Social democratic images of the future

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Front page of the Social Democratic Future Pictures, November 1891

Social democratic images of the future. Loosely based on Bebel from 1891 is a book by the free-spirited politician and publicist Eugen Richter . The dystopian work islaid outas a fictional diary of an enthusiastic social democrat , who describeshis life and the transformation of society in personal experiencesafter the victory of the revolution . However, socialism is developing differently than the diarist expected. For example, an army of informers is built up, the opposition is harassed, demonstrating with the cry “We are the people!”, Or the shooting order is introduced at the border to prevent citizens from fleeing to the still free countries (USA, Great Britain, Switzerland). The book is often referred to as a visionary anticipation of real socialism.


Eugen Richter had observed the social democracy from its very beginnings in the 1860s closely and followed it critically, emphasizing his view of the similarity between reactionary and socialist belief in the state. In his Reichstag speech on the rejection of the first version of the Socialist Law of May 23, 1878, he declared:

“The socialist state has the destruction of personal and political freedom as a precondition. (Opposition from the socialists.) - Yes! Crass despotism of a majority or a few individuals who dictate to the individual what he has to work, what he receives for a wage and what he has to consume for it; that is the socialist state. (Contradiction.) Everything the socialists want can be read in print; Only the police are unclear about their tendency. (Great amusement.) "

The mentality of the socialists can be traced back to the thinking habits of the authoritative state:

“Gentlemen, Mr Jörg has described the socialist movement as a shadow that accompanies modern cultural life. I reject that. Gentlemen, that is the shadow of the declining police state that is still falling into our cultural life; the police state has raised the people in the delusion that it is only the state and the authority of the state that matter to bring about the greatest happiness in the world. Therefore the opinion has arisen in the minds of those people that the only thing that matters is to seize the ruler of state, to put his people in the direction of the state, and that dream happiness can be achieved immediately, which is now supposedly badly by those who who run the state and are withheld from them. "

From such a point of view, Eugen Richter drew the inspiration that socialism in power would behave similarly to the Prussian police state, which he and his party comrades had experienced directly, with paternalism, spying and petty harassment against every opposition.

Under the Socialist Law from 1878 onwards, the Social Democrats were able to evade criticism of their teachings on the grounds that they could not freely express their views. Then when the law expired in 1890, they boasted that there was no criticism. Eugen Richter thereupon published a series of articles in the Freising newspaper , which he edited , in which he criticized the essential points of the socialist ideology. When these articles caught on,

“[…] The author received a flood of swear words in the recognized main organ of the social democratic party, the 'Berliner Volksblatt', and other social democratic papers. 'Fools',' blatant ignoramuses', 'dogmatic stubborn heads',' idiots', 'petrefacts',' museum of antiques', 'old wives' tales',' Bohemian villages', 'writing behind the ear', 'Falstaff', 'phrase-swollen newt' 'were the expressions in which the social democratic press expressed their anger and anger at the statements. "

Eugen Richter then brought out his articles in a revised form in November 1890 as “The Heresies of Social Democracy”, which quickly reached a circulation of over 60,000 copies. As he mockingly remarked:

“All of this only reinforces the impression of a pitiful helplessness on the part of the social democrats as soon as they are faced with criticism of their actual program. The wish, expressed several times, was therefore gladly granted to disseminate a criticism of the social democratic heresies in the form of a brochure like this one. "

In the “False Doctrine of Social Democracy”, Eugen Richter relied on the official program of the Social Democratic Party as well as various speeches and statements by leading Social Democrats. In particular, he orientated himself on the statements of August Bebel in what Richter erroneously said in his book “ The Woman in the Present, Past and Future ” , first published in Zurich in 1883 , and in its brochure “Our Goals” from 1877. He also used the utopian one The novel "A look back at 1887 from the year 2000" by the American science fiction author Edward Bellamy , who was not a social democrat himself and who tried to depict a future socialist society in his work.

In the following year Eugen Richter then put his theses in the Social Democratic Future Pictures in the form of a dystopian diary novel.


The social democratic images of the future appeared in November 1891 in the publishing house "Progress, Aktiengesellschaft". They went through numerous editions and reached a circulation of over 250,000 copies. In the same year a Danish translation was published, the following year translations into Czech, Swedish, Polish, Dutch and French. Further translations into Romanian, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Finnish, Italian, English and Japanese followed. In addition, the book has been reissued over and over again until recently.

