San Lorenzo (Sahagun)

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Sahagún - three apsidial choir and crossing tower of the Iglesia de San Lorenzo

The church of San Lorenzo in the small town of Sahagún is one of the greatest examples of Mudejar brick architecture in Spain , along with the neighboring church of San Tirso .


The church is located on the outskirts of Sahagún in the province of León in the autonomous region of Castile-León about one kilometer east of the Río Cea . Its apse is oriented to the south-east, in contrast to the easting that was common in the Middle Ages .


A church of the same name is mentioned in Sahagún as early as 1110, but it can only have been a previous building. The three apsidial late Romanesque choir and the crossing tower of the three-aisled church were built in the first half of the 13th century; Nothing is known about the client (s) - it could have been a priory church , because simple parish churches were usually smaller and less expensive. A little later than the choir area was nave in Gothic style completed. While the west facade is completely unadorned, a broad portico was placed in front of the portal in the south aisle wall in the 15th or 16th century .


Apses and crossing tower

Church from the southwest

The three apses of the choir section show the two-storey blind arcade structure that is common in Mudejar architecture , with the middle arcades of the main and south apses being extended upwards and protruding into a more simply decorated zone below the eaves . All arcades are horseshoe-shaped . The decor of the central apse also shows several tooth-cut friezes made of slanted stones. The upper zone of the north apse is less complex. There is a round stair tower in the corner between the nave and the north apse .

The crossing tower also shows blind arcades on all four sides in the lower area with a tooth-cut frieze above. The arcades of the three upper floors are open, whereby the window and sound openings of the compact upper floor are no longer stepped back.

Portico and west portal

The portico's arcades, which are generally less structured, rest on mighty square plinths. The arcade in front of the south portal is particularly emphasized by its height and a gable field above it with a round ocular . The unspectacular west portal seems to have been built around the same time; Above is a simple bell gable ( espadaña ) with decorative balusters on the sides .


Walls, brick pillars and the vaults of the three Gothic church naves are plastered and painted white or yellow.


The main altar with the central figure of St. Lawrence with his instrument of torture, the grating, is a masterpiece of baroque altar carving. The lateral fluted columns and their capitals are decorated with gilded fabric decoration and putti heads. In the uppermost zone of the altarpiece , a dove descends from an open sky as a symbol of the Holy Spirit . A side altar shows a Pietà and a figure of Saint Roch .

Web links

Commons : San Lorenzo (Sahagún)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 42 ° 22 '23 "  N , 5 ° 1' 48"  W.