The spermarche ( ancient Greek σπέρμα sperm "seed" and ἀρχή Ark "beginning") is the medical term for the beginning of sperm production in the testes of an adolescent male adolescents during puberty , at the same time the period of the first ejaculation ( Ejakularche ) and the start of Puberty . The term is often imprecisely equated with the initial ejaculation.
Physiological basics
Although the male genital organs are already fully developed at the time of birth, further differentiation only takes place during puberty under the influence of sex hormones . When the testosterone level in the blood rises , the testes also achieve their full functionality, including the ability to produce fertile sperm . After spermarche occurs at a randomly triggered by sexual activity orgasm may not only a more or less low payout of more secretions , but an ejaculation ( ejaculation ). In the case of sexually less active or completely abstinent adolescents, sooner or later the first pollution with ejaculation will take place (polluarche). With all these possible events, the beginning of sexual maturity is also indicated at the same time ; they are apparently modeled on the term menarche , or rather the ovularche (first-time ovulation ), and are therefore to be seen as a “male equivalent” to menarche and the subsequent first-time ovulation, which in a girl reaches sexual maturity indicates, although first menstruation or first ovulation and first formation and ejaculation of sperm represent completely different phenomena in the physiological sense.
After the sperm ark, the ejaculate ( sperm ) consists of cellular ( sperm , epithelial cells of the testicular tubules ) and liquid (seminal plasma) components. As a rule, the ejaculate initially only contains isolated sperm of poor quality, which are often not capable of fertilization. Only in the following time does the number and quality of the sperm increase, so that fertility then occurs at the latest.
The seminal plasma is made up of secretions from the so-called accessory sex glands : spermatic duct ampoule ( Ampulla ductus deferentis ), seminal vesicular gland ( glandula vesicularis ), prostate gland ( prostate ), bulbourethral gland ( glandula bulbourethralis ), and to a lesser extent also the testes and epididymis .
In boys with frequent sexual activity, including reaching an orgasm mostly during masturbation, there is usually a transition from dry orgasm to wet orgasm with only slight secretion of secretion without sperm up to the first ejaculation with an initial phase before and during puberty relatively low sperm count takes place. As with all physiological changes in growth, this happens over a more or less long period of time. In such cases, the exact point in time of the sperm and ejacular cells cannot be clearly determined by visual inspection alone (simple observation without aids).
If, however, an orgasm is never triggered by sexual activity in a male adolescent before and during puberty, then ejakularche will occur in the form of an initial pollution (polluarche). In this case, the point in time of the sperm marche can only be set indirectly in the temporal proximity before this polluarche.
According to scientific findings, the sperm ark nowadays usually takes place at an average of 13.4 years (Nielsen et al., 1986) or, according to other sources, at 13.8 years.
Detection methods
In a scientific study, the presence of sperm in the urine of adolescents was measured to prove the sperm march that had occurred . This is possible because at least after every consciously or unconsciously triggered orgasm with ejaculation, some sperm remain in the urethra and are flushed out with the next urination. This means that the point in time of the sperm ark can also only be determined indirectly in the temporal proximity before the first appearance of sperm in the urine, but without penetrating into the privacy of those involved.
- WD Keidel: Brief textbook of physiology. 2nd Edition. Thieme, Stuttgart 1970.
- EJ Haeberle: Human sexuality. de Gruyter, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-11-008753-7 .
Web links
- Adolescence: Change and Continuity. Biological Change: Puberty. (Engl.) ( Memento of 1 December 2008 at the Internet Archive )
- Growing Up Sexually, the Sexual Curriculum, Oct. 2002 . ( Memento from May 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Humboldt University Berlin, Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology (English)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Duden - The great foreign dictionary: origin and meaning of foreign words. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 2003.
- ↑ John W. Santrock: spermarche . In: Adolescence, 9 / e: Biological Development. Key terms . highered.mcgraw-hill.com, 2003; accessed on March 20, 2016.
- ↑ Holle Greil: early developer - late developer: sexual maturation signs as a marker for biological age . In: korasion , No. 1, February 2007; kindergynaekologie.de, accessed on March 29, 2016.
- ↑ C. Nielsen et al. a .: Onset of the release of spermatozoa (spermarche) in boys in relation to age, testicular growth, pubic hair and height . In: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (J Clin Endocrinol Metab), 1986, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 532-535, doi: 10.1210 / jcem-62-3-532 .
- ↑ H. Kahl, A. Schaffrath Rosario, M. Schlaud ( Robert Koch Institute , Berlin, FRG): Sexual maturation of children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the Child and Adolescent Health Survey (KiGGS). In: Federal Health Gazette - Health Research & Health Protection. May - June 2007, No. 50, pp. 677-685, doi: 10.1007 / s00103-007-0229-3 ; Full text (PDF).
- ↑ H. Kahl, J. Richter, K. Sommer: Growth and sexual maturation in children and adolescents in the GDR. In: Scientific journal of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Medicine series. 1988, Vol. 37, pp. 185-186.
- ^ B. Willers, L. Engelhardt, L. Pelz: Sexual maturation in East German boys. In: Acta Pediatr. No. 85, 1996, pp. 785-788
- ^ H. Greil, H. Kahl: Assessment of development age: cross-sectional analysis of secondary sexual characteristics. In: Anthropologischer Anzeiger , 2005, pp. 63–75.
- ↑ M. Jørgensen, N. Keiding, NE Skakkebaek: Estimation of spermarche from longitudinal spermaturia data. In: Biometrics. Volume 47, Number 1, March 1991, pp. 177-193, ISSN 0006-341X , PMID 2049498 .