Content by chapters

The victory celebration

In his family circle, the diary writer celebrates the revolution, his silver wedding and the engagement of his son Franz to Agnes.

“The red flag of international social democracy is waving from the royal palace and all public buildings in Berlin. If our eternal Bebel had experienced such a thing! He always predicted that the 'catastrophe was just around the corner.' I still remember, as if it had been yesterday, when Bebel proclaimed in a prophetic tone in a meeting in Rixdorf on September 13, 1891, that 'one day the great Kladderadatsch will come faster than one can imagine.' Shortly before that, Friedrich Engels had described 1898 as the year of the triumph of social democracy. Well, it still took a little longer. "

"My notes should, as best I can, describe the resurrection of the new kingdom of brotherhood and general love for my children and grandchildren."

The new laws

All means of production are nationalized. The “Forward” replaces the “Reichsanzeiger”. The military and the police are disbanded and taxes are abolished.

“Everywhere in Europe, with the exception of Switzerland and England, there is now social democracy. The ships to America cannot accept all emigrants. In America, of course, the revolution has been suppressed and there is no prospect of a revival of social democracy for a long time. May the exploiters leave! "

“Pfandbriefe, stocks. Debt bonds and banknotes have been declared null and void. The bourgeois gentlemen can have their ship's cabins papered with it. All real estate, means of transport, machines, tools and devices were confiscated for the socialist state. "

Dissatisfied people

When it turned out that the common people's savings bank books were also being expropriated, protests broke out. Franz and Agnes also take part in these. As a cleaner, she has set aside something for her dowry.

“The savings bank question raised everyone's mind. The gates to the palace courtyards were firmly locked everywhere. Unsuccessful attempts were made by the front troops to enter by force. Through loopholes in some of the gate wings, which I never noticed before, shotgun barrels suddenly stared at the castle officials. "

Career choice

Everyone can register for a new profession or, like the diary writer and his son, can stick to their profession as bookbinder and typesetter.

“All children are placed in state nurseries and education centers. The main meal is taken in the state kitchens of the district. All sick people are to be delivered to the public hospitals, the bed linen and towels are picked up for cleaning in large general institutions. "

"Reports in the profession of clergyman are not accepted, because according to the resolution of the Erfurt party congress of 1891, which was incorporated into the constitution, all expenditures for religious and ecclesiastical purposes from state funds are prohibited."

“After the street riot in front of the castle, the ministry decided to re-establish a protection team with a strength of 4,000 and to station it partly in the armory and the adjacent barracks. In order to avoid earlier unpleasant memories, the new policemen will not wear blue, but brown uniforms and instead of the helmet a slouch hat with a red feather. "

A session of the Reichstag

In the Reichstag, a right-wing Social Democrat contradicts the expropriation of the savings bank books. He receives applause from the stands, shouts: “We are the people!” A social democrat from the left pleads for expropriation. The Reich Chancellor agrees, because otherwise other owners of capital would have to get their property back.

“After this lecture, a speaker from the right spoke. Millions of good workers and good social democrats (restlessness on the left) will feel bitterly disappointed if they see themselves deprived of the fruits of hard work by withholding their savings bank money now that the worker is to receive the 'full income from his work'. "

“A speaker from the left side of the Reichstag receives the floor. A real social democrat has never been concerned about savings. (Contradiction on the right.) Those who followed the bourgeois apostles for austerity did not count on any consideration in the social state. Much of the savings bank money arose from robbing the working people. (Contradiction on the right.) One should not say that the social democracy hangs the big thieves, but lets millions of little thieves go. "

“At home with us there were very excited scenes, my daughter-in-law could not be reassured at all, my wife tried in vain to console her with reference to the rich furnishings that all newlyweds would soon have to expect from the government. 'I don't want anything for free,' she exclaimed vehemently one after the other, 'I want the benefits of my work. Such discipline is worse than robbery and theft. '"

Work instruction

The choice of profession turns out differently than expected. The family is torn apart, the son is transferred from Berlin to Leipzig because not so many newspapers are needed in Berlin. Only reliable Social Democrats are employed in the "Vorwärts" program. Franz suspects that he will be transferred because of his unreliability. The mother is employed as a nurse, but not with her daughter.

News from the country

A “people's armed forces” is established to enforce the nationalization of agriculture against the farmers. Immigrants to Berlin are deported.

