Samuel Troilius

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Samuel Troilius SP183.jpg

Samuel Troilius (born May 22, 1706 in Stora Skedvi , † January 18, 1764 in Uppsala ) was a Swedish Evangelical Lutheran theologian and clergyman, most recently Archbishop of Uppsala .


Troilius, son of a pastor, enrolled at Uppsala University in 1724 . After a few years as a private tutor to the sons of Professor Johan Upmarck Rosenadler , he completed his studies in 1732 with the dissertation De magnetismo morum naturali . In 1736 he was chaplain to Count Ture Bielke , in 1740 court chaplain to King Friedrich and his wife Ulrika Eleonore , who elected him confessor in 1741 and promoted him to court preacher in 1742. In addition, he officiated as the main pastor ( kyrkoherde ) at the Riddarholmskyrkan and the Klarakirche in Stockholm.

In 1751 he was appointed Bishop of Västerås and shortly thereafter acquired the dignity of Dr. theol. In November 1758 he was appointed Archbishop of Uppsala and served as the highest dignitary of the Church of Sweden until his death . From 1746 he belonged to the pastorate of the Reichstag (1760–1762 as its spokesman) and emerged as a supporter of the “ Hat Party ”.

In 1760 he was accepted into the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences .


Troilius married Anna Elisabeth Angerstein in 1740 and, after her death in 1750, Brita Elisabet Silfverstolpe the following year. From each marriage there were seven children who were ennobled with the name of Troil in 1756 . The third oldest son Uno von Troil was also Archbishop of Uppsala from 1786 to 1803.


  • Samuel Troilius . In: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson (eds.): Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon . 2nd Edition. tape 2 : L – Z, including supplement . Albert Bonniers Verlag, Stockholm 1906, p. 636 (Swedish, ).

Web links

Commons : Samuel Troilius  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Henrik Benzelius Archbishop of Uppsala
Magnus Beronius