St. Johannes (St. Goarshausen)

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St. John with rectory

St. John the Baptist is a Catholic parish church in Sankt Goarshausen am Rhein . It has been part of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2002 .


inside view
View of the organ

The quarry stone church was built in the years 1923–25 according to plans by Hans (1872–1952) and Christoph Rummel (1881–1961). It consists of a baroque hall with a semicircular choir and a square west tower. The rectory connects to the west .


Inside, a cove ceiling crowns the hall. A remarkable depiction of the Holy Trinity was acquired in 1925 by Pastor Sand (1919–1929) from private ownership. It is assigned to the circle of Lucas Cranach the Elder .

In the years 1925 to 1932 Otto Linnemann created the high windows of the nave in the so-called Beuron style .


The organ was built in 1963 by the organ builder Franz Wagenbach (Limburg).

I main work C–
1. Principal 8th'
2. Flute 8th'
3. Octave 4 ′
4th Quintatön 4 ′
5. Fifth 3 ′
6th recorder 2 ′
7th Mixture IV-V
8th. Trumpet 8th'
II breastwork C–
9. Dumped 8th'
10. Willow pipe 8th'
11. Principal 4 ′
12. Reed flute 4 ′
13. Octave 2 ′
14th Fifth (vacant) 1 13
15th Small mix III
16. Dulciana (vacant) 16 ′
Pedals C–
17th Sub-bass 16 ′
18th Octave bass 8th'
19th Thought bass 8th'
20th Pommer 4 ′


Web links

Commons : Sankt Johannes (Sankt Goarshausen)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. St. John the Baptist in the church database at , accessed on October 30, 2012.
  2. ^ Paul-Georg Custodis, Kurt Frein: St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle and Patersberg. (= Rheinische Kunststätten, issue 258) Ed. Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz , Cologne 1981, ISBN 3-88094-389-3 , p. 12.
  3. ^ Organs in St. Goarshausen Christian Binz

Coordinates: 50 ° 9 ′ 10.5 ″  N , 7 ° 43 ′ 8.8 ″  E