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Sandared, Sjömarken och Viared
Sweden Västra Götaland location map.svg
Sandared, Sjömarken och Viared
Sandared, Sjömarken och Viared
Localization of Västra Götaland in Sweden
State : Sweden
Province  (län): Västra Götalands län
Historical Province (landskap): Västergötland
Municipality  : Borås
Coordinates : 57 ° 43 '  N , 12 ° 47'  E Coordinates: 57 ° 43 '  N , 12 ° 47'  E
SCB code : 5008
Status: Crime scene
Residents : 6602 (December 31, 2015)
Area : 9.68 km²
Population density : 682 inhabitants / km²
List of perpetrators in Västra Götaland County

Sandared is a place in the municipality of Borås in the Swedish province of Västra Götalands län and the historic province (landskap) Västergötland .

Since 2015, the three previously independent villages Sandared, Sjömarken and Viared form (with correspondingly 3160, 2829 and 70 inhabitants in 2010) the Tätort Sandared, Sjömarken och Viared, as they form a now virtually contiguous built-up area, stretching from the eastern end of the lake Viaredssjön along its north bank extends about five to ten kilometers west of Borås city ​​center .

The Sandareds IF ( football ) and Sandareds TK ( tennis ) sports clubs are located in the district of Sandared , while Sjömarkens IF , founded in 1936, and Sjömarkens BTK ( table tennis ) are located in Sjömarken .

In the districts of Sandared and Sjömarken there are several elementary and secondary schools, a swimming pool and day-care centers, sports halls and libraries . There are several beaches at Viaredssjön.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Statistiska centralbyrån : Land area per Tatort, folkmängd and invånare per square kilometer. Vart femte år 1960 - 2015 (database query)