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Oktjabrske coat of arms
Oktjabrske (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Rajon : Krasnohwardijske district
Height : 87 m
Area : Information is missing
Residents : 11,684 (2016)
Postcodes : 97060
Area code : +380 6556
Geographic location : 45 ° 17 '  N , 34 ° 8'  E Coordinates: 45 ° 17 '29 "  N , 34 ° 7' 36"  E
KOATUU : 122055400
Administrative structure : 1 urban-type settlement
Mayor : Wassyl Iwanowytsch Hrabowan
Address: пров. Советський 3
97060 смт. Октябрське
Statistical information
Oktyabrske (Crimea)

Oktjabrske (Ukrainian Октябрське ; Russian Октябрьское / Oktjabrskoje , Crimean Tatar Büyük Onlar ) is an urban-type settlement in the center of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , Ukraine with 11,700 inhabitants (2016).


Oktiabrske located in the south of Rajon Krasnohvardiiske on the highway M 18 ( E 105 ) 43 km north of Simferopol , the capital of Crimea, and 25 km south of Rajonzentrums Krasnohvardiiske .


The village with the then Tatar name Büyük Onlar was first mentioned in writing in 1784. In the early 1870s, the place was connected to the railway network. From October 30, 1941 to April 12, 1944 the village was occupied by Wehrmacht troops. After the deportation of the Crimean Tatars , the village was renamed from Bijuk-Onlar (Ukrainian Бію́к-Онла́р ) to Oktyabrske on December 14, 1944 , and received urban-type settlement status on May 25, 1957. On May 12, 2016, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decided to rename the settlement Bijuk-Onlar (Біюк-Онлар); however, the corresponding resolution will not come into force until Crimea has returned to Ukrainian rule.

Population development

1805 1959 1970 1979 1989 2001 2016
130 7,528 8,343 8,833 9,487 10,904 11,684


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Demography of Ukrainian cities on pop-stat.mashke.org
  2. History of Towns and Villages / Oktjabrske (Russian)
  3. Верховна Рада України; Постанова від May 12th, 2016 № 1352-VIII Про перейменування окремих населених пунктів та районів Автононів Автоноіксв Автатанолскрем перейменуваної респатуб