Stepan Rudanskyj

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Stepan Rudanskyj 1922

Stepan Wasiljewytsch Rudanskyj ( Ukrainian Степан Васильович Руданський ; Russian Степан Васильевич Руданский * December 25, 1833 jul. / 6. January  1834 greg. In Chomutynzi , Ujesd Vinnytsia , Podolia Governorate , Russian Empire (now Rajon Kalynivka , Oblast Vinnytsia , Ukraine ); † April 21 jul. / 3. May  1873 greg. in Yalta , Crimea , Russian Empire) was a Ukrainian poet, translator and doctor.


Stepan Rudanskyj was born in Khomutyntsi as the son of a pastor. From 1841 to 1849 he attended a religious school in Sharhorod . From 1849 to 1855 he continued his studies at the seminary in Kamyanets-Podilskyj . While studying at the seminary, the conflict with his father began. In 1855 Rudanskyj came to Saint Petersburg . There he applied to the medical-surgical academy against his father's wishes. At that time this academy was a center of modern science and culture. It was here that Sergei Botkin , Ivan Setschenow and other young innovative scientists worked. Stepan Rudanskyi studied at the Medical-Surgical Academy from 1855 to 1861.

In St. Petersburg Rudanskyj had joined a circle of Ukrainian writers. He wrote and translated ballads, lyric poems and poetic stories from Russian and other languages. While studying in Saint Petersburg, he had his works printed.

Rudanskyj suffered from tuberculosis and was unable to work in the northern regions of Russia because of the disease . On August 1, 1861, he was appointed City Doctor of Yalta by the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs . This post included not only the duties of the city doctor, but also those of the port doctor, the hospital manager and the doctor in Vorontsov Castle . In the summer of 1872 a cholera epidemic broke out in the Crimea . While Rudanskyj was trying to eradicate the sources of the infection, he contracted cholera himself . The general weakening of the body made his tuberculosis worse. Stepan Rudanskyi died on April 21 (according to the Julian calendar; May 3 according to the Gregorian calendar) 1873. He was buried in the Massandra cemetery in Yalta.


Stepan Rudanskyj wrote romantic ballads ("robbers", "vampires" etc.) and lyrical poems. He condemned serfdom ("Over the cradle", "Do not leave me alone") and wrote about the history of the Ukrainian people ("Oleg the Wise", "Masepa", "Ivan Skoropadskyj", "The Apostle" etc.)

His literary work is preserved in three manuscript volumes: "Humoresken von Kosak Winok Rudanskyj. The first book, 1851–1857" consists of the songs and ballads, "Humoresken von Kosak Winok Rudanskyj. The second book, 1857-1859" contains 235 poems and Humoresken, "Humoresken von Kosak Winok Rudanskyj. The third book, 1859-1860" includes songs, proverbs, legends and ballads. Rudanskyj also wrote lyrical poems ("Black Color", "Oh, why don't you fly"), some are autobiographical ("The Student", 1858).

Rudanskyj translated Homer's "Iliad" , Virgil's "Aeneid" , Mikhail Lermontov's " Igor Song ", and other works into Ukrainian .

Only some of his works were printed during his lifetime, for example in the magazines "Osnowa", "Russkij mir" and "Pravda Lviv". Almost all of the poems went unprinted. Most of the work was not published until the end of the 19th century.


  • In 1967 the Stepan Rudanskyj Museum was opened in Khomutyntsi . The museum is located on the grounds of the poet's childhood home. The museum consists of two small rooms and documents the life and work of Rudanskyj. The museum has exhibitions, thematic courses and readings.
  • In the poet's homeland, the Stepan Rudanskyj festival has traditionally been celebrated on the poet's birthday since 1981, a festival of humor and satire.
Ukrainian postage stamp from 2009
  • In Yalta there is Stepan Rudanskyj School No. 15. with a Rudanskyj Museum room.
  • In 2009 Ukraine issued a postage stamp with the portrait of Stepan Rudanskjy.


  • Булахов М. Г.  Руданский Степан Васильевич // Энциклопедия "Слова о полку Игореве": В 5 т. - СПб .: Дмитрий Буланин, 1995. - Т. 4. П — Слово. - 1995. - С. 240.
  • Віктор Жадько. Український некрополь.-К., 2005.-С.279.
  • Історія української літератури другої половини XIX століття.— К., 1979.

Web links

Commons : Stepan Rudanskyj  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files