Simon Ghraichy

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Chart positions
Explanation of the data
  FR 163 03/25/2017 (1 week)
  FR 149 02/16/2019 (1 week)

Simon Ghraichy (born September 26, 1985 ) is a pianist with Lebanese and Mexican roots. He lives in Paris .

Training and awards

After his childhood ( Lebanon , Mexico , Canada ), Simon Ghraichy studied at the age of 16 at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Boulogne-Billancourt. In 2004 he was accepted at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris and in 2008 was a member of the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki , where he was tutored by Michel Béroff , Daria Hovora and Tujia Hakkila. He also took part in master classes from Cyprien Katsaris , Jean-Philippe Collard, Gergely Bogányi and Jerome Lowenthal.

At the same time, Simon Ghraichy received several international awards. Among other things, he won the BNDES (Bank of Brazil) competition, the Manuel M. Ponce competition in Mexico and the Cziffra Foundation Prize.


His career became international in 2010 with the publication of the criticism by the Wall Street Journalist Robert Hughes, who particularly noted Simon Ghraichy's interpretation of the Reminiscences de Dom Juan by Liszt . He then played at several festivals, such as the UniSA International Festival in South Africa , the EXIT Festival in Serbia or the Isang Yun Festival in South Korea .

He is regularly invited as a soloist in orchestras such as the Symphony Orchestra of the State of Mexico , the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, the Cairo Symphony Orchestra , the Lebanese Symphony Orchestra, the Almaty Symphony Orchestra, the Cuban National Orchestra and the Guadalajara Youth Orchestra .

In France he played with the pianist Cyprien Katsaris at the Collégiale Saint-Frambourg in Senlis . He played with the cellist Dominique de Willencourt in the Musée d'Orsay , but also gave a recital in the Salle Cortot in Paris. He is regularly invited to summer festivals.

In June 2014 Simon Ghraichy played for the French and American UN troops in Bamako , Mali .

In 2015 Ghraichy's career took a new turn. He played at the Festival International d'Art Lyrique d'Aix-en-Provence and at the Baalbeck International Festival for the 60th edition. He was also invited to the Bard Music Festival in New York , where he played with the American Symphony Orchestra, and he is on the program of the Lisztomania Festival in France. He gives concerts for the first time at Carnegie Hall in New York in October 2015, at the Kennedy Center in Washington in March 2016 and at the Berlin Philharmonic in autumn 2016.


Individual evidence

  1. Simon Ghraichy in the French charts
  2. BNDES competition
  3. Cziffra Foundation Prize
  4. ^ Mexico concert
  5. ^ Lebanon concert
  6. ^ Cuba concert
  7. ^ Saint-Frambourg concert
  8. Orsay concert ( Memento of the original from March 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. ^ Cortot concert
  10. UN troops concert
  11. ^ Festival d'Aix-en-Provence concert
  12. ^ Bard Music Festival concert
  13. ^ Carnegie Hall - Kennedy Center - Berlin Philharmonic

Web links