St. Aegydius in the Haid

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St. Aegydius in the Haid

The Roman Catholic pilgrimage church of St. Egydius in der Haid (also St. Ilgen) is a branch church of the Grafendorf parish near Hartberg in the municipality of Lafnitz . It stands completely free in the middle of a meadow and was consecrated to St. Aegidius . The church is a listed building ( list entry ).


The current church is the fourth building on this site, as archaeological excavations have revealed. The church stands in the area of ​​the former Wisitindorf, a former property on the Lafnitz , which was donated to the Archdiocese of Salzburg in 864 by King Ludwig the German . The corresponding document bears the number 8 in the directory of the document book of the Duchy of Styria and is thus one of the earliest documentary traditions in the country.

The church is first referred to as a chapel in 1544 . The former altar was desecrated by the Heiduks in 1605 , so the bishop ordered the altar to be consecrated again on the occasion of the visitation in 1617. In the area of ​​today's sacristy , seventeen graves were found during archaeological excavations .

During the Kuruc Wars , the church was partially demolished in 1704 because it was feared that the Kurucs might entrench themselves in it. It is not clear whether only the roof or larger parts of the church building were demolished. After the fighting, the church was rebuilt and today's sacristy and the tower that protruded slightly from the facade were added: the church was consecrated in 1714. The tower was renewed in 1760.

The exterior was restored in 1959, the last interior restoration in 1981.

High altar picture with St. Aegydius with the hind


The furnishings of the church are determined by the subsequent design by Johann Cyriak Hackhofer from 1719. He created oil paintings for the church as well as pictures that he or his workshop mostly painted on boards, as he had already done at the Festenburg.

  • High altar picture with St. Aegydius with the hind, dated 1719
  • Painted scenery figures of the high altar
  • Eight panel figures in the choir (Donatus, Patritius, Procopius, Leonhard, Isidor with his wife Maria, Marx, Juliane)
  • 18th century pulpit
  • Virgin Mary statue (enthroned Mary with child) on a column from the 17th century

The two church bells were stolen in 1882, and the organist brought a portable organ to masses (mentioned in 1775).

St. Ilgener Kirtag

Since 1699 there has been the St. Ilgener Kirtag , which takes place around the Ulrichs Festival (July 4th). Originally it was a pure cattle market. According to the Grafendorf church bill, bacon , flax and wool were also sold here in 1738 . The extensive grocer's market was added in the middle of the 19th century . Even today, the Kirtag takes place every year.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Norbert Allmer: 850 years Grafendorfer churches and parish history at a glance . In: Marktgemeinde Garfendorf (Hrsg.): Festschrift 850 years Grafendorf bei Hartberg 1158-2008 . 2008, p. 35-36 .
  2. History - Wisitindorf - St. Ilgen. In: Homepage of the municipality of Lafnitz. Retrieved November 15, 2011 .
  3. ^ Dehio Styria . Ferdinand Berger & Sons ,, 2006, ISBN 3-85028-439-5 , pp. 432 .
  4. On to the “Jülner Kirtag” in Lafnitz. (PDF; 1.3 MB) (No longer available online.) In: Die Woche. June 29, 2011, archived from the original on February 1, 2016 ; Retrieved November 15, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 47 ° 21 ′ 16.4 "  N , 16 ° 1 ′ 16.7"  E