“The farmers have to be brought to reason. They oppose the nationalization or, as it is now officially called, the socialization of their private property in land. "

"Of course, it would have been more correct if the only recently enacted provisions had come earlier, according to which no one is allowed to leave their place of residence for a temporary absence without a vacation card and for permanent removal without instructions from the authorities."

The last family day

The parents visit the little daughter in the state custody facility. The mother is worried about the child's care. The diarist's father and son come to visit and express their dissatisfaction with the new situation.

The big move

The furniture is picked up and redistributed.

New money

A passport with photo ID will be introduced. The money is replaced by ration cards.

The new domesticity

Contrary to expectations, the new apartments allocated by lottery are no better than the old ones.

The new state kitchens

The workers are fed in large state kitchens with a uniform menu. The protection team in Berlin is expanded to 12,000 in order to maintain order.

An annoying incident

The Chancellor is no longer so popular. A "reaction party" is forming, especially among women who throw "feces and all sorts of rubbish" at the Chancellor.

Ministerial crisis

When it turns out that the Chancellor can be served, he has to resign.


More and more people are trying to flee to the free countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, USA). In contrast, the government issued a ban on emigration.

“One can therefore only approve of the strict application of the emigration ban. This requires the sharp occupation of the borders, namely the sea coasts and the land borders against Switzerland. The standing army will continue to be increased by many battalions of infantry and squadrons of cavalry. The border patrols are instructed to make ruthless use of firearms against refugees. - May our dashing Chancellor stay with us for a long time to come. "

Change of Chancellor

The new Chancellor is popular.

"In a somewhat too demonstrative way, the Chancellor's successor appeared today in the kitchen of his district, dined in the order of his number and walked on Unter den Linden, a large package of clothing under his arm, which he took to the district's repair shop for Cleaning and mending delivered. "

From the workshops

The diary writer becomes the controller at his workplace. Work ethic and performance deteriorate. When he tries to encourage workers to do better work, they protest against the paternalism.

“You'd almost think that the workshops are now just bars to kill time. The watchword is: Always move slowly so that the man next to you can come along. "

"It is impossible to describe how much material and equipment is now being spoiled by inattentiveness and negligence."

“Preached beautifully, I was mocked; it's a shame we don't need a pastor anymore. Bebel has promised us a four-hour working day and not an eight-hour one. "

“However, recently some bricklayers from the audience were denounced because they took too long breaks and looked too closely at the individual stones at work. Once the staff of an entire workshop was transferred to another place from above. As a rule, however, transfers are only made for political reasons. "

Family worries

Family life falls apart. Agnes and Franz plan to flee.

Popular amusements

The government tries to lighten the mood with performances. A fairer distribution of dance partners at balls is discussed in “Forward”.

Bad experiences

Embezzlement increases, you only get things through relationships. The diary writer struggles with whether he is a good controller and denounces his family for wrongdoing.

"The salespeople employed by the state are as brief as the officials at the railroad counter."

“Of course, the seller doesn't care if you buy something. Some salespeople look grumpy when the shop door opens and the salesperson is interrupted in an interesting read or conversation. The more you ask for a selection, the more you want information about the nature and durability of the material, the more annoyed the seller is. Before he fetches what he wants from another room in the magazine, he prefers to deny the existence of a supply of what he wants. "

“In my capacity as controller, I can now see behind the scenes some things that were previously hidden from my view. The number of misappropriations has increased sevenfold compared to the past. Employees of any kind administer goods in exchange for any private benefit or service to the detriment of the state, or perform their professional service without detaching a coupon corresponding to the value in the prescribed manner in the recipient's money certificate and transferring it to the bookkeeping. "

The escape

Franz and Agnes flee to Great Britain and emigrate from there to the USA.

Again change of chancellor

The rural residents are annoyed that the townspeople enjoy the popular entertainment. City dwellers are sent to the countryside, rural dwellers to the city. The Chancellor is being replaced because finances have gotten out of hand.

Foreign entanglements

There is friction with the other socialist states due to payment defaults.

Electoral movement

Radical “young people” are calling for more consistent socialism. A freedom party is established. The government calls on all patriots to form a “great party of order” against their subversive machinations.

“The Reichstag elections, however, take place using ballot papers, which are stamped by the authorities and handed over in a closed envelope. But with the organization of the government that pervades all living conditions, the public sphere of life as a whole, the control system to which every individual is subject, many seem not to dare to vote according to their own conviction despite the opacity of the papers. "


The diarist's little daughter dies.

