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Yalta coat of arms
Yalta (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Rajon : District-free city
Height : 40 m
Area : 283 km²
Residents : 80,552 (2004)
Population density : 285 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 98600-98649
Area code : +380 654
Geographic location : 44 ° 30 '  N , 34 ° 10'  E Coordinates: 44 ° 29 '51 "  N , 34 ° 10' 23"  E
KOATUU : 111900000
Administrative structure : 2 cities, 21 urban-type settlements , 1 village, 8 settlements
Mayor : Serhiy Brajko
Address: пл. Радянська 1
98600 м. Ялта
Statistical information
Yalta (Crimea)
Livadia Palace , site of the Yalta Conference of 1945
Yalta sea promenade
View of Yalta

Yalta ( Ukrainian and Russian Ялта ; Crimean Tatar Yalta ; Armenian Յալտա ) is a health resort and holiday resort in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea . It has almost 80,000 inhabitants, around 140,000 people live in the Yalta agglomeration .


Due to its location on the other side of the Crimean Mountains , Yalta is not connected to the railway network. But the city is the end point of the longest trolleybus line in the world. This is operated by the company Krymskyj trolejbus and connects Yalta with Alushta and the Simferopol railway station .

Yalta owes its very mild climate to its location south of the Crimean Mountains and in a valley basin: the average temperature in February is 4 ° C. It rarely snows in Yalta, and the thin layer of snow thaws again quickly. The average temperature in July is around 24 ° C. The sun shines here 2250 hours a year. Since there is always a light sea breeze from the Black Sea , it never gets oppressively hot in Yalta. There is a subtropical climate .

Due to its favorable geographical location, Yalta has become a popular tourist destination since the Soviet Union .

Many famous artists such as Chekhov , Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky have lived here.

Administratively, the city is divided into:


The health resort has around 80,000 inhabitants, of which around two thirds are Russians and around 28% are Ukrainians , the rest are Crimean Tatars and members of other peoples. The lingua franca is Russian. A small group of Germans is organized in two cultural associations and also has a Protestant church. In agglomeration Yalta about 140,000 people live.

number in percent
Russians 91,408 65.5
Ukrainians 38,604 27.6
Belarusians 2,204 1.6
Crimean Tatars 1,877 1.3
Armenians 813 0.6
Tatars 476 0.3
Jews 424 0.3
Azerbaijanis 368 0.3
Poland 286 0.2


The city was probably founded by the Taurern in the 6th century BC. BC, as evidenced by tombs in the slopes of Polikurowski Hill northeast of the city. In the 5th century BC Chr. Was the then Jalita then colony of ancient Greece . The name Jalita probably comes from the Greek and simply means shore .

In the 6th century the city became part of the Byzantine Empire . The first written mention was made in the 12th century by the Arab geographer Al-Idrisi - the settlement was then called Dschalita (جاليطة Ǧaliṭah). In the 14th century the settlement became a Genoese colony under the name Kaulita resp. Etalita. In the 15th century an earthquake destroyed Yalta. It then became part of the Ottoman Empire . In 1783 Yalta came to Russia. In the Russian Empire, Yalta was part of the Taurian Governorate , which existed until October 1921. In 1837 the city became a Russian district town. In 1848 the road to Sevastopol was built, and in 1887 the first sanatorium was opened. After the October Revolution , it was part of the ASSR of Crimea within the Russian SFSR .

Yalta became known internationally through the Yalta Conference (also the Yalta Declaration, Yalta Conference, Argonaut Conference), at which the fate of the soon-to-be-defeated Germany was decided from February 4 to 11, 1945. The Allied heads of government Winston Churchill , Josef Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt were involved , who redistributed the world there.

By resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav , Yalta and the Crimean Oblast were annexed to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on April 26, 1954 . From 1991 to 2014 Yalta was part of independent Ukraine.

The Yalta meeting has been held every September since 2004, organized by the Viktor Pinschuk Foundation and the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in the southern Ukrainian city of Livadija .

Since the internationally unrecognized annexation of the Crimean peninsula to Russia in March 2014, Yalta has de facto belonged to the federal subject of Southern Russia of the Russian Federation. De jure, according to the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine, Yalta is part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , which is one of the territories occupied by Russia.

Town twinning



sons and daughters of the town

Honorary citizen



  • Karl Schlögel : Promenade in Yalta and other city pictures , Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich
  • Christian Reder, Erich Klein (ed.): Gray Danube, Black Sea. Vienna Sulina Odessa Yalta Istanbul. Research, discussions, essays. Edition Transfer, Springer, Vienna / New York 2008, ISBN 978-3-211-75482-5

Web links

Commons : Yalta  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wikivoyage: Yalta  - travel guide

Individual evidence

  1. Публікації ( Memento of May 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from April 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / sf.ukrstat.gov.ua
  3. The Transfer of the Crimea to the Ukraine (English)
  4. Федеральный закон Российской Федерации от 21 марта 2014 года № 6-ФКЗ "О принятии в Российскую Федерацию Республики Крым и образовании в составе Российской Федерации новых субъектов - Республики Крым и города федерального значения Севастополя"
  5. Annexation of the Crimea. Putin violates Russian constitution
  6. a b c Киркоров получил звание почетного гражданина Ялты ( Memento of the original from March 29, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , novopol.ru , August 12, 2010 (Russian) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.novopol.ru