Salmo taleri

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Salmo taleri
Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Order : Salmonid fish (Salmoniformes)
Family : Salmon fish (Salmonidae)
Genre : Salmo
Type : Salmo taleri
Scientific name
Salmo taleri
( Karaman , 1933)

Salmo Taleri is a species from the family of Salmonidae (Salmonidae), which is endemic in the upper Zeta and in the area of the Morača in Montenegro occurs. The species status has not been conclusively clarified.


Salmo taleri reaches a length of up to 30 centimeters, with 47-49% of the standard length in front of the dorsal fin and 75-79% in front of the anal fin . The height of the body is 23–29% of the standard length. The flanks and the head show a few black spots. There are also dark, wine-red spots.

Way of life

The species colonizes mountain streams. Otherwise nothing is known about the way of life.


Web links

Salmo taleri on (English)