Salmo lourosensis

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Salmo lourosensis
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo lourosensis
Scientific name
Salmo lourosensis
Delling , 2010

Salmo lourosensis is a species from the family of Salmonidae (Salmonidae), the endemic of the top 24 in flow kilometers Louros occurs in Greece.


The species reaches a standard length of 28 to 39 centimeters and a total length of up to 45 centimeters with a weight of 370 to 1100 grams at the age of four . It differs from all other Salmo species occurring on the Balkan Peninsula in its sturdy build with a short, broad head and the absence of teeth on the third pharyngobranchial (uppermost bone of the third gill arch). 73–77% of the standard length lies in front of the anal fin . The height of the body is 26–30% of the standard length, the length of the tail stem 18–19%. The sides of the head and body shimmer golden and there are numerous small black spots on the gill cover and the upper third of the flanks. Eye-shaped red spots are found all over the flank. Both types of spots are more densely distributed in the front part of the body. They have 18–21 gill spines and the number of fin rays is 11–13 for the dorsal, 9–11 for the anal and 18–20 for the caudal fin. The pectoral fins have 11-14 and the pelvic fins 9-10 rays. The dorsal fin has small black and red spots, the other fins are yellowish with orange ends and a whitish front edge of the dorsal and anal fin.

Way of life

The species lives in clear, fast-flowing waters on limestone . It is relatively fast-growing and can reach an age of at least seven years.


The species is likely to be threatened with extinction from overfishing , habitat loss, and competition from introduced Salmo species.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c A. Ntakis, R. Liasko, A. Oikonomou, ID Leonardos: Growth pattern of an endemic and endangered West Balkan Peninsula trout species (Salmo lourosensis, Delling, 2010) . In: Journal of Applied Ichthyology . 2014 (English).
  2. a b Bo Delling: Diversity of western and southern Balkan trouts, with the description of a new species from the Louros River, Greece (Teleostei: Salmonidae) . In: Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters . tape 21 , no. 4 , 2010, p. 331-344 (English). ( Initial description )
  3. a b Maurice Kottelat , Jörg Freyhof : Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes . Publications Kottelat, Cornol 2007, ISBN 978-2-8399-0298-4 , pp. 426 .
  4. Roman Liasko, Chryssa Anastasiadou, Alexandros Ntakis, Christos Gkenas, Ioannis D. Leonardo: Morphological differentiation among native trout populations in North-Western Greece . In: Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki . tape 17 , 2012, p. 33–43 (English, full text [PDF]).

Web links

Salmo lourosensis on (English)