The election result

The ruling party wins through forced transfers and electoral influence. The “Party of Freedom” unexpectedly received a third of the votes and won in Berlin. The “boys” have little interest.

“Franz was right in his estimation of the election result. In his last letter he said that in a society in which there is no longer any personal and economic freedom of the individual, even the freest form of government no longer enables political independence. Anyone who is so dependent on the government in all of their personal life relationships as is now the case with us for the entire population is only in the rarest cases able to gain the moral strength to make a political choice undesirable to the early rulers, even through a secret ballot actuate. Political suffrage cannot have any serious significance in our social-democratic social order any more than for soldiers in barracks and for convicts in prison. "

A big deficit

The state budget shows a large deficit.

Family news

Franz and Agnes arrived happily in the USA.

A stormy Reichstag session

The Social Democrats are now sitting on the right in the Reichstag, the Freedom Friends on the left. The Chancellor explains the government program. The MP for Hagen from the Freedom Party explains in his speech:

"However, Germany is now staring from soldiers and police officers like never before."

“While we in old Europe are heading towards ruin thanks to your efforts, a community is rising up on the other side of the sea that is ever more prosperous and powerful, which is based on private property and free competition and whose citizens have never been seriously impressed by the false doctrines of social democracy. Every day of delay in the liberation of our fatherland from this unhappy aberration of the spirits brings us closer to the abyss. So down with the social democratic prison state, long live freedom! (Stormy applause on the left and in the stands, lively hissing and unrest on the right.) "

Strike in sight

The Berlin metalworkers rebel because they do not get “the full return of their work” as promised, but the same wages as everyone else.

Foreign drone notes

France and Russia are trying to enforce their demands militarily.

Mass strike and outbreak of war at the same time

Rations are being cut. There are massive strikes. War breaks out.

The counter-revolution begins

The strikes develop into a civil war.

Ominous news

The diarist's wife is going mad. He himself dies in the fighting.

last chapter

The son Ernst sends Agnes and Franz the diary entries.

“When I post this letter, I will already have passed the German border. Towards Holland it is said to be completely unguarded. There I can make use of the money order that you sent me. "


In the preface to the ninth edition, The Woman and Socialism (The Woman in the Past, Present and Future) of December 24, 1890, August Bebel sets two priorities. First, he deals with Edward Bellamy and, second, with Eugen Richter. Bebel rejects the view that Bellamy's book Looking Backward matches his writing. "Now, however, there is no more than superficial agreement on some of the critical statements between Mr. Bellamy and me". Also the opinion that Bebel would have inspired Bellamy, as the American writer “Mrs. John B. Shiplay ”claims in her work The True author of Looking Backward , Bebel rejects it. On Eugen Richter's The False Doctrine of Social Democracy , Bebel expresses himself very extensively. “For Herr Richter and his like-minded fellows, these first three-quarters [of the book] do not exist, they carefully avoid even going into this criticism, let alone refuting it; she embezzled so their readers the ground on which the remaining content is grown up in writing, and distorted and lift out of context individual sets forth the same to which they whet their dull critical diameter. The bourgeois terms are slipped under the socialist terms, and the result is a ragout that the uninhibited reader claps his hands over his head because he cannot understand how people who otherwise show reasonable understanding can want such nonsense. ”Bebel also notes suggests that Richter constantly transforms Bebel's phrase “society” into a Richter “state”.

Eugen Richter's book was “printed in mass circulation and given away by employers to their workforce”.

The reception of the Social Democrats affected by Richter's criticism was of course still critical at that time. The social democratic joke paper Der Wahre Jacob summarized Richter's key words: “'False doctrines' - 'do-gooder' - 'abolition of personal freedom' - 'forced and police state' - ' fantasy ' - ' fantasies ' - 'general confusion' - 'incitator' - 'Dissatisfaction' - 'Class hatred' - ' Mob ' - 'Possessing classes' - 'No information' - 'Future state'. "The Social Democrats reacted violently with various brochures. But Richter's book had no real influence on the social democratic voters, so that Franz Mehring complained as early as 1892 that his own social democratic party press took "no notice" of his writing.

The anti-Semite Max Bewer , for his part, brought out the “Freedom of the Future Pictures” (Verlag der Druckerei Glöß, Dresden 1893).


