Scherrbach (Jagst)

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Water code DE : 2388196
location Hohenloher and Haller level

Kocher-Jagst Plains


River system Rhine
source on the eastern edge of the Erlich forest northwest of Ilshofen
49 ° 10 ′ 49 ″  N , 9 ° 54 ′ 27 ″  E
Source height approx.  441  m above sea level NHN
muzzle approx. 0.7 km downstream from Kirchberg an der Jagst- Diembot from the left and finally south-east into the central Jagst coordinates: 49 ° 12 '41 "  N , 9 ° 56' 25"  E 49 ° 12 '41 "  N , 9 ° 56 ′ 25 ″  O
Mouth height 317.4  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 123.6 m
Bottom slope approx. 22 ‰
length 5.6 km
Catchment area 11,176 km²

The Scherrbach is a brook in the district of Schwäbisch Hall in north-eastern Baden-Württemberg , which flows from the left into the middle Jagst below the hamlet of Diembot in the small town of Kirchberg an der Jagst after a less than six kilometers long north-east to north run .



The Scherrbach arises on the eastern edge of the Erlich forest a little north of the A 6 passing Ilshofen at around 441  m above sea level. NHN as a straightened ditch accompanied by a field path between large land-cleared fields. The stream initially runs east and turns in a slow left curve at the upper and middle reaches almost northerly. Soon he passes under the K 2542, which leads from Ilshofen in the south to his hamlet of Ruppertshofen in the north. Behind it he moves through the district named after the desert of the same name Alt-Ilshofen . After about one and a half kilometers, the first noticeable inflow from the Schelmenklinge runs from the right , the Scherrbach-Mulde is now about 20 meters higher than the edge of the hills. Less than half a kilometer further, the Schuckhofbach flows into the same side as the next stream , which flows through a 1.5 hectare artificial lake on its middle course.

After a short stretch to the northwest in the direction of its inflow, on which the Scherrbach now shows small meanders for the first time, the Ambach now flows to only about 375  m above sea level. NHN from left to, a stream running almost parallel to the Scherrbach, which also arises a little north of its origin on the eastern edge of the Erlich. In its last north-easterly direction it continues, then the Ruppertshofer Bach from the eponymous village soon flow in from the left and the Steinerlohgraben from the right, which is 2.3 km long and a partial catchment area of ​​2.1 km² the largest inflow of all. Like the others, it is a ditch running in its natural hollow, but mostly dense and with few windings next to a newer dirt road. After this, the now flatter sloping hollow of the Scherrbach broadened laterally and the brook entered the softness of the Kirchberg hamlet Dörrmenz , in whose center the last tributary flows with the Steingassenbach from the west.

When leaving the deeply cut underflow begins sword , ranging in soon, the onset Hangenwald to the shore. At the end of this approximately one kilometer long section, the stream occurs at almost 325  m above sea level. NHN into the Jagstaue. In this the Scherrbach runs for about a hundred meters along the tree line below the left slope and then flows out at 317.4  m above sea level. NHN from the left about 0.7 km below the river bridge from Eichenau to the middle Jagst .

The Scherrbach is 5.6 km long and flows about 124 meters below its origin, its mean bed gradient is 22 ‰.

Catchment area

The Scherrbach drains a 11.2 km² catchment area in a north-westerly to north-westerly direction to the Jagst , which naturally belongs to the lower area of ​​the Haller level of the Hohenlohe and Haller level with its southern part , with its smaller northern part to the sub-areas of Eastern Kocher-Jagst-Riedel and, last but not least, with the small mouth gusset also the sub-area Middle Jagsttal of the neighboring natural area Kocher-Jagst-Plains ; the border between the main structural units runs west-east about the width of Ruppertshofen.

The watershed runs in turns

  • in the northeast against the small Jagst tributary Eichenbach ;
  • in the east against the Heppach, which is also drained above the Scherrbach to the Jagst, and its left tributary Teufelsbach .
  • At the southeast corner, the catchment area of ​​the even higher Jagst tributary Herboldshauser Bach borders on a short stretch .

Then the hydrologically most important part of the watershed begins, beyond the catchment area of ​​the Kocher , namely

  • in the south on the northern edge of Ilshofen the drainage area of ​​the Schmerach , which reaches the Kocher via the Bühler ;
  • in the southwest that of the Hegenbach , which also feeds the Schmerach via an infiltration stretch;
  • in the west that of the Haßfelder Grimmbach , which flows into the Kocher tributary Grimmbach.

