Austrian State Prize for Adult Education

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The state award for adult education belongs to the group of state awards of the Republic of Austria . It is awarded by the Ministry of Education to people and institutions involved in Austrian adult education .


The Ministry of Education has been awarding the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in a newly designed form since 2008: people and institutions are awarded in up to four categories with alternating thematic focuses by an independent jury of experts in the field of adult education with audience participation.

Price categories

In the “Adult Educators” category, the prize goes to people who have helped shape, supported and promoted Austrian adult education. In the “Innovation” category, imaginative educational offers, concepts, initiatives and projects or institutions of adult education are honored, and in the “Science and Research” category, renowned and influential Austrian scientists and researchers in the field of adult education are honored. For this purpose, the entire work and an individual scientific achievement are awarded alternately, with the winner being determined by a direct selection by the jury. Independent submissions are only possible in the second case. The prize in the “Topic” category focuses on different target groups and institutions of Austrian adult education and thus presents them to a broader public.


Participation is open to all persons and institutions and takes place exclusively online at "Adults". The online applications can be processed with password protection until they are finally sent. The jury nominates the best entries in each category. These will then be presented to the public and will be put to the public voting on "adult". All interested parties have the opportunity to take part in the online vote. The jury will use the results of the voting to make the final decision. The award winners and winning projects are announced and honored in the presence of the Minister of Education in autumn of the respective year as part of a festive award ceremony. The winners are entitled to the title “State Prize Winners for Adult Education”, receive a decorative stele and, in the respective categories, prize money between 3,000 and 5,000 euros .


The Austrian State Prize for Adult Education has a long tradition. The history of his changing names and the content of the award-winning works reflect the development of Austrian adult education in the transition from popular education to adult education as well as its later focus on professional further education towards lifelong learning as well as the trends in content and the changing addressee structure of the last 50 years ( e.g. the concentration on rural regions in the 1950s / 60s and on “marginal” target groups in the 1990s).

The total of 232 award winners awarded between 1956 and 2011 - the call for applications and the award of the award paused in 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 2007; In 1991 the award was not accepted once - they show a quota of women of almost 16 percent (37 women), with an increased proportion of women award winners from 1999 onwards. Not once in the history of its existence has the “appreciation award” gone to a woman. For this, several popular educators / adult educators have received several awards: Hans Altenhuber 1966 and 1993, Karl Dillinger 1965 and 1993, Hans Fellinger 1964, 1971 and 1975, Wilhelm Filla 1982 and 2001, Karl Foltinek 1966 and 1986, Valentin Gillich 1983 and 2004, Ernst Glaser 1957 and 1965, Herbert Grau 1971 and 1974, Karl Gutkas 1961 and 1967, Kurt Kojalek 1962 and 1969, Hubert Lendl 1964 and 1986, Werner Lenz 1979, 1987 and 2011, Franz Müller 1956 and 1969, Aladar Pfniß 1962, 1966, 1970 and 1985, Maximilian Piperek 1959 and 1986, Ignaz Zangerle 1975 and 1983 (see award winners).

Advancement award for popular education 1956–1973

The Austrian State Prize for Adult Education was awarded for the first time in 1956 by the then Federal Ministry for Education as the “Promotion Prize for Popular Education ”. The neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl for his work “Volksbildung im Rundfunk” and the painter and art educator Gerda Matejka-Felden for “The Artistic Adult Education Center” were among the first prizewinners . Among the nine award-winning popular educators in this first year were the high school teacher and founder of the “Association of Star Friends in Austria” Hans Eisner (1915–1993), the teacher, art educator and writer Ludwig Prähauser (1877–1961) and Franz Senghofer (1904 –1998), who was the education secretary of the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions from 1946 to 1972 and in 1958 received the City of Vienna Prize for Popular Education .

In the first year it was awarded, the “Appreciation Prize for Outstanding Achievements in the Interest of Austrian National Education” went to Prelate Josef Steinberger, who was also the holder of the Styrian Ring of Honor . In the following years, the “Promotion Prize for Popular Education” honored between three and eight Austrian popular educators every year.

