Snæfells- og Hnappadalssýsla

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The Snæfells- og Hnappadalssýsla is a district in western Iceland .

Most of the Snæfells peninsula belongs to this district . It consists of the municipalities of Eyja- og Miklaholtshreppur , Snæfellsbær , Grundarfjarðarbær and Helgafellssveit . The towns of Stykkishólmur , Grundarfjörður and Ólafsvík belong to it.

The Hnappadalur is located in the former municipality of Kolbeinsstaðahreppur, which has now merged into the municipality of Borgarbyggð and belongs to the Mýrasýsla .

The Snæfells- og Hnappadalssýsla is in the constituency of Norðvesturkjördæmi .