Rosenheim section of the German Alpine Club

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Rosenheim section of the German Alpine Club DAV e. V.
(DAV Rosenheim)
Logo of the German Alpine Club
purpose To promote and maintain mountaineering, climbing, hiking and other alpine sports, especially for young people, the promotion of rescue from mountain distress, the promotion, the promotion of nature and environmental protection and the maintenance of the landscape, especially in the (pre) Alps, the promotion of youth welfare.
Chair: Franz Knarr Sr. (1st chairman) ,
Josef Müller (2nd chairman)
Establishment date: September 23, 1877
(January 1, 1878 joining the DAV)
as "Section Rosenheim"
Number of members: 10,399 (as of December 31, 2019)
Seat : Rosenheim , Bavaria

The Rosenheim section of the German Alpine Club DAV e. V. ( DAV Rosenheim for short ) is a section of the German Alpine Club in Rosenheim . It was founded on September 23, 1877 as "Section Rosenheim" and joined the DuOeAV on January 1, 1878 as the sixty-first section. The DAV Rosenheim is therefore one of the older and with 10,399 members (as of December 31, 2019) one of the largest sections of the German Alpine Club in 21st place and thus also one of the largest sports clubs in Germany .

Section Chair

A chronological overview of all presidents of the section since it was founded.

Term of office president
1877-1887 Anton Ludwig Christl
1887-1897 Julius Friedrich Mayr
1897-1900 Ludwig Steiner
1900-1905 Georg Finsterwalder
1905-1907 Siegmund Reinsch
1907-1912 Julius Friedrich Mayr
1912-1931 Josef Scheuer
1931-1945 Hans Gallwitzer
1945-1950 Hubert Weinberger
1950-1955 Wilhelm Scheuer
1955-1959 Hans Lobenhoffer
1959-1970 Manfred Rummel
1970-1973 Thomas Trübswetter
1973-1978 Günter Bauer
1979-1987 Ludwig Hieber
Since 1988 Franz Knarr Sr.

Known members

  • 1844–1900 - Wilhelm Leibl, painter
  • 1855–1935 - Julius Friedrich Mayr , doctor, Alpine Club official and writer
  • 1862–1951 - Sebastian Finsterwalder , mathematician and geodesist
  • 1869–1949 - Sepp Heliel, alpinist
  • 1905–1978 - Franz Xaver Kummer , alpinist and screamer
  • 1907–1990 - Georg Mitterer, alpinist
  • 1908–1993 - Christian Schneider
  • 1916–2014 - Hans Lobenhoffer , alpinist, mechanical and wood construction engineer
  • 1927–2012 - Werner Karl , mountaineer and teacher
  • 1933–1962 - Sigi Löw , alpinist
  • 1936–1969 - Jörg Lehne, alpinist on the Grandes Jorasses had a fatal accident
  • 1936– 0000- Georg Haider, alpinist

Honorary members

  • 1983 - Heinz Heidenreich
  • 1994 - Ludwig Hieber (left board member from 1979 to 1987)
  • 1999 - Hans Pertl
  • 2000 - Franz Karlberger
  • 2001 - Dieter Vögele


  • 1962 - Rosenheim Hindu Kush excursion
  • 1972 - Rosenheim Hindu Kush excursion
  • 1977 - DAV General Assembly
  • 1999 - Spitsbergen expedition

Huts of the section

Former hut of the section

Paths of the Section

Climbing facility

  • Christian Schneider climbing hall

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Board of Directors. DAV section Rosenheim, accessed on June 10, 2020 .
  2. a b Section publications, section Rosenheim
  3. a b Section Rosenheim , German Alpine Association, ; Section website
  4. Festschriften section Rosenheim (PDF file)
  5. Point "Hütten"
  6. ways of section Rosenheim
  7. Christian Schneider-climbing gym