To the north-west of Ruppertshofen is at about 460  m above sea level. NHN highest point of the against the Kocher to the almost everywhere 440  m above sea level. Jagst-Kocher watershed towering above the NHN . Behind the last part of the scabbard in the north-northwest

  • The short Leofelser Bach runs alone to the Jagst, here below the Scherrbach.

The total area is almost equally divided between the small towns of Ilshofen in the south and west and Kirchberg an der Jagst elsewhere. The only settlement areas in it are the Kirchberg hamlet Dörrmenz before the beginning of the lower reaches of the Scherrbach and the Ilshofener hamlet Ruppertshofen in the hollow of the left side stream named after the place. In the far south, in the area of ​​the water tower there, the watershed touches the settlement boundary of Ilshofen itself, on this side of it there are almost only buildings used for agriculture.

Tributaries and lakes

List of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, lake area, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Scherrbach at about 441  m above sea level. NHN on the eastern edge of the forest island Erlich north-west of Ilshofen . The stream initially runs northeast.

  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgTakes less than 150 meters before the next from the right and south to about 390  m above sea level. NHN the only slightly over 0.1 km long field path ditch drainage of the two small nut hedge ponds , together just under 0.1 ha, which in a wood on the edge of the field at around 410  m above sea level. NHN lie.
  • (Bach from the Schelmenklinge ) from the right and south to about 395  m above sea level. NHN a few steps before the border with the city of Kirchberg an der Jagst , 0.9 km and approx. 0.5 km². Arises at something below 435  m above sea level. NHN in a ditch next to a field path at its underpass under the A 6 beyond the courtyard group in the upper short .
  • Schuckhofbach (?), From the right and finally south-east to about 370  m above sea level. NHN at a dirt road crossing, 1.5 km and approx. 1.2 km². Arises at about 422  m above sea level. NHN in Feldgewann Romigswinkel also on a dirt road on the city limits of Kirchberg. Initially runs north-northeast past a forest island on the right slope in the stump wood , in which a double trench from the former Haller Landheeg has been preserved.
    After the inlet of the Schuckhofbach, the Scherrbach turns briefly north-west.
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgAfter a long run in a green strip, it flows through a lake dammed behind a field path in the 20th century ( Dörrmenzer See ? Or Schukoffsee ?) With a small wooded island at about 395  m above sea level. Above sea level , 1.5 ha.
    • ( Ditch from the north edge of the stump wood ) from the right and south in the lake, approx. 0.5 km, together with an upward, inconsistently moist channel in the stump wood up to the mountain side of the Heggräben approx. 0.8 km and approx. 4 km². Arises in stump wood at about 430  m above sea level. NHN , as a ditch at about 415  m above sea level. NHN .
      After the lake, the Schuckhofbach flows its last almost 0.4 km west-northwest.
  • Ambach , from the left and west-southwest to about 375  m above sea level. NHN west of the running out Mittelhöhe , 1.8 km and about 0.8 km². Arises at about 440  m above sea level. NHN on the northeast corner of the forest island of Erlichs .
  • Steinerlohgraben , from the right and finally south-southeast to about 372  m above sea level. NHN , 2.3 km and approx. 2.1 km². Arises at about 427  m above sea level. NHN at the passage of the street Kleinallmerspann - Dörrmenz under the motorway and flows in a long curve to the left, initially north-northeast, finally west-northwest.
    • Hofbach , from the right to about 407  m above sea level. NHN from the Gewann Hof , 0.4 km and approx. 0.3 km². Rises at about 425  m above sea level. NHN and runs west-northwest.
  • Ruppertshofer Bach , from the left and west-southwest about 1.2 km east of the center of Ruppertshofen almost opposite the Steinerlohgraben, 1.5 km and about 1.8 km². Arises at about 412  m above sea level. NHN on the frayed western edge of Ruppertshofen.
    After the tributaries Steinerlohgraben and Ruppertshofer Bach, the Scherrbach flows further and further north.
    • Schelmenbach , from the right and southwest to about 373  m above sea level. NHN at the Ruppertshofen sewage treatment plant, 0.8 km and approx. 0.4 km². Arises at about 412  m above sea level. NHN a little south of Ruppertshofen on the road from Ilshofen.
  • Steingassenbach , from the left and west to around 370  m above sea level. NHN near the central intersection in Dörrmenz, approx. 1.5 km and approx. 1.2 km². Arises at about 424  m above sea level. NHN in the Gewann Guttershofen between Ruppertshofen and Leofels and passes through the Gewann Egelsee after the city limits to Kirchberg .
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgAbout 300 meters north of the Steingassenbach origin lies at about 440  m above sea level. NHN close to the watershed of the Leofelser Moortopf near some Leofels turkey stalls, a sealed break-in doline, in which there is temporarily water. Apparently drains through a drain to the Steingassenbach.

