Siegmund Bodenheimer

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Siegmund Bodenheimer (born November 22, 1874 in Heidelberg , † February 7, 1966 in New York City ) was a German-Jewish banker .

Bodenheimer attended grammar school up to sub-secondary and began an apprenticeship in 1890 at the German securities and exchange bank, formerly LA Hahn in Frankfurt / Main, which took him over as an employee in 1892. In 1893 he moved to the private bank Veit L. Homburger in Karlsruhe. In 1894/95 Bodenheimer did his military service as a one-year volunteer . After another three years in the private bank Albert & Richard Loeb in Mannheim, Bodenheimer went to Berlin in 1898, where he worked in the local branch of the Breslauer Disconto-Bank. In 1902 he moved to Darmstädter Bank für Handel und Industrie in Berlin , where he initially worked as an authorized signatory, from 1904 as deputy director, from 1906 as director and deputy member of the board and from 1910 on as a member of the board. When the Darmstädter Bank merged with the National Bank for Germany to form the Darmstädter und Nationalbank (Danat Bank) in 1922, he became one of the business owners of the new institute. From the 1920s Bodenheimer belonged to the Society of Friends .

After the Danat Bank became insolvent in the course of the banking crisis in the summer of 1931 and was taken over by the German Reich, the new owner decided to merge it with the equally badly ailing Dresdner Bank . Bodenheimer became a board member of Dresdner Bank. Two years later, on 30 September 1933, a few months after the seizure of power by the National Socialists, Bodenheimer was forced to resign. In March 1934 he left for Lausanne, Switzerland, and in September 1936 he followed his son to the USA.

After moving to Berlin, Bodenheimer lived from 1907–1911 at Charlottenburger Hardenbergstrasse 20, from 1913–1921 at Meineckestrasse 21 and from 1921 in a privately owned villa in Berlin-Grunewald , Jagowstrasse 29–33. The first address in the emigration was New York, 3/5 Central Park West.

Siegmund Bodenheimer was married to Rosa Maaß (* 1886 in Berlin, † 1966 in New York City) since 1907. The couple had three children: Edgar (* 1908), Gerda (* 1911, married Blau) and Helga (* 1920, married Tüstin).

Membership 1929–1930