  • Social democratic images of the future - freely based on Bebel. Publishing house "Progress, Aktiengesellschaft", Berlin 1891, digitized.
  • En socialdemokratisk Fremtidsstat: Efter 'social democratic images of the future'. Hjørring 1891 (Danish).
  • V budoucím sociálně-democickém státě: satira Eugena Richtra. Národní tiskárna a nakladatelstvo, Prague 1892 (Czech).
  • Socialdemokratiska framtidsbilder: fritt efter Bebel. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm 1892 (Swedish).
  • Wizerunki przyszłości socyalistycznej: (podług zasad Bebla). Nakł. Księg. JK Żupańskiego, Posen 1892 (Polish).
  • Tafereelen uit de sociaal-democratische toekomst: vrij naar Eugen Richter's “Social Democratic Future Pictures” with a naschrift. HL Smits, 's-Gravenhage 1892 (Dutch translation: Willem Frederik Rochussen ).
  • En socialdemokratisk Fremtidsstat. Aarhus, 1892 (translation into Danish: RP Rossen).
  • Social democratic foreign bill leather. Frit efter Bebel. Overs. Føljeton til Sorø Amtstidende, Slagelse 1892 (translation into Danish: Martha Ottosen).
  • Où mène le socialisme? Journal d'un ouvrier. Édition française, d'après le 225e mille de l'original, by P. Villard, avec une préface de Paul Leroy-Beaulieu. H. Le Soudier, Paris 1892 (translation into French: Pierre Villard).
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. Swan Sunshine, London 1893 (translation into English by Henry Wright).
  • Pictures of the Future. An Experiment in a Modern Social World and What Came of It. Optimus Printing Company, New York, 1894.
  • Unde duce socialismul: jurnalul unui lucrator. Librariei Socecū, Bucharest 1895 (Romanian).
  • Adonde conduce el socialismo: diario de un obrero. San Francisco de Sales, Madrid 1896 (translation into Spanish by Manuel Mariátegui y Vinyals San Bernardo, Conde de).
  • Diario de un operario socialista o el socialismo y sus resultados prácticos. Barcelona 1898 (Spanish).
  • Szocziálista világ; megálmodott történet, judge munkája után. Franklin-Társulat, Budapest 1900 (Hungarian).
  • Adonde conduce el socialismo: diario de un obrero. Antonio Gascón, Madrid 1896. (Translation into Spanish by Manuel Mariátegui y Vinyals San Bernardo, Conde de)
  • Социал-демократические картинки будущего по Бебелю. Izd. AS Suvorina, Moscow 1906 (Russian).
  • Obrazki socyalistycznej przyszłości: według Bebla. Nakł. Słowa Polskiego, Lwów 1907 (Polish).
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. Swan Sunshine, London 1907 (translation into English by Henry Wright, foreword by Thomas Mackay).
  • Socialdemokratiska framtidsbilder: efter svenska förhållanden lämpad af S. Å. Norstedt, Stockholm 1907 (Swedish).
  • När socialismus segrat: Eugen Richter's “Socialdemokratiska framtidsbilder. Fritt efter Bebel. ” Åbo 1907 (translation into Swedish: Ernst von Wendt).
  • Elämä sosialistivaltiossa: vapaasti Bebelin mukaan- Turun kirjapaino- ja sanomalehti, Turku 1908 (Finnish).
  • Dopo la vittoria del socialismo. Unica traduzione autorizzata, sulla 225. ed., Illustrata. F. Treves, Milan 1909 (Italian).
  • 社会主義 が 実 行 さ れ た な ら: 小說Shakai shugi ga jikkōsareta nara: Shōsetsuオ イ ゲ ネ ー ・ リ ヒ テ ル 著; 勝 屋 錦 村 訳 勝 屋, 錦 村, 天書 閣, Tenshokaku, Tokyo 1910 (translation into Japanese by Kinson Katsuya).
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. G. Allen, Cheap Edition, 1912 (translation into English).
  • Socialdemokratiska framtidsbilder: Efter nutida svenska förhållanden edit. overs. från tyskan. Stockholm 1918 (Swedish).
  • A communizmus bukása. Helios Könyvkiadóvállálat, Budapest 1919 (Hungarian).
  • Obrazki socjalistycznej przyszłości: według Bebla. Perzyński, Niklewicz i Ska., Warsaw 1921 (Polish).
  • 社会主義 審判Shakai shugi shinpanオ イ ゲ ネ ・ リ ヒ テ ル 原著; 荒 川 賢 [訳]. 荒 川 賢 協調 会 事務所, Kyōchōkaijimusho, Tokyo 1921 (translation into Japanese by Ken Arakawa).
  • Sosialidemokraattisia tulevaisuudenkuvia: vapaasti Bebelin mukaan. Mattila & Kumpp, Helsinki 1924 (Finnish).
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. Jarrolds, 1925 (translation into English).
  • Dopo la vittoria del socialismo. Libreria Frattina Editrice, Rome 196? (Italian).
  • Le gioie del socialismo. Prefazione di Mario Missiroli. Pan, Milan 1974 (Italian).
  • Heinz Brestel: Pictures of the future from the past. With facsimile reprints by August Bebel, “Our Goals”, 1870, Eugen Richter, “Social Democratic Future Pictures”, 1893. A historical controversy, rediscovered for the present. Fortuna-Finanz-Verlag Heidelberger, Niederglatt 1979, ISBN 3-85684-021-4 .
  • Social democratic images of the future: Loosely based on Bebel. Brienna Verlag 2003.
  • Social democratic images of the future: Loosely based on Bebel. Lichtschlag 2007, ISBN 3939562009 .
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. BiblioBazaar, 2009 (translation into English), ISBN 1103227580 .
  • Pictures of the Socialistic Future. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010 (translation into English, with a foreword by Bryan Caplan ).

