Sanssouci Publishing House

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Sanssouci at Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
legal form GmbH & Co. KG
founding 1954
Seat Munich , Germany
Branch Book publisher

The Sanssouci Verlag is a German book publisher based in Munich .


The publishing house was founded in 1954 by the Swiss Peter Schifferli , the owner of Arche Verlag , initially as an imprint for entertainment literature in Zurich. Since 1995 he belongs to the Munich Carl Hanser Verlag . Today, the Sanssouci Verlag specializes primarily in humor books, gift books, guidebooks and travel guides .

Authors of the publisher

The authors include, for example, Friedrich Ani , Barbara Bronnen , Amelie Fried , Elke Heidenreich , Helme Heine , Erich Kästner , Georg Kreisler , Stanisław Jerzy Lec , Katja Reider , Eugen Roth , Peter Schanz , Anton Chekhov , Martin Walser , Urs Widmer , Hans Zippert and Carl Zuckmayer .

The illustrators include Quint Buchholz , Wolf Erlbruch , Ole Könnecke , Luis Murschetz , Michael Sowa and Hans Traxler .

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