renner: The painter and graphic artist Sabine Hackenschmidt, Strasbourg . In: Mein Heimatland 28, 1941, pp. 9-11.
  • Christiane Zeiller: "It's very peculiar here, you can concentrate very much on yourself ...". Max Beckmann in Strasbourg . In: Contributions 2004–2005 (= booklets of the Max Beckmann Archive 8). Munich 2006, pp. 95-107.
  • Gerard Forche: Sabine Hackenschmidt (1873–1939), une artiste peintre très attachée à Obersteinbach . In: L'outre-forêt 142, 2008, pp. 49-52.
  • Lika, Dorette, Hella ... femmes affichistes en Alsace de 1900 à 1980 . Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Strasbourg 2009, ISBN 2-85923-037-8 , pp. 42–43 ( digitized version ).
  • Catrin Ritter: Hackenschmidt, Sabine . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 67, de Gruyter, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-598-23034-9 , p. 148.


  1. ^ Christiane Zeiller, Gerd Presler: Max Beckmann. The sketchbooks. Volume 1, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2010, ISBN 978-3-7757-2274-2 , pp. 355-356 fol. 6r , 8r .
  2. Stephan von Wiese: Max Beckmann's graphic work 1903-1925 . Droste, Düsseldorf 1978, ISBN 3-7700-0475-2 , p. 204 no.277.
  3. Max Beckmann. Drawings from the Mathilde Q. Beckmann estate . Wienand, Cologne 1998, ISBN 3-87909-613-9 , pp. 90-91. 220 No. 133-134.
  4. ^ Erhard and Barbara Göpel: Max Beckmann, catalog of the paintings . Volume 1, Bern 1976, p. 210 No. 290; Entry in the auction catalog .

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