Salvador Martínez Silva

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Salvador Martínez Silva (born March 30, 1889 in Zamora , Michoacán , Mexico , † February 7, 1969 ) was auxiliary bishop in Morelia .


Salvador Martínez Silva received on 30 October 1912, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On August 10, 1940, Pope Pius XII appointed him . the titular bishop of Iasus and ordered him auxiliary bishop in Zamora . The Bishop of Zamora, Manuel Fulcheri y Pietrasanta , donated him episcopal ordination on December 11th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Antequera , José Othón Núñez y Zárate , and the Archbishop of Guadalajara , José Garibi y Rivera .

In 1951 Salvador Martínez Silva was appointed auxiliary bishop in Morelia.

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