Among the total of 92 winners from 1956 to 1973 were five women: the aforementioned painter and art teacher Gerda Matejka-Felden (winner 1956), who also received the City of Vienna Prize for Popular Education in 1957, Theresia Weiss (winner 1957), Hedwig Moritz (prize winner 1958), Elisabeth Baumgartner (prize winner 1965) and Katharina Salzmann (prize winner 1968). Aladar Pfniß received three awards during this period (1962, 1966, 1970), two awards went to Ernst Glaser (1957, 1965), Karl Gutkas (1961, 1967), Felix Riccabona (1962, 1968), Kurt Kojalek (1962, 1969) , Franz Müller (1956, 1969) and Hans Fellinger (1964, 1971).

The “Appreciation Prize for Outstanding Achievements in the Interest of Austrian National Education” was awarded four times between 1956 and 1973: 1969 to Hans Commenda for his life's work, 1958 to the popular educator, philosopher and politician Karl Lugmayer , 1956 to the aforementioned Josef Steinberger and 1958 to the poet and educational functionary Josef Luitpold Stern , who is also the holder of the Ring of Honor of the City of Vienna . The title and thus the content of the work awarded the “Promotion Prize for Popular Education” show that the focus of popular education, right from its roots, lay on practical educational offers, which “largely outside the state responsibility and the public education system - so to speak, 'from below' - as mostly voluntary offer for adult people to satisfy their general, cultural, political, professional and religious (further) education needs ”. Between 1956 and 1973 there are works on marriage and parenthood (Hedwig Moritz 1958, Hans Moritz 1961, Felix Riccabona 1962 and 1968), on theological adult education (Eduard Eisterer 1959, Hans Steiner 1962, Johann Lenzenweger 1972, Roman Angulanza 1973) and on Music / art and education (Gerda Matejka-Felden 1956, Ludwig Prähauser 1956, Ernst Huber 1960, Robert Schollum 1960, Leopold Demler 1963, Friedrich Wagner 1963, Karl Gutkas 1967, Robert Schmitt 1969). A striking number of works dealt with the topic of education and the media (Viktor E. Frankl 1956, Ludwig Gesek 1956, Josef Pöppl 1958, Ferdinand Kastner 1959, Roman Herle 1960, Franz Zöchbauer 1960, Karl Hischbold 1961, Rudolf Fochler 1962, Augustin Kinzel 1962, Friedrich Steinbock 1963, Hermann Weber 1967, Norbert Janitschek 1972, Hans Muhr 1972) and with socio-spatial aspects and conditions of education (Reinhold Friedl 1956, Egon Lendl 1956, Franz Müller 1956, Wolfgang Dobesberger 1957, Theresia Weiss 1957, Eugen Matt 1958, Walter Haminger 1959, Franz Kirnbauer 1960). This content-related focus on reaching the rural population and the working class with offers of adult education and on radio and television in the service of adult education reflects the development of Austrian adult education in the 1950s and 60s.

Advancement award for adult education 1974–1983

In 1974, not least as a result of a stronger scientific basis for organized learning for adults (in Germany in the 1960s / 70s, in Austria a little later), the award was renamed the “Promotion Prize for Adult Education”. A total of 44 adult educators received this award between 1974 and 1983, including ten women. In 1981, for the first time in the history of the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education, the female winners (Annemarie Aufreiter, Rosemarie Kurka, Eva Lach, Helga Renner, Erika Stubenvoll and Gertrud Simon) dominated - this was also the year in which eleven people were awarded it for the first time Awards were received, the years before there had been an average of four to five people.

The “Appreciation Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Interest of Austrian Adult Education” went posthumously in 1974 to Herbert Grau, initiator and from 1958 until his death in 1973 head and reporter of the “Salzburg Talks for Leaders in Adult Education”, which was an important place from 1958 to 2007 the meeting of adult educators from all over Europe and beyond. In the same year, the director of the Vienna Urania and long-time general secretary of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers Wolfgang Speiser and Franz M. Kampfhammer were honored with the appreciation award. Hans Fellinger received this award in 1975, as did Ignaz Zangerle, who in 1983 was even repeatedly awarded - and thus as the only one in the history of the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education twice - to receive an appreciation award. In 1982 Josef Eksl and Aldemar Schiffkorn also received the award . There were thus a total of six dignitaries, including not a single woman, as was the case between 1956 and 1973. On the basis of the titles and topics of the award-winning works, it can be determined that in-company further training, professional adult education and worker education have meanwhile increasingly moved into the focus of adult education. In numbers, there were eight of the total of thirty papers that discussed this question (Auguste Jedina-Palombini and Georg Piskaty 1974, Monika Petermandl-Knossalla 1977, Gottfried Hantschk and Johann Steinringer 1979, Heinz Etlinger 1979, Peter Schreiner and Maria Wechselberger 1980, Annemarie Aufreiter and Rosemarie Kurka 1981, Georg Hahn 1981, Valentin Gillich, Enrique Grabl and Gerhard Pongratz 1983).

