Salmo cenerinus

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Salmo cenerinus
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo cenerinus
Scientific name
Salmo cenerinus
Nardo , 1847

Salmo cenerinus is a species from the family of Salmonidae (Salmonidae), which in Northern Italy from Po to Isonzo and the north slope of Apennines occurs. The species has been released to various waters outside of its original range, which may include the Isonzo area. Hybridizations with introduced trout ( Salmo trutta )probably also occurred in various places.


Salmo cenerinus is up to 80 centimeters long in lakes and only 40 centimeters long in running waters. They also show the bar-like youth drawing over a length of 100 centimeters, the bars being clearly stretched vertically. Black, dark brown and red spots are present all over the body. The caudal fin is slightly indented.

Way of life

The species inhabits clear, fast-flowing and well-ventilated watercourses in the hill country, as well as subalpine and alpine lakes, whereby two different morphs occur ("brown trout" and "lake trout"). Aquatic insects and other invertebrates serve as food; large individuals also prey on fish. The spawning season depends on altitude and temperature and is between November and February. Spawn is deposited in smaller tributaries on the gravel bottom. Males become sexually mature at two, females at three, and the maximum age is at least eight years.


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