St. Augustine (Menden)

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St. Augustine
View from the tower hall towards the choir

Sankt Augustinus is the Roman Catholic parish church in Menden , a district of Sankt Augustin ( Rhein-Sieg-Kreis ) in North Rhine-Westphalia . It belongs to the Catholic pastoral care area Sankt Augustin in the Rhein-Sieg district dean of the Archdiocese of Cologne .


The parish church of St. Augustine replaces the old church of Menden. Its foundation walls can be found north of the new church. The new building was necessary because of the strong population growth in the place. The foundation stone for the new St. Augustine building from the steeple of the old church was laid on August 31, 1890. The representative neo-Romanesque three-aisled basilica on a cross-shaped floor plan was inaugurated on October 6, 1892. The new building does not follow the traditional easting, but the choir of the church faces south. The old church was finally closed in 1896.


In St. Augustinus there is an organ made by Orgelbau Klais from Bonn. It was built in 1939 as Opus 926 and was last restored in 2002. The organ has two manuals, a pedal and 22 sounding registers . The former Rückpositiv was integrated as the third manual (playable on the 2nd manual) . The former prospectus was placed on the right-hand side of the tower entrance as an ornament, but the work above the new organ.

I main work
Quintadena 0 16 ′
Principal 08th'
Gemshorn 08th'
Flute 04 ′
Forest flute 02 ′
Mixture III-IV
Bombard 16 ′
II swell
Darling Dumped0 08th'
Willow flute 08th'
Beat 08th'
recorder 04 ′
Nasard 1 13
Krummhorn 08th'
II Rückpositiv (old organ)
Principal 04 ′
Schwegel 02 ′
Sesquialter II 0 2 23
Cymbel II-III
Contrabass 0 16 ′
Sub bass 16 ′
Octavbass 08th'
Bass octave 04 ′
trombone 16 ′
  • Pairing :
    • Normal coupling: II / I, I / P, II / P
  • Playing aids : 2 free combinations, a free pedal combination, tutti, storage for tongues, storage for quintadena, roller, swell kick, roller off, trigger.


From the tower of the Autustinus church the motif "O Savior, tear open the heavens" can be heard. The three big bells were cast in Unterseptrippe in 1924 by the Bochum association for cast steel production. The little bell dates back to 1853 and was cast by Christian Claren from Sieglar .

( HT - 1 / 16 )
1 John 1576 1571 c sharp 1 +3 "The voice of the caller in the desert prepares the way of the Lord." (Transl.)
2 ? 1380 1100 e 1 +0 "Deliver us from lightning and storms, Lord." (Transl.)
3 ? 1260 942 f sharp 1 +5 "From plague, hunger and war, set us free, Lord." (Transl.)
4th Augustine 963 525 g sharp 1 +11 "If I am drawn, I listen, I call to worship, I come to call the living * I weep the dead * I praise the true God and glorify the festivals for the glory of God under the protection of St. Augustine and Jesus * Mary and Joseph Poured under Pastor Dohm by Christian Claren in Sieglar on July 23, 1853. "


  • Paul Henseler: The Lord's Vineyard. The history of the Church of St. Augustine and the parish of Sankt Augustin-Menden . Sankt Augustin 1985.
  • Peter Jurgilewitsch, Wolfgang Pütz-Liebenow: The history of the organ in Bonn and in the Rhein-Sieg district. Bouvier, Bonn 1990, ISBN 3-416-80606-9 .

Web links

Commons : St. Augustine (Menden)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Saint Augustine in Menden celebrates his 125th birthday
  2. ^ Opus list of the Klais company
  3. ^ Gerhard Hoffs: Bells in the dean's office Siegburg / Sankt Augustin . PDF; P. 58 ff. ( Memento of the original dated November 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 50 ° 47 ′ 29.8 "  N , 7 ° 9 ′ 33.9"  E