Simonov PTRS-41

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general information
Civil name: Simonov anti-tank rifle
Military designation: PTRS-41, anti-tank rifle Simonow model 1941,
anti-tank rifle 784 (r) (Wehrmacht designation)
Country of operation: Soviet Union
Developer / Manufacturer: Sergei Gavrilowitsch Simonow
Manufacturer country: Soviet Union
Production time: 1941 to 1945
Weapon Category: Anti-tank rifle
Overall length: 2140 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 20.90 kg
Barrel length : 1227 mm
Technical specifications
Caliber : 14.5 x 114 mm
Possible magazine fillings : 5 cartridges
Ammunition supply : Box magazine
Cadence : 10-15 rounds / min
Fire types: Single fire
Visor : Rear sight and front sight
Closure : Tilt block closure
Charging principle: semi-automatic gas pressure charger
Lists on the subject

The PTRS was an anti-tank rifle that was developed and used in the Soviet Union. The abbreviation stands for Protiwotankowoje Ruschjo Simonowa ( Russian Противотанковое ружьё Симонова , in German Simonow tank rifle).


The PTRS was designed in 1941 by Sergei Gavrilowitsch Simonow . It was created at the same time as the PTRD anti- tank rifle model by Vasily Degtjarjow . Immediately after the attack by the German armed forces on the Soviet Union , both designers were instructed to provide armor-piercing weapons with the highest priority. Since the PTRS was more complicated than the PTRD, only 77 copies were produced in 1941, compared to 63,308 in 1942. In January 1945 it ran out after 400,000 copies.


PTRS is loading

Simonov's design for an anti-tank rifle remained a manageable handgun, which was also a self-loading weapon, despite the powerful 14.5 mm ammunition . The PTRS functioned as a gas pressure loader and had a five-round detachable magazine. From a technical point of view, the PTRS was the more demanding model compared to the PTRD, because the latter only represented a single loader. Therefore, the production of the PTRS was more complex than that of the PTRD. It is noteworthy that the design phase of the PTRS only took a few weeks.

Both anti-tank rifles were comparable in their effect, the projectile energy of the Simonow rifle was slightly lower due to the reloading with gas pressure. Both had disadvantages in common, such as the increasingly weaker impact on the enemy's armored vehicles and the immense muzzle flash . In the case of the PTRS, there was also the fact that the loading mechanism sometimes failed because the gas extraction holes tended to become dirty. The weapon also did not tolerate extremely low temperatures as well as its sister model. In such cases, however, it was always possible to manually feed the ammunition. Weapons captured by the Wehrmacht were carried as Panzerbüchse 784 (r) and immediately used again at the front.

Overall, the production of both models was stopped before the end of the war. Instead of further developing ballistic anti-tank weapons, the development of reactive anti-tank rifles was promoted in the Soviet Union, which culminated in the RPG-2 .


The penetration power of the PTRS with the tungsten core bullet BS-41 was 40 mm RHA at a distance of 100 m at a 90 ° angle of impact.

Individual evidence

  1. Maxim Popenker: Simonov PTRS. In: Modern Firearms., accessed October 5, 2015 .

Web links

Commons : PTRS-41  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files