State Prize for Adult Education 1984–1987

In 1984 the award was renamed "State Prize for Adult Education". Between 1984 and 1987 it was awarded to eight people (including no women). a. to Werner Lenz, the longtime head of the adult education department at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz for his work “Textbook of Adult Education”. The content and topics of the award-winning works followed those of previous years: parenting education (Karlo Hujber 1984), Catholic adult education (Robert Kissinger, Johannes Dantine and Ulrich Trinks 1984), libraries (Heimo Gruber 1985, Ernst Milota 1986) and professional education Adult education (Stefan Veigl 1984).

The award of an “Appreciation Prize for Outstanding Achievements in the Interest of Austrian Adult Education” was retained during this period. In 1986, the “Great Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria for outstanding achievements in the interest of the Austrian adult education ”. This award went to Karl Foltinek (1992–2003), head of the cultural office in Vienna. Among the dignitaries in 1985 and 1986 were Aladar Pfniß, who had previously received three sponsorship awards, Hubert Lendl, who had already received the sponsorship award for popular education in 1964, and Eduard Seifert and Maximilian Piperek, who received the sponsorship award for popular education in 1959.

Advancement award for adult education, library system and folk culture 1989–1998

After a break in 1988, it was revised and renamed. The award, now known as the “Promotion Prize for Adult Education, Library and Folk Culture ”, was no longer advertised and awarded annually over the next decade, but only in 1989, 1990 and 1991, in 1989 and 1990 supplemented by that to Norbert Kailer and In 1990 Alfred Pfoser was awarded the “State Prize for Adult Education, Libraries and Popular Culture”. In 1991, the promotion award was also not accepted, once in the history of the Austrian State Award for Adult Education, by Wilhelm Filla, who was the acting Secretary General of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers until 2012. Furthermore, in the period from 1988 to 1998 the "Appreciation Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Interest of Austrian Adult Education" was awarded, in 1993 to Hans Altenhuber and Karl Dillinger, both already winners of the advancement award for popular education, in 1998 to Bernhard Ingrisch and Viktor Wallner. There is not a single woman among the winners of this period.

Promotion Prize / State Prize for Adult Education 1999–2004

1999 to 2004, the terms "State Prize for Adult Education" and "Promotion Prize for Adult Education" used between 1984 and 1987 and 1974 and 1983 were reset. Eleven of the eighteen prize winners in this period were women, making the proportion of women outweighed for the first time in the history of the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education. The topics and content of the award-winning works indicate a move towards the new target groups of adult education, which had increasingly come into focus since the 1990s. “10 years of re-entry courses for women at the BFI Tirol” (Angelika Faccinelli and Renate Zennebe 1999), “Adult education without barriers” (Doris Brunner and Ingrid Treffner 2000), “Education and communication center for women’s transmission” (Renate Fleisch and Lidija Milon 2001), “ Roma 2000 "(Horst Horvath 2002)," Women farmers - Austrian mountain farmers' association - women's work "(Monika Mlinar 2003) and" E-learning for shift workers "(Valentin Gillich, Peter Hochegger, Claus Rosenberg and Melanie Weinhandl 2004). The tradition of awarding prizes had finally been broken. In addition, only two to four people were honored each year; H. the number of prize winners had been drastically reduced compared to the early years of the “Promotion Prize for Popular Education”.

