Sex education of diversity

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Sexual Education of Diversity: Practical Methods for Identities, Relationships, Body and Prevention for School and Youth Work is a non-fiction book for sex education that was published in 2008 by Elisabeth Tuider and Stefan Timmermanns in Juventa Verlag. From the second edition in 2012, in which an expanded team of authors was involved, the book came under fire.


The book is divided into two parts. In the “first, the principles of sex-pedagogical didactics and methodology used as the basis are presented. The second, much more detailed part presents the collected sex-pedagogical methods on various topics. ”(Daniel Kunz) The authors understand it as a method manual in the tradition of sex-pedagogical materials, as published in 1993 by Uwe Sielert et al. a. were developed.


The book represents diversity as an important value of our society, “which can be learned” and offers “multiple stimuli for development-promoting processes of peaceful coexistence”, said the Lucerne professor of social work and sex pedagogue Daniel Kunz in his mostly positive review from 2008. He however, also noted that the presentation of the social frame of reference in which diversity could unfold was missing. In doing so, he pointed out basic rights that are non-negotiable and that play an important role in “sexuality (s) and partnerships”. In his 2011 book Christian Sexual Education , Stephan Leimgruber published excerpts from Tuider / Timmermann's book.

In his book Homosexual Masculinity between Discrimination and Emancipation (2011), Thomas Hertling writes about the publication of Tuider and Timmermanns that it is based on "above all the insight into the polarization and hierarchization of different sexual orientations to be overcome."

In 2014, the second edition of the book received a number of critical press articles. Among other things, it was emphasized that, in addition to the usual education, the authors also suggest practical exercises that would overwhelm and disturb the children. Examples given in the press listed a task for 15-year-olds in which the interior of a “ pouf for everyone” was to be creatively designed by students in order to develop a sensitivity for different lifestyles and sexual inclinations.

The authors' suggestions were criticized by Ursula Enders from the Zartbitter association . Enders considered the pedagogical game idea presented in the book for a “new brothel for everyone” to be “excessive”. Rather, sex education must provide orientation for dealing with sexuality in a way that respects limits and at the same time offer a protected space for dealing with different sexual identities. “A sexual education of diversity” that works with methods that violate sexual boundaries is a fraudulent label. "This is a new form of sexual violence that also promotes sexual assault by young people," Enders told the FAZ .

The child and adolescent psychotherapist Christina Hennen rated the book as an attempt to break the shame boundaries of children and adolescents. Educators who take advantage of the students' dependency could force obedience, Hennen continues. The supposed aspect of “diversity” and “holism” is just a pretense and a “warmed up story”. Under the auspices of “ gender ” comes back what was already recognized as overriding in the children's shop movement and reform pedagogy . “The children are deliberately confused here. In the process of personality maturation, of course, they need tolerance, but also clarity and structures. "

The biology didactic specialist Karla Etschenberg accused the circle around Tuider and Uwe Sielert of acquiring the authority of interpretation in the field of sex education. Etschenberg saw it as important not to violate proven principles in sex education and not to ignore parents' concerns about a devaluation of their way of life. The Federal Government's Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse , Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig , criticized it as “cross-border and unacceptable” when “pupils should talk about their own sexual experiences in front of the class”, as there is a particular sensitivity for the Limits to intimacy and shame should be drawn as a guiding principle through all methods used in order to strengthen the natural protection against sexual abuse.

As a result of the debate, a number of institutions distanced themselves from Tuider's and Timmermann's book that had previously included it in their literature lists, for example the Federal Center for Health Education , the Hamburg Teachers' Association or the SchLAu acceptance project .

Because of her sexual educational views, the writer Akif Pirinçci published a harsh criticism of Elisabeth Tuider on Facebook in July 2014 , which was then subjected to insults and threats on social media . Tuider was then supported by the social scientist Heinz-Jürgen Voss with a solidarity campaign. Because of the insults against Heinz ‐ Jürgen Voss, the Bonn district court issued a penalty order in the amount of 80 daily rates (at 100 euros) against Akif Pirinçci, who accepted the penalty order.

