Stefan Hein

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Stefan Hein (* 1984 in Potsdam ) is a German communications consultant and politician ( AfD ). In the state elections in Brandenburg in 2014 , he was elected to the state parliament via the state list of the AfD . Due to his exclusion from the AfD parliamentary group, he was a non-attached member of the state parliament until 2019 .

Life and work

After graduating from high school in Potsdam in 2003, Hein studied law at the University of Regensburg from 2004 to 2006 (without a degree). From 2007 to 2009 he studied political science and intercultural business communication at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena (degree: Bachelor of Arts ). From 2011 to 2013 he studied globalization processes and democracy studies at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald (without a degree). From March to September 2014 he worked as a PR consultant in the communication agency comprend UG . Since then he has been working as a freelance consultant and project developer.

Hein is the son of Alexander Gauland's partner , the state chairman of the AfD Brandenburg. He lives in Potsdam-Babelsberg .


Hein was a member of the CDU and the Junge Union for ten years . Since March 2013 he was a member of the AfD in Greifswald, where he built up the district association. Hein is a member of the AfD's Brandenburg State Association. In 2014, Hein took part in the Brandenburg state elections in constituency 22, Potsdam II , and entered the state parliament over tenth place on the state list of the AfD Brandenburg .

After his election, Hein admitted even before the constitution of the state parliament that he had launched a false report to Spiegel about internal processes in the Brandenburg AfD. Accordingly, Hein's stepfather, the state chairman Alexander Gauland , had a close confidante work out a plan according to which information should be collected about elected state parliament members because of their stated previous membership in "right-wing populist or right-wing extremist" parties in order to put them under pressure through anonymous criminal charges and to be able to persuade or isolate within the parliamentary group before the constitution of the state parliament. In reality, Hein is said to have planned to persuade these members of the state parliament to renounce their mandate by collecting “compromising material” about them himself. After this incident became known, Hein declared that he did not want to accept his mandate for personal reasons and that he would also resign from his position as assessor in the regional association of his party. If he had not, his mandate would have gone to Jan-Ulrich Weiß , who was twelfth on the state list. However, Hein did not heed his announcement and nevertheless accepted his mandate in order to prevent White, who was accused of an anti-Semitic Facebook entry, from moving up . On October 6, 2014, the parliamentary group of the AfD excluded Hein.

He was a full member of the budget and finance committee of the Brandenburg state parliament.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b rbb-online: Stefan Hein does not want to become an AfD MP , from September 25, 2014.
  2. Quite popular with top candidate Alexander Gauland: How the AfD is fighting for voters in Brandenburg , Der Tagesspiegel, September 10, 2014
  3. ^ Constituency 22, Potsdam II ,
  4. Brandenburg: AfD wants to get rid of unpopular MPs
  6. ^ Zoff after election in Brandenburg: "Stasi methods" in the AfD , taz, September 25, 2014
  7. Die Welt : AfD politician Hein now accepts a mandate from the state parliament , from October 2, 2014.
  8. ^ AfD parliamentary group without Hein taz , October 7, 2014