Santissimo Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano

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Basic data
Patronage : St. Mary
Consecration day :
Cardinal Deacon : vacant
Piazza del Foro Traiano, 89 /
Largo del Foro Traiano

00187 Roma

The facade of the Trajan's Forum, on the left the Trajan's Column

Santissimo Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano ( Latin : Ss. Nominis Mariae ad forum Traiani ), also called Santissimo Nome di Maria e Bernardo in literature , is a church in Rome . It was built in the 18th century and is the title church of the Roman Catholic Church and brotherhood church .


The church is located in the II. Roman Rione Trevi directly at the Trajan's Forum , about 25 meters northwest of the Trajan's Column . Along with the couple Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa Maria dei Miracoli on the Piazza del Popolo, together with the church of Santa Maria di Loreto, which rises almost immediately next to it, it forms the second twin church couple in Rome.

History and building history

In the place of today's church there was originally a building from the 15th century, consecrated to St. Bernard .

After the victory of the imperial troops in the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683, Pope Innocent XI. this decisive success can also be attributed to the prayers addressed to Mary. As a result of this view, he founded a festival of the same name, "Mariae Name" (Italian Nome Maria ) on September 12th, the date of the end of the siege. Then a brotherhood, the Congregazione del Santissimo Nome di Maria , which still exists today, was formed ; it was confirmed papally in 1688. The emperors Leopold I and Joseph I belonged to it. This brotherhood acquired the site with the church, which had already fallen into disrepair, and had it demolished for a new building. The builder of the new building was the French architect Antoine Dérizet . Construction began in 1736, the church was essentially built by 1738, the completion of the interior took until 1751.


View inside to the high altar

Dérizet based the floor plan and the entire complex on the neighboring church, but nevertheless created a separate building. While the basement of Santa Maria di Loreto is formed by a cube, Dérizet chose an octagon as the basic shape , albeit not entirely regular, but with different lengths. The length of the church is 30 meters with a width of 25 meters.

The different lengths also lead to unequal treatment of the octagon sides. While the portals or blind portals of the four main axes are flanked with double three-quarter columns according to the Corinthian order, each under an openwork segmented gable , the sides are much simpler. The travées adjoining the corner pilasters of the main axes are only framed by pilasters on the sides. Dérizet erected a surrounding balustrade with figures of saints above the cranked cornice . The dome drum , like the dome itself, is unusually high for the substructure and, in contrast to the neighboring church, is made significantly steeper.

The dome, which is also octagonal, is structured by one arched window on each axis. Between them, double pilasters delimit the respective axes and lead the basic structure of the basement into the dome. This is broken by eight seemingly round windows under a curved gable. The design is clearly similar to the domes of Sant'Agnese in Agone and Sant'Andrea della Valle .


In keeping with its exterior, the building is a central building with seven side chapels, of which the one opposite the portal contains the high altar . The execution with the use of different colored marble in the "classic" delicate rococo colors as well as pseudo marble follows the structures of the exterior. Strong pilasters, also with Corinthian capitals, are placed between the chapels. Above the arcade arches, but below the cornice, the architect added small balconies, so-called corretti . The interior as a whole reveals that the late period of baroque architecture has dawned and is already tending towards classicism ; it is regarded as a “prime example” of this.

Due to the different lengths of the basic structure of the basement, the dome is slightly elliptical . It is heavily gilded and stuccoed. Here you can see that the eight "arched windows" on the outside are not real windows, but contain stucco medallions.

Grundmann comments on the church as a whole: “It shows how strongly the traditions of the 17th century survived in Rome in the 18th century. At the same time, the greater coolness that began around 1730 can be felt ”.

Cardinals of the titular deaconry


Web links

Commons : Santissimo Nome di Maria  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Rosendorfer: Kirchenführer Rom , p. 198.
  2. Grundmann (Ed.): Architekturführer Rom , p. 170.
  3. a b Grundmann (Ed.): Architekturführer Rom , p. 270.
  4. Wundram (Ed.): Reclams Kunstführer , p. 251.
  5. Grundmann (Ed.): Architekturführer Rom , p. 20.

Coordinates: 41 ° 53 ′ 45.9 ″  N , 12 ° 29 ′ 4.3 ″  E