Awards 2005–2006

From 2005 to 2006 there was a new conceptual and content-related concept. Following the guiding principle of the “Learning brings it” campaign, individuals were honored for the first time for their extraordinary educational careers. For this purpose, the "Award - Education Champion" was introduced, which in 2005 went to Herta Bacher (Education Champion), Matthias Fenkart, Angelika Gruber, Maximilian Handlos and Renate Wawra, and in 2006 to Friedrich Bauer, Ishraga Mustafa Hamid, Elisabeth Niederl and Franz Ortner. Scientific work was also recognized. Andrea Fritsch and Friederike Kohsem won the "Awards - State Prize for Adult Education - Science" in 2005 for their work on basic education with prisoners ("... What I cannot do is too difficult for me. And what I cannot do, I am not interested in ...") and 2006 Manfred Jochum for “Until we hear and see pass. Stumbling blocks on the way to a new media reality. ”In 2006 an“ Awards - Advancement Prize for Adult Education - Science ”was given, to Monika Himsl for“ Cin Ali Learning Club Library ”and to Marianne Prenner for“ The use of the Internet in political projects Education for women based on the practical example of the Burgenland women's platform ”. The 2005 and 2006 winners included a total of nine women and five men - as in the period from 1994 to 2004, the proportion of women predominated. The award-winning works continue the trend of the 1990s of wanting to attract new and marginalized target groups for adult education offers.

Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2008-today

After a break in 2007, the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture, Adult Education Department revised and redesigned the "Austrian State Prize for Adult Education" and announced it for the first time in four price categories. The decisions about the winners and winning projects are made by an independent jury, taking into account the results of a public vote.

year Adult educator innovation Thematic focus science
2008 Peter Maier die Consultants® for the eHospital project 2008: intercultural dialogue

VHS Götzis for the project The same planet

Katrin Zechner
2009 Antje Doberer-Bey BFI -Linz in cooperation with Linz09 and AMS Linz with the KULTURLOTSINNEN project 2009: creativity

International center for cultures and languages ​​for the Interkultur-Tandem® project for police and migrants

Complete works

Arthur Schneeberger

2010 Eva-Maria Lass-Kuloglu Tyrolean working group for integrative development for the FreiRaum project 2010: Integration through education

Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH / VHS Ottakring , Verein Projekt Integrationshaus and VHS Rudolfsheim / Fünfhaus for the Dynamo project

Franz Kolland for the study Education and Active Aging - Movement in Retirement
2011 Focus: educational counseling

Walter Hotter

Hans-Joachim Gögl and Josef Kittinger for the project "Days of Utopia - Drafts for a Good Future" in the St. Arbogast Education Center 2011: Volunteering in adult education

Asylkoordination Österreich for the "training of volunteer helpers for young refugees" (developed for the sponsorship project "connecting people")

Complete works

Werner Lenz

2012 Ursula Kubes-Hofmann Association for the promotion of work, education and the future of women abz * austria 2012: Intergenerational learning

Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH for the project Together smart in municipal housing - training of older learning guides in municipal housing

Solveig Haring for the article New Media - Old Women
2013 Fritz Bauer only three categories advertised 2013: Political Education

InterACT, workshop for theater and socioculture for the project "Interactive, participatory and political theater work"

Complete works

Hubert Christian Ehalt

2015 Sonja Muckenhuber only three categories advertised 2015: Digital Literacy

Free online learning, a cooperation project TU Graz, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, BIMS eV and VÖV

Ariane Sadjed, Annette Sprung & Brigitte Kukovetz -

Migration-related competencies in continuing education

2017 Dagmar Ransmayr only three categories advertised 2017: Quality development

Frauenstiftung Steyr / Verein Frauenarbeit Steyr for quality development in the validation of informally and non-formally acquired skills

Complete works

Elke Gruber

Prize winners

In the following, all award winners are listed according to years.

