Stephan Plannck

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Introitus, collecta and beginning of the epistle; Proprium of the Abbess Benediction in the Pontificale Romanum , printed by Stephan Plannck in Rome, 1485

Stephan Plannck (* around 1457 in Passau ; † February 17, 1501 in Rome ) was a printer in Rome.

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Approximately 1,479 native of Passau Stephan Plannck took Offizin Ulrich Hans on Via Mercatoria (the section which today (2005) Via del Pellegrino is), the main commercial street in the late medieval Rome. This house was rented by the Brotherhood of Germans at the Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima . Planck and his wife Margaretha joined the brotherhood of Campo Santo Teutonico in 1482. A year later he paid three ducats to be able to belong to the brotherhood at the Hospital Santo Spirito in Sassia . Stephan Plannck died on February 17, 1501 at the age of 44 and was buried on Campo Santo. Before her death in 1511, his wife bequeathed the impressive sum of 612 ducats to the Campo Santo.

Plannck printed the Missal Romanum several times , printing in two steps, first in red rubrics and staves, then in black text and notes (here: Roman square notation ). Ulrich Han produced the first dated sheet music printing with movable type in 1476 using this process and the same types for musical notes . Mary Kay Duggan suspects that Stephan Plannck may have been involved in this incunable printing and could have cut the types for the musical notes. Other works with sheet music from Plannck's press are two editions of the Pontificale Romanum , the only ones printed in the 15th century, published by Agostino Patrizi Piccolomini in 1485 and 1497 , and a Manuale Baptisterium .

Plannck printed numerous editions of Mirabilia urbis Romae in Latin and German in the course of his printing activities. The large number of legal documents he had printed, which made the business of the Curia easier to understand, also found many buyers . Plannck also produced a large number of books that were helpful in pastoral care. Another focus of Plannck's activity was the printing of astrological works, such as several editions of the Lunarium by Bernat de Granollachs (* 1421; † around 1487). A sure source of income was the printing of special occasion speeches, funded by their authors, who then distributed them to increase their own fame.

If the number of printers working in Rome increased in the 1470s, it fell sharply from around 1485 until around 1490 only Eucharius Silber and Stephan Plannck were printing in Rome. Both printed numerous easy-to-sell and not very extensive fonts. Some of the type material and the woodcuts from Plannck's Offizin were used by Sigismund Mayr in Naples from 1503 .


  • Mary Kay Duggan: Italian Music Incunabula: Printers and Type. Berkeley 1992. ( full text ) ( digitized in the Google book search).
  • Alessandro Ledda:  Plannck (plank), Stephan. In: Raffaele Romanelli (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 84:  Pio VI – Ponzo. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2015, p. 397, (only a brief reference to the online offer in the print version).
  • Birgit Lodes : Planck, Plannck, Stephan. In: Music in the past and present . 2nd Edition. Person Teil 13, 2005, Col. 662-663.
  • Alessandro Pontecorvi: Alcune note sul catalogo di Stephan Plannck. In: Paola Farenga (ed.): Editori ed edizioni a Roma nel Rinascimento. Rome 2005, ISBN 88-85913-44-X , pp. 91-118. ( RR inedita. 38 saggi)

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  1. ^ Anna Modigliani: Printing in Rome in the XV th century. Economics and the circulation of books. In: Paola Farenga (ed.): Editori ed edizioni a Roma nel Rinascimento. Rome 2005, ISBN 88-85913-44-X , pp. 65–76, here pp. 74–75. (RR inedita, 34 saggi)
  2. ^ Victor Scholderer: A Piety of Printers. In: The Library. s4-XIX (1938), pp. 156–166, here p. 161 doi: 10.1093 / library / s4-XIX.2.156 .
  3. ^ Clifford W. Maas: German Printers and the German Community in Renaissance Rome. In: The Library. s5-XXXI (1976), pp. 118-126, here p. 123 doi: 10.1093 / library / s5-XXXI.2.118 . His grave inscription: Vincenzo Forcella (ed.): Iscrizioni delle chiese e d'altri edifici di Roma dal secolo XI fino ai giorni nostri. Volume 3. Rome 1873, p. 352 No. 797 ( digitized in the Google book search). On an alleged stay by Plannck in Velletri, cf. Giuseppe Fumagalli: Lexicon typographicum Italiae. Dictionnaire géographique d'Italie pour servir à l'histoire de l'imprimerie dans ce pays. Florence 1966, p. 448.
  4. ^ Mary Kay Duggan: A System for Describing Fifteenth-Century Music Type. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 59 1984, pp. 67–76, here pp. 73–76.
  5. ^ Alessandro Pontecorvi: Alcune note sul catalogo di Stephan Plannck. In: Paola Farenga (ed.): Editori ed edizioni a Roma nel Rinascimento. Rome 2005, ISBN 88-85913-44-X , pp. 91-118. (RR inedita, 34 saggi)
  6. Paola Farenga: Le edizioni di Eucario silver. In: M. Chiabò, S. Maddalo, M. Miglio, AM Oliva (eds.): Roma di fronte all'Europa al tempo di Alessandro VI. Atti del Convegno (Città del Vaticano-Roma, 1–4 December 1999). Volume II. Roma nel Rinascimento, Rome 2001, ISBN 88-7125-214-4 , pp. 409-439, here pp. 409-410.
  7. ^ Paolo Veneziani: Il successore di Stephan Plannck. In the S. Tracce sul foglio. Saggi di storia della tipografia. Edited by Paola Piacentini. Rome 2007, ISBN 88-85913-49-0 , pp. 63–72, here pp. 66–71. ( RR inedita. 38 saggi)