Schwyzer Meie

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Schwyzer Meie is a book with a collection of dialect poems from German-speaking Switzerland . It offers the best contemporary overview of the dialect area of ​​this literary genre in Switzerland since the 19th century and into the 1930s.


The anthology of Swiss poetry with the full title Schwyzer Meie. The most beautiful Swiss German poems were edited by the journalist Adolf Guggenbühl and the literary researcher Georg Thürer and appeared in 1938 by the Zurich-based Spiegel Verlag, which ran a dialect division. The publishing house engaged Helmuth Kurtz and August Frey for the graphic design of the book.

To the book title

In Alemannic , the term Meie describes a bouquet of flowers . Its importance has been documented since the late Middle Ages. The use in the sense of an anthology corresponds to the synonymous German "Blutlese" or the Latin Florilegium .

The Zurich music teacher and composer Alfred Stern chose a title with the same term for the dialect song book Liedermeie, which he published in 1951 with the Musik Hug publishing house.


Based on the scarce literature available at the time on Swiss German poetry and dialect songs and in direct contact with dialect writers and publishers, Guggenbühl and Thürer put together an extensive bundle of poems from the 18th to 20th centuries, from which they created 154 pieces and a few smaller verses for the Select and prepare the book. As far as possible, given the unequal regional distribution of the dialect authors, they considered works from all German-speaking cantons.

The collection of poems includes some older poems and folk songs whose authors are not known, and works by 50 writers, half of whom were still active as contemporary authors at the time of the book editorial, such as Josef Reinhart . Some of the authors such as Gottlieb Jakob Kuhn and Franz Josef Schild were among the first dialect poets in Switzerland in the early 19th century, others lived and wrote around the turn of the 20th century, e.g. B. Meinrad Lienert , of whom more than 20 poems are printed in the Schwyzer Meie . The book contains biographical information on the poets and a glossary of special dialect expressions.

Fritz Liebrich , Adolf Frey , Julius Ammann , Traugott Meyer and Dominik Müller are also represented in the volume of poems with several works .

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Individual evidence

  1. Directories and selected texts of Swiss German literature were subsequently published by the specialist journal Schwyzerlüt from 1939 to 1973 .
  2. Schwyzer Meie. The most beautiful Swiss-German poems; ed. by Adolf Guggenbühl and Georg Thürer. 2nd edition Zurich 1938, 235 pages
  3. Maie, meaning 5 in the Schweizerisches Idiotikon , Volume IV, column 5.
  4. Liedermeie. Swiss folk song book for people in traditional costume, singing circles and the family. Edited and edited by Alfred Stern on behalf of the Swiss National Costume Association. Zurich 1951.
  5. The editors quote u. a. Robert Faesi : The harvest of Swiss poetry. Zurich 1928.
  6. Ludwig Tobler : Swiss folk songs. With introduction and comments. 2 volumes, Frauenfeld 1884 and 1886.
  7. z. B. Otto von Greyerz : In the Röseligarte. Swiss folk songs. 6 volumes. Bern 1908–1925.