year price Award winners
1956 Advancement award for popular education Hans Eisner,
Viktor Frankl ,
Reinhold Friedl,
Ludwig Gesek ,
Egon Lendl ,
Gerda Matejka-Felden ,
Franz Müller,
Ludwig Praehauser,
Franz Senghofer
1956 Appreciation award for outstanding achievements in the interest of Austrian public education Josef Steinberger
1957 Advancement award for popular education Wolfgang Dobesberger,
Ernst Glaser,
Max Pietsch,
Theresia Weiss,
Karl Wolf,
Harald Kopp together with Ingo Wampera
1958 Advancement award for popular education Eugen Matt,
Hedwig Moritz,
Norbert Mylius,
Josef Pöppl,
Rainer Schubert-Soldern
1958 Appreciation award for outstanding achievements in the interest of Austrian public education Josef Luitpold Stern ,
Karl Lugmayer
1959 Advancement award for popular education Eduard Eisterer,
Walter Haminger,
Ferdinand Kastner,
Maximilian Piperek
1960 Advancement award for popular education Josef Freisling,
Roman Herle,
Ernst Huber,
Franz Kirnbauer,
Franz Mittermayr,
Robert Schollum ,
Herbert Zdarzil ,
Franz Zöchbauer
1961 Advancement award for popular education Karl Berger,
Wilhelm Gerlich,
Karl Gutkas ,
Karl Hirschbold ,
Hans Moritz,
Ernst Wenisch
1962 Advancement award for popular education Rudolf Fochler,
Augustin Kinzel,
Kurt Kojalek,
Aladar Pfniß,
Felix Riccabona,
Hans Steiner
1963 Advancement award for popular education Leopold Demler,
Otto Kampmüller,
Gerhardt Kapner,
Friedrich Steinbock,
Friedrich Wagner,
Hans Wittman
1964 Advancement award for popular education Erich Enthofer,
Hans Fellinger,
Hubert Lendl,
Rudolf Müller,
Franz Stauber ,
Erich Zanzinger
1965 Advancement award for popular education Elisabeth Baumgartner,
Karl Dillinger,
Ernst Glaser,
Philipp Krejs,
Richard Olechowski ,
Michael Stickler
1966 Advancement award for popular education Hans Altenhuber together with Aladar Pfniß,
Karl Foltinek,
Rudolf Gönner
1967 Advancement award for popular education Karl Gutkas ,
Norbert Kutalek,
Leo Prüller,
Hermann Weber,
Heinz Weinberger
1968 Advancement award for popular education Herbert Exenberger ,
Felix Riccabona,
Katharina Salzmann,
Karl Heinz Wackerle
1969 Advancement award for popular education Hans Haag,
Kurt Kojalek,
Franz Müller,
Josef Rohringer,
Robert Schmitt
1969 Appreciation award for outstanding achievements in the interest of Austrian public education Hans Commenda (for his life's work)
1970 Advancement award for popular education Aladar Pfniß,
Franz Xaver Pree together with Wolfgang Jellinek,
Isidor Trompedeller
1971 Advancement award for popular education Gerhart Baron ,
Hans Fellinger,
Herbert Grau ,
Josef Klingler,
Walter Sulzberger
1972 Advancement award for popular education Ferdinand Hübner,
Norbert Janitschek,
Johann Lenzenweger,
Gerald Mader ,
Hans Muhr
1973 Advancement award for popular education Roman Angulanza,
Waldemar R. Feiner together with Friedrich J. Pirkl,
Peter Glugovsky,
Walter Göhring,
Robert Rimpel
1974 Advancement award for adult education Johannes Gschier,
Auguste Jedina-Palombini together with Georg Piskaty,
Konrad Köhl
1974 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Wolfgang Speiser ,
Franz M. Kampfhammer,
Herbert Grau (posthumous)
1975 Advancement award for adult education Karl Fink,
Helmut Panholzer
1975 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Hans Fellinger (posthumously),
Ignaz Zangerle
1976 Advancement award for adult education Christian Schmierer,
Josef Steidl,
Kurt Swoboda
1977 Advancement award for adult education Gerhard Arminger together with Walter Blumberger,
Gerwald Lentner,
Monika Petermandl-Knossalla
1978 Advancement award for adult education Karl Arnold,
Roland Deiser
1979 Advancement award for adult education Heinz Etlinger,
Gottfried Hantschk together with Johann Steinringer,
Werner Lenz
1980 Advancement award for adult education Wolfgang Jellinek,
Wolfgang Kippes,
Michael Schratz ,
Peter Schreiner together with Maria Wechselberger
1981 Advancement award for adult education Annemarie Aufreiter together with Rosemarie Kurka,
Karl Garnitschnig together with Guido Heintel,
Wolfgang Knopf,
Eva Lach and Wolfgang Schmidl,
Georg Hahn,
Helga Renner together with Erika Stubenvoll ,
Gertrud Simon
1982 Advancement award for adult education Elmar Dick together with Othmar Ruby,
Wilhelm Filla
1982 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Aldemar Schiffkorn,
Josef Eksl
1983 Advancement award for adult education Christian Bergmann together with Ferdinand Eder,
Valentin Gillich together with Enrique Grabl,
Gerhard Pongratz,
Friederike Lott
1983 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Ignaz Zangerle
1984 State award for adult education Karlo Hujber,
Robert Kissinger together with Johannes Dantine and Ulrich Trinks ,
to Stefan Veigl
1985 State award for adult education Heimo Gruber
1986 State award for adult education Ernst Milota
1985 &
Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Aladar Pfniß,
Eduard Seifert,
Hubert Lendl,
Maximilian Piperek
1986 Great decoration of honor for services to the Republic of Austria for outstanding achievements in the interest of Austrian adult education Karl Foltinek
1989 Advancement award for adult education, library system and folk culture Adolf Gaisbauer,
Andreas Strasser,
Heinrich Wenidoppler
1989 State award for adult education, library and folk culture Norbert Kailer
1990 Advancement award for adult education, library system and folk culture Karl Haas together with Peter Härtel and Erwin Kämmerer
1990 State award for adult education, library and folk culture Alfred Pfoser
1993 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Hans Altenhuber,
Karl Dillinger
1998 Appreciation award for excellent performance in the interest of Austrian adult education Bernhard Ingrisch,
Viktor Wallner
1999 Advancement award for adult education Angelika Faccinelli together with Renate Zennebe
1999 State award for adult education Franz Pascher together with Gerald Leitner
2000 Advancement award for adult education Doris Brunner together with Ingrid Treffne
