Dienstedt settlement

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Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 17 ″  N , 11 ° 10 ′ 9 ″  E

Dienstedt settlement
location Thuringia , Germany
Location Dienstedt
Dienstedt settlement (Thuringia)
Dienstedt settlement
When late Roman Imperial Era ,
3rd century AD
Where Dienstedt , Stadtilm / Thuringia
displayed Permanent exhibition Museum of Prehistory and Early History of Thuringia ,
section Roman Imperial Era (Teutons)

The Germanic settlement of Dienstedt from the 3rd century from the late Roman Empire was discovered in 1837 near Dienstedt in the town of Stadtilm in Thuringia . The site became known through a women's grave belonging to the settlement with rich grave goods, which is assigned to the elite graves of the Haßleben-Leuna group and which is believed to be part of a burial ground. The Elbe Germanic settlement is traditionally assigned to the Hermunduren by historical research .

Find description

Most of the settlement was excavated, including a rich women's grave . Large longhouses , a maximum of 30 meters long, with associated pit huts and an unusually large number of storerooms, demonstrate the outstanding role of the settlement, in which agricultural products could be stored. The high-quality turntable ceramic, which looks like imported Roman goods, also highlights the special position of the settlement. Workshops for turntable goods have only been found at a few sites - for example at Haßleben and Leuna - whose products are mostly found as grave goods in grave fields with body burials of the Haßleben-Leuna group, i.e. in elite graves of group 1a.


A grouping of long houses, living hall, three pit houses and nine storerooms seems to correspond to the manor of a family of the Hermundurian elite, which probably also includes the "lady" from the Germanic elite grave of the Haßleben-Leuna group.


Not far from the manor house was a complex of work huts (storerooms and pit houses) with several fire and furnace systems as well as remnants of metalworking production, such as slag, rag , blanks and workpieces made of iron or cut pieces of sheet metal or cast parts made of non-ferrous and precious metal.


The outstanding finds from the Dienstedt settlement are part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Prehistory and Early History of Thuringia in Weimar.


  1. ^ Heiko SteuerDienstedt. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (RGA). 2nd Edition. Volume 5, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1984, ISBN 3-11-009635-8 , p. 409. (accessed via GAO from De Gruyter Online)
  2. ^ A b Heiko SteuerDienstedt. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (RGA). 2nd Edition. Volume 5, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1984, ISBN 3-11-009635-8 , pp. 408-410. (accessed via GAO at De Gruyter Online)
  3. ^ Günther Behm-Blancke : Society and Art of the Germanic Peoples. The Thuringians and their world . 1973, p. 25.
  4. Wolfgang Schlüter : Attempt to differentiate the young imperial body grave group from Haßleben-Leuna based on an analysis of the grave finds . In: Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen Niedersachsen 6. 1970, pp. 117–145, here p. 143.
  5. a b c Cf. Sigrid Dušek : Pre- and early history of Thuringia. Manor house and handicraft skates Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 978-3-8062-1504-5 , pp. 123-124.