The German Society for Sociology also announced concerns about current "hate campaigns" without naming them. Arne Dekker , Anja Henningsen , Alexandra Retkowski , Heinz-Jürgen Voß and Martin Wazlawik expressed their solidarity with the sex educators attacked in the position paper of a so-called “network of junior professors who deal in different ways with sexual violence in educational contexts”: “Threats and Humiliation, mockery and aggressiveness, insults, personal defamation, spreading unfounded and insulting rumors as well as deliberately false accusations are actions that harm people personally and are primarily intended to prevent a social and scientific discussion. "


  • Stefan Timmermanns, Elisabeth Tuider: Sexual Education of Diversity. Practical methods on identities, relationships, the body and prevention for school and youth work , Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim / Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-7799-2075-5
  • Elisabeth Tuider, Mario Müller, Stefan Timmermanns, Petra Bruns-Bachmann, Carola Koppermann: Sexual Education of Diversity. Practical methods on identities, relationships, the body and prevention for school and youth work , Beltz Juventa, Weinheim / Basel 2012, ISBN 978-3-7799-2088-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lena Greiner, Alexander Demling: Dispute about sex education: "Young people watch porn anyway" , Spiegel Online, November 13, 2014
  2. Stefan Timmermanns is the substitute professor for diversity in social work with a focus on sex education / sexual education and diversity management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Website ( Memento of the original from August 3, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Daniel Kunz. Review of September 8, 2009 to: Stefan Timmermanns, Elisabeth Tuider: Sexualpädagogik der Vielfalt . Juventa Verlag (Weinheim) 2008, accessed on July 26, 2014.
  4. Stephan Leimgruber: Christian Sexual Education: An emancipatory reorientation - for school, youth work and advice. Kösel-Verlag, 2011, ISBN 978-3-466-37018-4 , chapter: Learning arrangements and methods of sex-educational youth work. P. 153ff.
  5. Thomas Hertling: Homosexual masculinity between discrimination and emancipation (series: Reform and Innovation. Contributions to educational research), LIT Verlag, Berlin / Münster / Vienna / Zurich / London 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-11355-9 , p. 375
  6. ^ Hessian / Lower Saxony General
  7. a b c
  8. Christian Weber: What you never wanted to know about sex. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. No. 94, April 24, 2014, p. 9.
  9. a b c Antje Schmelcher in the FAS of October 14, 2014: Under the guise of diversity - accessed on October 14, 2014.
  10. Martin Voigt in the FAZ of October 23, 2014 :, Bildungswelten, p. 6, education or instructions for sex?
  11. Karla Etschenberg: Viewpoint: Don't ignore the concerns of parents in Fuldaer Zeitung of November 27, 2014, p. 3.
  12. Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig : Sex education has limits. The subject of sex in school lessons must not hurt children's feelings of shame. Otherwise they can more easily become victims of abuse. In: the daily newspaper . February 16, 2015, accessed February 23, 2015 .
  13. Child friends - it goes on. In: Emma . 1/2015, p. 37ff. (without indication of author)
  14. Tuider on her image of contemporary sex education , interview on, June 30, 2014.
  15. The Enlightened Generation - How Do You Teach Sex Education Today? In: SWR2 Forum. May 6, 2014 (audio file; discussion with Elisabeth Tuider and others)
  16. Simone Schmollack, Martin Reeh: Akif Pirinçci provokes a murder call . In: , July 27, 2014, accessed on September 29, 2014.
  17. Author Akif Pirinçci does not let it come to trial Bonner Rundschau from January 19, 2015.
  18. ^ Response of the German Society for Sociology
  19. Position paper: Discussion culture in social and scientific debates ( Memento of the original of December 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /