Bilohirsk Raion

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Bilohirsk Raion
(Білогірський район / Bilohirskyj rayjon)
Coat of arms of Bilohirsk Raion Bilohirsk Raion in Ukraine
Basic data
Oblast : Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Administrative headquarters : Bilohirsk
Area : 1.894 km²
Residents : 66,458 (2004)
Population density : 35.09 inhabitants per km²
KOATUU : 120700000
Municipalities : 17th
District administration
Address : вул. Миру 1
97600 м. Білогірськ
Rajonsvorleiter: Stepan Chudoba
Website :
Overview map
Map of Ukraine with Crimea
Statistical information

The Bilohirsk Raion (Ukrainian Білогірський район / Bilohirskyj rajon ; Russian Белогорский район / Belogorski rajon , Crimean Tatar Qarasuvbazar rayonı ) is a Ukrainian Rajon in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea . It has a total population of around 66,000 and covers an area of ​​1,894 km². It includes a city, 1 urban-type settlement and 78 villages organized into 17 district councils.


The Raion is located in the central south of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, it borders in the northwest with the Rajon Krasnohwardijske , in the north for a short distance with the Nyschnjohirskyj Rajon , in the northeast with the Rajon Sovetskyj , in the east with the Rajon Kirowske , in the southeast with the city Sudak , to the southwest to the city of Alushta and to the west to the Simferopol district .


transcribed in ukrainian Ukrainian Russian Crimean Tatar
Bilohirsk Білогірськ Белогорск (Belogorsk) Qarasuvbazar

Urban-type settlement

Urban-type settlements
transcribed in ukrainian Ukrainian Russian Crimean Tatar
Suja Зуя Зуя -


Surname Landratsgemeinde
transcribed in ukrainian Ukrainian Russian Crimean Tatar
Aromatne Ароматне Ароматное (Aromatnoe) Şaban Oba Aromatne
Bahats Багате Багатое (Bagatoje) Bağça Eli Bahats
Krymska Rosa Кримська Роза Крымская Роза (Krymskaya Rosa) - Krymska Rosa
Krynytschne Криничне Криничное (Krinichnoye) - Krynytschne
Kurske Курське Курское (Kurskoje) Qışlav Kurske
Melnytschne Мельничне Мельничное (Melnichnoye) Terekli Şeyh Eli Melnytschne
Mitschurinske Мічурінське Мичуринское (Michurinskoje) Qaburçaq Mitschurinske
Muromske Муромське Муромское (Muromskoje) Küçük Burunduq Muromske
Novoshylivka Новожилівка Новожиловка (Novoschilowka) Beş Aran Otar Novoshylivka
Russakivka Русаківка Русаковка (Russakowka) Kökey Russakivka
Selenohirske Зеленогірське Зеленогорское (Zelenogorskoye) Efendikoy Hlasivka
Zemlyanytschne Земляничне Земляничное (Zemlyanichnoe) Ortalan Zemlyanytschne
Sybyny Зибини Зыбины (Sybiny) Arğınçıq Sybyny
Chornopillja Чорнопілля Чернополье (Chernopolje) Qaraç oil Chornopillja
Vasylivka Василівка Васильевка (Vasilievka) - Vasylivka
Wyschenne Вишенне Вишенное (Wischennoje) Muşaş Wyschenne
Zwitotschne Цвіточне Цветочное (Zwetochnoye) Yañı Burulça Zwitotschne


Composition of the population according to the data from the 2001 census:

number in percent
Russians 32,706 49.2
Crimean Tatars 19,425 29.2
Ukrainians 10,749 16.2
Belarusians 622 0.9
Tatars 454 0.7
Greeks 263 0.4
Poland 193 0.3
Armenians 190 0.3
Uzbeks 130 0.2
German 102 0.2
Moldovans 87 0.1

Individual evidence

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Web links

Commons : Bilohirsk Raion  - collection of images