Steel-blue reddish

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Steel-blue reddish
2009-09-16 Entoloma nitidum 1.jpg

Steel blue rötling ( Entoloma nitidum )

Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Red bloom relatives (Entolomataceae)
Genre : Red rot ( Entoloma )
Subgenus : Entoloma subg. Entoloma
Type : Steel-blue reddish
Scientific name
Entoloma nitidum

The steel blue Rötling ( Entoloma nitidum ) is a poisonous fungus from the family of Rötling relatives (Entolomataceae).


The yellowish-white lamellas of the steel-blue reddish on the underside of the hat

Macroscopic features

The thin-fleshed hat is initially bell-shaped or hemispherical, later arched or rarely almost flat with a distinct, blunt hump and reaches 2–5 cm in diameter. The smooth, matte surface of the hat is dark to steel blue, later colored a little pale and reveals a radial fiber pattern of ingrown fibers. The unrubbed edge of the hat is initially rolled up, later flat and often tears deep when it is dry. The intermingled and spaced-apart lamellae are initially whitish and become increasingly reddish in color as the spores progressively mature. They are bulging on the stem or almost free-standing. The lamellar cutting edges are rounded and smooth. The stem becomes 3–9 cm high and 2.5–5, in the middle also up to 7 mm thick, is largely cylindrical in shape and extends briefly into the substrate like a root. Its surface is hat-colored or a little lighter and near the base a little yellowish or white. It has longitudinal fibers and is fragile and has a full-fleshed inside or a narrow, empty to cotton-woolly stuffed cavity. The soft, whitish meat has hardly any taste and a slight flour-like or somewhat unpleasant odor.

Microscopic features

The fruit layer also covers the blades of the lamellae and has no cystids . Their basidial cells measure 24–36 (rarely up to 45) to 7.5–12.5 micrometers. Four of the angular, pink-brown spores grow on each, measuring 6.5–10 × 5.5–8 µm and having relatively thin walls. On scanning electron microscope images, they (sometimes) show an incomplete mesh. The cap skin is an ixocutis made of radially extending, 2.5–6 micrometers thick, cylindrically shaped hyphae . The blue dye is found in the cells. There are plenty of buckle connections in the fabric.

Species delimitation

The stronger lilac blue rötling ( Entoloma bloxamii ) grows on open grass locations in Central Europe.

The visually very similar fruiting bodies of E. alcedicolor smell of garlic and have a differently structured top layer. The species is so far only known from the type locality. The closely related and rare lilac blue or blue rottling ( Entoloma bloxamii ) does not live in the forest, but on open grass areas and has a stronger color. Similar colors can also be found in Leptonia carnea (it has a more scaly hat surface and larger spores), Entoloma trachysporum var.  Purpureoviolaceum , Leptonia occidentalis var.  Metallica and the rare Leptonia cyaneonita , Leptonia cyanea and Leptonia violaceonigra . In addition, the steel blue rötling is similar in appearance to the Frk. Apart from the different coloration of the rotary handle rötling ( Entoloma turbidum ).

Ecology, phenology and distribution

The steel-blue Rötling lives as a saprobiont in usually at least superficially humic and acidic, as well as deeper and often calcareous soils of coniferous or mixed forests. It fruits between August and November individually or in small groups. The species is widespread in Europe, locally common in northwestern Europe, and is also found in North America.



Among other things, polysaccharides with cancer-inhibiting effects occur in the fruit bodies .

Food value

If consumed, it has a toxic effect on the human organism.

Systematics and taxonomy

The first description comes from the work "Quelques especes critiques ou nouvelles de la Flore Mycologique de France" published in 1883 by Lucien Quélet . The French mycologist ordered the type already the Rötlingen ( Entoloma to). Machiel Evert Noordeloos divides the genus and assigns the species to the subgenus Entoloma , Section Entoloma , Subsection Entoloma . The Dutch mycologist also is considering the section with the section Turfosa due to spores similarities in the genre of the plate pieces ( Rhodocybe to overwrite). Other researchers have come to the same conclusion, but a more definitive clarification of the relationships requires further investigation.


  1. a b Machiel Evert Noordeloos: Entoloma sl Supplemento . In: Fungi Europaei . 5A. Massimo Candusso, Saronno (Italy) 2004, ISBN 88-901057-4-7 .
  2. Machiel Evert Noordeloos : Entoloma sl In: Fungi Europaei . tape  5 . Edizioni Candusso, Alassio (Italy) 1992, p. 116 .
  3. Cornelis Bas, Thomas W. Kuyper, Machiel Evert Noordeloos, Else C. Vellinga, Reinout van Crevel, EJM Arnolds (eds.): Flora Agaricina Neerlandica . Critical monographs on the families of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. 1 - Entolomataceae. AA Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam 1988, ISBN 978-90-6191-859-2 , pp. 97 (English).
  4. ^ A b Hans E. Laux: The great cosmos mushroom guide. All edible mushrooms with their poisonous doppelgangers. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4 , p. 234.
  5. Markus Flück: Which mushroom is that? 3. Edition. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-440-11561-9 , pp. 223 .
  6. S. Ohtsuka, S. Ueno, C. Yoshikumi, F. Hirose, Y. Ohmura, T. Wada, T. Fujii, E. Takahashi: Polysaccharides having an anticarcinogeniceffect and method of producing them from species of Basidiomycetes . In: UK Patent . No. 1331513 , September 26, 1973 (English).
  7. Lucien Quélet: Quelques especes critiques ou nouvelles de la Flore Mycologique de France . In: L'Association française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (ed.): Comptes rendus de l'Association française pour l'Avancement des Sciences . tape 11 . La Rochelle 1883, p. 391 (French).

Web links

Commons : Entoloma nitidum  - collection of images, videos and audio files