Silvio Cesare Bonicelli

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Bishop Silvio Cesare Bonicelli

Silvio Cesare Bonicelli (born March 31, 1932 in Bergamo , Italy ; † March 6, 2009 ibid) was Bishop of Parma .


Silvio Cesare Bonicelli first studied law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. From 1956 to 1958 he served with the Alpini and became an officer . He was ordained a priest on June 16, 1962 and studied canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University .

In 1991 Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of the Diocese of San Severo . The episcopal ordination donated to him on October 19, 1991 Andrea Mariano Magrassi OSB , Bishop of Bari; Co- consecrators were Gaetano Bonicelli , Archbishop of Siena, and Angelo Paravisi , Auxiliary Bishop in Bergamo. In 1996 he was appointed the 69th Bishop of the Diocese of Parma .

He was a member of the Episcopal Commission for Social Problems and Labor, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore di Milano.

2008 his resignation by Benedict XVI. granted.


  • Silvio Cesare Bonicelli: I concili particolari da Graziano al Concilio di Trento. , Morcelliana 1971 in: Pubblicazioni del Pontificio seminario lombardo in Roma
  • Silvio Cesare Bonicelli: Silvio Cesare Bonicelli Vescovo di Parma 1997-2007. Storia, riflessioni e immagini , Mattioli 1885, 2008, ISBN 978-88-6261-02-09

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predecessor Office successor
Benito Cocchi Bishop of Parma
Enrico Solmi
Carmelo Cassati MSC Bishop of San Severo
Michele Seccia