2001 Advancement award for adult education Renate Fleisch together with Lidija Milon,
Elisabeth Ziegler-Duregger
2001 State award for adult education Wilhelm Filla
2002 State award for adult education Alexandra Klein
2002 Advancement award for adult education Horst Horvath
2003 Advancement award for adult education Monika Mlinar,
Monika Specht-Tomann
2004 State award for adult education together to Valentin Gillich, Peter Hochegger, Claus Rosenberg and Melanie Weinhandl
2005 Awards - State Prize for Adult Education - Science Andrea Fritsch together with Friederike Kohsem
2005 Awards - Education Champion Champion for an exceptional educational career Herta Bacher
2006 Awards - State Prize for Adult Education - Science Manfred Jochum
2006 Awards - Advancement Award for Adult Education - Science Monika Himsl,
Marianne Prenner
2005 &
Awards - education champion for an exceptional educational career Matthias Fenkart,
Angelika Gruber,
Maximilian Handlos,
Renate Wawra as well as
Friedrich Bauer,
Ishraga Mustafa Hamid,
Elisabeth Niederl,
Franz Ortner
2008 Austrian state award for adult education in the adult educator category Peter Maier
2008 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Innovation Category The Consultants Management Consulting GmbH
2008 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science Category Katrin Zechner
2008 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the thematic focus category: intercultural dialogue Götzis adult education center
2009 Austrian state award for adult education in the adult educator category Antje Doberer-Bey
2009 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Innovation Category BFI-Linz in cooperation with Linz09 and AMS Linz
2009 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the main theme category: Creativity International Center for Cultures and Languages
2009 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science Category Complete works of Arthur Schneeberger
2010 Austrian state award for adult education in the adult educator category Eva-Maria Lass-Kuloglu
2010 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Innovation Category Tyrolean working group for integrative development
2010 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the thematic focus category: Integration through education Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH / VHS Ottakring on
behalf of the Dynamo network formed together with the Verein Projekt Integrationshaus and VHS Rudolfsheim / Fünfhaus
2010 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science Category Franz Kolland
2011 Austrian state award for adult education in the adult educator category: focus on educational counseling Walter Hotter
2011 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Innovation Category Hans Joachim Gögl and Josef Kittinger, Bildungshaus St. Arbogast for the project "Days of Utopia - Drafts for a Good Future"
2011 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Main Topic Category: Volunteering in Adult Education Network organization asylkoordination Österreich for the "training of voluntary helpers for young refugees"
2011 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science and Research category Werner Lenz for his complete work
2012 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the "Adult Educator" category Ursula Kubes-Hofmann, founder and managing director of the Rosa Mayreder College in Vienna
2012 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the "Innovation" category Association for the promotion of work, education and the future of women - abz * austria
2012 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Topic 2012: Intergenerational Learning" Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH with the project "Smart together in municipal housing - training of older learning guides in municipal housing"
2012 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the "Science and Research" category Solveig Haring with her work “New Media - 'Old' Women. Media literacy to soften clichés "
2013 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the "Adult Educator" category Fritz Bauer from the Upper Austria Chamber of Labor
2013 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Topic 2013: Political Education" "Interactive, participatory and political theater work: Innovative ways to a participatory democracy", project of the Styrian theater and culture initiative InterACT
2013 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science and Research category Hubert Christian Ehalt for his complete works
2015 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the "Adult Educator" category Sonja Muckenhuber, founder and head of B! LL - Institute for Educational Development Linz, for her achievements v. a. excellent in basic education
2015 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Topic 2015: Digital Literacy" Mooc "Free Online Learning", a cooperation project between Graz University of Technology, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, BIMS eV and VÖV
2015 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science and Research category Ariane Sadjed, Annette Sprung and Brigitte Kukovetz with their research on migration-related competencies in continuing education
2017 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Adult Educator 2017: Development through Education" Dagmar Ransmayr was honored for her long and tireless work in theater education as the founder, director and director of the migrant theater group "The Foreigners"
2017 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Topic 2017: Quality Development" Frauenstiftung Steyr with its peer review approach for quality assurance of the validation process of informally and non-formally acquired skills
2017 Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the category "Science and Research 2017" Elke Gruber for her complete work, since 2014 holder of the chair for adult education / further education at the Karl Franzens University Graz


