Salix annulifera

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Salix annulifera
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Willow family (Salicaceae)
Genre : Willows ( Salix )
Type : Salix annulifera
Scientific name
Salix annulifera
C. Marquand & Airy Shaw

Salix annulifera is a small shrub from the genus of the willow ( Salix ) with up to 8 centimeters long leaf blades. The natural range of the species is in China.


Salix annulifera is a shrub up to 50 centimeters high with thick, upright or ascending branches. The twigs are initially hairy and fluffy and later bald. Young twigs are brown and blackish when dried. The leaves have a 1.5 centimeter long, downy hairy stem. The leaf blade is 2 to 5, rarely 8 inches long, 1.5 to 2.5, rarely 3.5 inches wide, obovate-elliptical, with a blunt-rounded tip, a wedge-shaped or rarely blunt-rounded leaf base and a narrowly notched leaf margin. The upper side of the leaf is dull green and glabrous, the underside light green, initially gray-white fluffy hairy and later balding.

As inflorescences growing are at the ends of branches kitten formed. Male kittens are 2 to 4 inches long and have a hairy inflorescence axis. The bracts are about half as long as the stamens, obovate-oblong, densely hairy with a more or less truncated tip and slightly irregular or densely serrated leaf margin. Male flowers have an adaxial and an abaxial nectar gland. The two stamens are 5 to 6 millimeters long, the stamens are hairy down three quarters to the entire length. Female inflorescences are about 3.5 centimeters long and reach a length of 11 centimeters when the fruit is ripe. The bracts are obovate-oblong, sparsely hairy on the underside, with a marginal tip. Female flowers have an adaxially located nectar gland. The ovary is hairy gray-white. The style is conspicuous, with entire margins or bilobed, the stigma has two columns or two stigmas are formed. Salix annulifera flowers from July to August, the fruits ripen in August.

Occurrence and location requirements

The natural range is in bushes on mountain slopes at 3400 to 4100 meters in the northwest of the Chinese province of Yunnan and in the east of Tibet .


Salix annulifera is a kind from the kind of willow ( Salix ), in the family of the pasture plants (Salicaceae). There it is assigned to the Floccosae section . It was first scientifically described in 1929 by Cecil Victor Boley Marquand and Herbert Kenneth Airy Shaw . The generic name Salix comes from Latin and was already used by the Romans for various types of willow.

There are four varieties :

  • Salix annulifera var. Annulifera bracts with slightly and irregularly serrated leaf margin.
  • Salix annulifera var. Dentata S. D. Zhao Bracts with a densely serrated leaf margin.
  • Salix annulifera var. Glabra P. Y. Mao & WZ Li Bracts glabrous with entire tips and glabrous stamens.
  • Salix annulifera var. Macroula C. Marquand & Airy Shaw Foliage leaves with a long stalk and large, 8 cm long and 3.5 cm wide leaf blades and up to 11 cm long catkins.



  • Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven (Ed.): Flora of China . Volume 4: Cycadaceae through Fagaceae . Science Press / Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing / St. Louis 1999, ISBN 0-915279-70-3 , pp. 210-211 (English).
  • Helmut Genaust: Etymological dictionary of botanical plant names. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7 (reprint from 1996).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix annulifera , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, p. 210
  2. Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix Sect. Floccosae , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, p. 234
  3. Exactly: Etymological Dictionary of Botanical Plant Names , p. 552
  4. Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix annulifera . Var annulifera , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, page 210
  5. Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix annulifera var. Dentata , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, page 210
  6. Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix annulifera var. Glabra , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, page 211
  7. Cheng-fu Fang, Shi-dong Zhao, Alexei K. Skvortsov: Salix annulifera var. Macroula , in the Flora of China , Volume 4, p. 211

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