Script linguistics

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Writing linguistics (sometimes also: grapholinguistics ) is a specialist discipline of linguistics that has been consolidated since the 1980s and in which a number of different research traditions come together that deal with writing , writing systems and the meaning of writing for humans from different angles.

Meaning of the script

The term written linguistics is relatively new: According to Christa Dürscheid , the term probably goes back to Dieter Nerius (1988). However, this only applies to the term itself; Disputes with writing, on the other hand, can be traced back to antiquity, but they were conducted under very different aspects. In 19th and 20th century linguistics, the view that writing was only a secondary phenomenon in relation to spoken language was widespread and known as the dependency hypothesis. In recent times, however, the relationship between spoken and written language has increasingly been interpreted in such a way that it is a question of two independent and equal forms of expression of language. In relation to the written language, one then proceeds from an autonomy hypothesis. Another view of these relationships is represented as the interdependence hypothesis.

A more recent term for a comprehensive science of writing is the word grammatology , which became famous through the work of the same name by Jacques Derrida .

Aspects of Scripture

The following linguistic and paralinguistic disciplines and topics have dealt with linguistics, some independently of one another, and deal with writing:

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Writing linguistics  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Christa Dürscheid: Introduction to Script Linguistics. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2006, p. 12
  2. Florian Coulmas: About writing . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / Main 1982, p. 9, ISBN 3-518-07978-6

See also