Silvia Kronberger

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Silvia Kronberger (born August 28, 1954 in Linz ) is an Austrian sociologist , head of the Institute for Social Learning and Political Education and the Federal Center for Gender Education and Research at the University of Education in Salzburg Stefan Zweig .

life and work

Silvia Kronberger studied sociology and German at the University of Salzburg . After completing her studies, she worked at the Institute for Cultural Sociology at the University of Salzburg. Gender was at the center of research and teaching. 1997 doctorate it with the dissertation The outrageous daughters. Fräulein Else and Elektra and the social function of hysteria , published in 2002 by StudienVerlag Innsbruck.

From 2003 she headed the gender medicine research program at the Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) and organized the PMU's first conference on women: men’s health: disease . 2003–2011 Silvia Kronberger was an editorial member of the journal Gender Medicine: The Official Journal of the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University.

In 2011 she moved to the University of Education in Salzburg Stefan Zweig, where she set up the Gender Education Coordination Office, which in 2016 became the Federal Center for Gender Education and Research. The Federal Center deals with the nationwide development of gender competence in the areas of research, training, further education and training, as well as information and knowledge management and networking. In 2013 she took over the management of the Institute for Social Learning and Political Education at the PH Salzburg.

The topics of gender and later diversity form the central theme of the entire research and teaching activity, recently with the scientific focus on intersectionality. The main focus in teaching is intercultural dialogue, taking into account the gender aspect.



  • The unheard of gender issues. Gender theory discourses and school practice. In S. Kronberger, C. Kühberger, M. Oberlechner (Hrsg.): Diversity lines in teacher training. Innsbruck: Studien Verlag 2016. (Volume 1 of the series Crossing Points of Educational Education edited by Silvia Kronberger and Manfred Oberlechner.)
  • Gender democracy is nice - but it is a lot of work. Experience with gender democracy and gender equitable language in primary school. In S. Kronberger, C. Kühberger, M. Oberlechner (Hrsg.): Diversity lines in teacher training. Innsbruck: Studien Verlag 2016.
  • Everyone takes out their notebook now! Gender Democracy in School. aep information 3, 2015. pp. 16–19.
  • Focus: Intersectionality - Foreword. Education and teaching 1/2, 2013. pp. 91–92.
  • together with V. Jauk: Gender budgeting in the municipal budget. Benefits, theory and practice. Vienna: Manz Verlag 2012.
  • Time and gender. In: Austrian Women's Health Report 2010/2011 (pp. 329–330). Vienna: Federal Ministry of Health, 2011.
  • Are Vegetable Eaters Gay? Gender competence in education and teaching. Education and teaching 7/8, 2011. pp. 689–694.
  • Role model Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten Windsor, Duke of Cambridge? Ultimo special: Burschenarbeit, 2011. pp. 40–41.

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