St. Verena (Müllheim TG)

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Evangelical Church of St. Verena

The Evangelical Church St. Verena is the Evangelical - Reformed Church of Müllheim , which in Thurtal on the railway line between Frauenfeld and Weinfelden in Canton Thurgau is.

Development and construction history

Müllheim is first mentioned in a document in 1254. In 1270 a document proves that there was a St. Nicholas chapel in Müllheim , which belonged to the parish church of Homburg TG . Other sources, on the other hand, show that at that time there must have been a separate parish church in Müllheim, to which Mettendorf TG and Hüttlingen TG were also part of the church. A document confirms that Müllheim had its own parish church in 1275. This document also proves that the church of Müllheim of St. Verena , St. Martyr Mauritius and the Nativity was consecrated. On September 5, 1445, the Schwyz troops burned down the entire village of Müllheim during the Old Zurich War . After the houses had been rebuilt, the church was restored in 1473 and enlarged in the following years. At that time, Müllheim belonged to the Reichenau monastery and had to pay the taxes there. The monastery also had the right to appoint the pastor of Müllheim as well as the duty to reward him. In 1484 the daughter community of Hüttlingen separated from Müllheim and in 1489 the church of Müllheim was consecrated anew, with three altars being consecrated. In 1548 a new bell was cast for the church and in 1594 a tower clock was installed.

On January 1, 1519, Huldrych Zwingli started the Reformation . Pastor Andreas Klingler, who was working in Müllheim at the time, also joined the new direction in 1530 with the whole congregation and removed all altars and pictures from the church. As a result, no more Catholic services were celebrated in Müllheim for 80 years . Gradually, however, Catholics settled in Müllheim again. They fought for the right to have their own worship. On May 22nd, 1607, a Catholic mass was celebrated again in the church of Müllheim for the first time . From then on the church served both denominations and thus became equal . Around 1730, during a major renovation of the church, a ceiling painting was also created. In 1749 a new gallery was built, in 1765 the images of saints were restored and a new altar was erected. In 1791 the church was renovated again and in 1837 a new bell was raised in the tower. The tower clock was repaired in 1863 and the church was renovated again in 1891, with a cottage organ also being purchased by the two parishes.

In 1902 the church was expanded and in 1916 an organ was purchased from Th. Kuhn , Männedorf. In 1920 the tower received a new clock, in 1929 the interior and 1942–1943 the exterior of the church were renovated. In 1947 the old bells were replaced by five new bells with a total weight of 6030 kg. In 1951 the church received its present organ, again an instrument from the Kuhn company. In the years 1967–1968 the new Catholic Church of St. Maria in Müllheim was built and at the same time the parity relationship was dissolved. Since then, the old church in Müllheim has belonged solely to the Protestant parish. After a thorough renovation and various renovations, the church was consecrated on April 23, 1978.

Building description

Exterior and bells

The east- facing church of St. Verena is in the center of the village on Kreuzlingerstrasse . As a special feature, the choir is not built in the longitudinal axis of the nave, but is offset slightly to the north, so that it continues the north wall of the nave, but is shortened towards the church tower. The church tower hides a five-part bell that comes from the H. Rüetschi bell foundry , Aarau. Bell 2 was cast for the state exhibition in 1939 , the other bells were made in 1947 and were raised together with bell 2 in the tower.

inside view
Bible verse

Interior and artistic equipment

The Church of St. Verena is a single-nave longitudinal building, the choir of which is drawn in and raised from the nave by two steps. Since the redesign of the church in 1977–1978, when the Catholic furnishings were expanded, the church has had a simple interior, which is characterized by the vaulted coffered ceiling, white painted walls and a light sandstone floor. The gallery parapet takes over the coffering of the ceiling. The choir is closed with a flat coffered ceiling and has a tabernacle in the left wall. On the south wall of the nave a historical Bible verse can be read: Everything that you do, with words and works, do everything in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus, so that you thank God and the Father through Him Coll 3 V 17 . The last line of the proverb refers to the Bible passage Colossians chapter 3, verse 17. A baptismal font , a wooden pulpit and a simple communion table in the choir complete the furnishings.

Kuhn organ from 1951


The Kuhn organ from 1951 received a new prospectus when the church was redesigned in 1977/78 . This is divided into seven fields and has three protruding towers. The pedal work fills the lateral gallery width, while the main work stands in front of the swell . The pedal registers are concealed by a wooden cover, which is taken up by the veil boards of the organ prospectus.

The disposition of the organ:

I Hauptwerk C – g 3
Quintatön 16 ′
Praestant 8th'
Hollow flute 8th'
Capstan whistle 8th'
octave 4 ′
Reed flute 4 ′
Super octave 2 ′
Mixture V – VII 1 13
II Swell C – g 3
Flute 8th'
Suavial 8th'
Principal 4 ′
recorder 4 ′
octave 2 ′
Night horn 2 ′
Nazard 2 23
third 1 35
Cymbel IV 1'
Trumpet 8th'
Clairon 4 ′
Pedal C – f 1
Principal bass 16 ′
Sub bass 16 ′
Pedestal 16 ′
octave 8th'
Dumped 8th'
Choral bass 4 ′
bassoon 16 ′


The most famous pastor in Müllheim was Thomas Bornhauser . He worked in Müllheim from 1851 to 1856. As a well-known writer, he made a significant contribution to the political liberation of Thurgau. His tombstone is attached to the south wall of the church.


  • Hermann Blöchlinger: On the history of the Catholic parish of Müllheim. Muellheim 1993.
  • Angelus Hux, Alexander Troehler: KlangRäume. Churches and organs in Thurgau. Frauenfeld 2007.

Web links

Commons : Evangelische Kirche Müllheim TG  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Blöchlinger: On the history of the Catholic parish of Müllheim , p. 7.
  2. Information about bells on YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2016.
  3. ^ Hermann Blöchlinger: On the history of the Catholic parish in Müllheim , pp. 7-11 and 26.
  4. Angelus Hux, Alexander Troehler: KlangRäume. Churches and organs in Thurgau. P. 332.
  5. Information about bells on YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2016.
  6. ^ Hermann Blöchlinger: On the history of the Catholic parish in Müllheim , pp. 26–32.
  7. Information about bells on YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2016.
  8. Angelus Hux, Alexander Troehler: KlangRäume. Churches and organs in Thurgau. P. 332.
  9. Angelus Hux, Alexander Troehler: KlangRäume. Churches and organs in Thurgau. P. 333.
  10. ^ Organ directory Switzerland and Liechtenstein, section Reformed Church St. Verena Müllheim TG. Retrieved December 11, 2016.
  11. Information about bells on YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2016.