  • Thomas Dostal: The 'Salzburg Talks' must not become a conference of the usual kind. A look back at 50 years. In: A different kind of conference. 50 years of “Salzburg Talks” for adult education. Edited by Stefan Vater with the assistance of Laura R. Rosinger. Frankfurt am Main, 2009, Peter Lang, p. 29 and p. 33.
  • Stefan Vater with the assistance of Laura R. Rosinger: A conference of a different kind . 50 years of “Salzburg Talks” for adult education. Edited by Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 200–204. ISBN 3-631-57172-0
  • Elke Gruber: The coupling and networking of adult and professional education. Development, status and perspectives from a practical and theoretical point of view . In: Daniela Holzer, Barbara Schröttner, Annette Sprung (eds.): Reflections and perspectives in further education research . Münster, Waxmann, 2001, p. 162. ISBN 3-8309-2402-X
  • Werner Lenz: Emancipatory adult education . Education for work and democracy. Assembled essays. Munich: Profil Verlag, 1989, p. 37ff., ISBN 3-89019-219-X

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elke Gruber: The coupling and networking of adult and professional education . Development, status and perspectives from a practical and theoretical point of view. In: Daniela Holzer, Barbara Schröttner, Annette Sprung (eds.): Reflections and perspectives in further education research. Münster [u. a.]: Waxmann (2001), p. 162.
  2. Thomas Dostal: "The 'Salzburg Talks' must not become a conference of the usual kind." A look back at 50 years. In: A different kind of conference. 50 years of “Salzburg Talks” for adult education. Edited by Stefan Vater with the assistance of Laura R. Rosinger. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2009), p. 29 and p. 33.
  3. A conference of a different kind. 50 years of “Salzburg Talks” for adult education. Edited by Stefan Vater with the assistance of Laura R. Rosinger. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 200–204.
  4. BM Elisabeth Gehrer confers adult education awards 2005 Elisabeth Gehrer ,, October 18, 2005
  5. Peter Maier is an adult educator in 2008 ( memento of the original dated December 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 38 kB), November 6, 2008 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Education Minister Claudia Schmied awards the “Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2008”, November 6, 2008
  7. Prize winners 2009 from adult
  8. Education Minister Dr. Claudia Schmied awards the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2010, November 10, 2010
  9. Education Minister Dr. Claudia Schmied awards the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2011, November 15, 2011
  10. Education Minister Dr. Claudia Schmied awards the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2012, December 3, 2012
  11. Education Minister Dr. Claudia Schmied awards the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education 2013, November 12, 2013
  12. State award for adult education awarded . Article dated November 17, 2017, accessed November 17, 2017.