Web links

Commons : Social Democratic  Pictures of the Future - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Online editions and digital copies


Individual evidence

  1. For example: Visionary of real socialism, according to the right-wing populist newspaper Die Weltwoche , 2009, or Prophet und Richter, ( Memento of the original from November 6, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Titanic, November 2009. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Stenographic reports of the German Reichstag, 3rd legislative period, 1878, 2, 54th session, pp. 1515–1523: [1] , [2] .
  3. Detmar Döring : Foreword . In: Eugen Richter: Social Democratic Pictures of the Future. Freely based on Bebel . Lichtschlag, Grevenbroich 2007, pp. 9-10.
  4. Detmar Döring: Foreword . In: Eugen Richter: Social Democratic Pictures of the Future. Freely based on Bebel . Lichtschlag, Grevenbroich 2007, p. 10.
  5. This is Marie Adelaide Brown (* 1843; † 1900).
  6. The woman and socialism (The woman in the past, present and future) . Tenth. Ed., Verlag JHW Dietz, Stuttgart 1891 digital copy , pp. X – XI.
  7. Eugen Richter: Die Errlehren der Sozialdemokratie, 10th edition, page X – XV.
  8. ^ Eugen Richter: Die Errlehren der Sozialdemokratie, 10th edition, page X-XI.
  9. Michael Matthiesen: Richter, Eugen . In: German Biographical Encyclopedia . Edited by Walther Killy and Rudolf Vierhaus . KG Saur, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-598-23168-7 , p. 277 f.
  10. The old phonograph . In: The True Jacob . No. 138, Stuttgart 1891, p. 1123.
  11. Kurt Falk: The aspirations of social democracy, illuminated by the insanity of Eugen Richter and Eugen Richter's caricatured social democratic images of B. August . The frequently made claim that August Bebel was the author of this publication was refuted by August Bebel in the Reichstag on February 12, 1892. Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-Halberg asserted there:

    "I have a classic certificate for this from a brochure that was published recently, it is published by a Mr. B. August, and there are people who claim that they have to turn this around - it would be called 'August Bebel'."

    - Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-Halberg in : Stenographic reports on the negotiations of the German Reichstag. 8th legislative term. I. Session 1890/1892. Volume 6, Berlin 1892, p. 4135.

    Bebel replied:

    “In doing so, he referred to a brochure whose author is named B. August; he thinks that I must be meant by it. (Laughter) I can say to Baron von Stumm: if I wanted to reveal my anonymity as clearly as that author proceeded, then I would have no hesitation in putting my real name on it. [...] The brochure was written by a man who does not even belong to the inner circle of the party, so the brochure is in no way one that can be considered authoritative. "

    - August Bebel : quoted from: August Bebel. Selected speeches and writings . Volume 10/2, Saur, Munich 1996, p. 770, footnote 168, and Mehrings Mr. Eugen Richter's pictures from the present. A reply .
  12. Mr. Eugen Richter's pictures from the present. A reply. Wörlein & Comp., Nuremberg 1892.