Mouth of the Scherrbach from the left and last but not least southeast to 317.4  m above sea level. NHN approx. 0.7 km downstream from Kirchberg an der Jagst- Diembot into the middle Jagst . The stream is 5.6 km long and has a catchment area of ​​11.2 km².


The plateau to the left above the Jagst, on which the streams run as far as Dörrmenz, is made up of shell limestone , on which, however, for the most part a Lettenkeuperschicht ( Erfurt formation ) rests, which in turn is a broad band of Quaternary along the southeast and southern watershed deposited loess sediment . The Scherrbach only reaches the Upper Muschelkalk in the hamlet of Dörrmenz, after which the steeply indented Unterlauftal begins, on the overhang of which into the Jagsttalgrund, about 70 meters lower, there is still Upper Muschelkalk. Some sinkholes still on the plateau show the United karst clothes on. The stream then flows into the Jagst in the floodplain sediment band along the river. When looking at nature, a large subsidence zone across the Scherrbachtal is noticeable, which stretches from around Ruppertshofen via Dörrmenz and the eastern watershed to Kirchberg.

In the catchment area there are some sinkholes, three of which are geotopes: One at the confluence just before the confluence of the Hofbach in the Steinerlohbach, one at the entrance of the upper Steingassenbach into the Röthölzle and the Leofelser Moortopf about 400 meters northwest of it at some nearby turkey stalls in the outside area of the hamlet of Leofels . Another geotope is a small abandoned quarry in the Upper Muschelkalk about opposite the Hofbach estuary; there or close to it the geological map shows the only small island of Upper Muschelkalks on the plateau. There is also an old ravine close to the Schelmenklinge .

Nature and protected areas

The catchment area is almost completely open and is mostly plowed. The forest is limited to the lower reaches sword from Dörrmenz and a few small islands of forest in altitude on the front and some of the watershed. The area on the plateau has been cleared of land, with large arable land, the runs are mostly straightened and accompanied by paved land paths; rows of trees and hedges that accompany them are also mostly laid out.

There are some natural monuments in the area, of which the Leofelser Moortopf, the ravine on the Schelmenklinge, the abandoned quarry and the nearby sinkhole were already mentioned in the geotopes. There is also the Dörrmenzer See / Schukoffsee natural monument (not yet existing in 1937), the northern edge of the Erlich forest near the source of the Ambach and the group of trees around the two small ponds that drain to the upper Scherrbach. Below Dörrmenz is the valley in the landscape protection area Mittleres Jagsttal with side valleys and adjacent areas .

See also

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Scherrbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b Height according to the contour line image on the topographic map background layer .
  2. a b Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  3. a b Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  4. a b Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  5. Lake area after the layer standing waters .
  6. ↑ Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  7. a b c d Length measured on the background layer topographic map .
  8. Name Schuckhofbach after the layers water network (AWG) and water name . On the other hand , the lake through which it flows is called Schukoffsee on the Standing Waters layer , and an adjacent field is called Schukoff on the Real Estate Cadastre layer , a name that is very unusual in the area. Possibly the names mentioned, that of the stream as well as that of the lake, are not very reliable.
  9. Name after the name of a biotope there, which appears on the biotope layer as field trees Dörrmenzer See SW Dörrmenz . Since in this name Dörrmenz appears an explicitly second time for the purpose of localization, the editor Dörrmenzer See seems to be the proper name of the lake. The Standing Waters layer, on the other hand, names Lake Schukoffsee . See also the footnote on the name Schuckhofbach for the stream flowing through it.
  10. length according to the waterway network layer (AWGN) ; a section of the upper reaches of the trench that was not taken into account on the waterway map was measured and added to the background layer topographic map .
  11. Descriptions at best for the associated biotopes on the biotope layer .
  12. The straightening is clearly recognizable when comparing the background layer Topographische Karte with the historical measuring table sheet 6825 Ilshofen from 1937 in the Deutsche Fotothek .
  13. Protected areas on the relevant layers.

Other evidence

  1. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  2. According to the chapter on the old community of Ruppertshofen in the description of the Oberamt Gerabronn from 1847, this upper course was called Scherrbach.
  3. Geology roughly based on: Map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6725 Gerabronn and No. 6825 Ilshofen

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