Stephan Zagrodnik

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Stephan Zagrodnik (partly also Stefan Zagrodnik ; born September 20, 1916 in Waldau , † November 30, 1990 in Berlin ) was a German functionary of the GDR block party DBD . He was a member of the People's Chamber of the GDR .


Zagrodnik's parents were farm workers and originally came from a Polish village. They were constantly on the move in search of better living conditions. In 1916 they worked on a manor near Kassel. However, the family continued to move frequently even after Zagrodnik's birth, for example to the Wurzen district and later to the area around Meißen . Of Zagrodnik's nine siblings, only seven survived. However, Zagrodnik's parents tried to give the children a regular education. In 1932 they returned to Poland, where they were likely able to purchase a small piece of land. Stephan Zagrodnik was sent to relatives in Opole , where he later found an apprenticeship in the administration of the district office. In 1937 he was released from service and returned to his parents. When German troops marched into Poland in 1939, he was drafted into the Reich Labor Service and then drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1940 . As a soldier he took part in the attack on the Soviet Union . There followed times of injury and illness, which he mostly spent in Berlin hospitals . On May 1, 1945, he was taken prisoner by the US in Schwerin .

Zagrodnik and his wife received a good six hectares of land in the Saxon Hirschfeld (Freiberg district) from the land reform fund . Here Zagrodnik has been involved in the local board of the Association of Mutual Farmers' Aid since 1946 . In 1948 he was elected deputy mayor and then first mayor in autumn 1950. With his participation, a local group of the Democratic Peasant Party of Germany (DBD) was founded in Hirschfeld.

Zagrodnik's rise in the peasant party began with attending the administration courses in Forst-Zinna. Until July 1952 he was district secretary in Meißen , then cadre secretary in the Dresden district association of the DBD. From 1955 to 1960 Zagrodnik then held the function of secretary to the Karl-Marx-Stadt district executive of the DBD. In 1956/57 he studied at the institute of the Central Committee of the SED for the training of functionaries for socialist agriculture in Schwerin. He completed his studies as a state-certified farmer . From 1960 to 1982 Zagrodnik was a member of the DBD party executive committee and its presidium. From 1960 to 1976 he was secretary for training and education there. From 1960 to 1972 he was a member, from 1972 to 1977 chairman of the party arbitration tribunal of the DBD.

From 1963 to 1981 Zagrodnik was a member of the People's Chamber and from 1963 to 1976 he was the deputy chairman of the DBD parliamentary group as well as the chairman of the committee for agriculture and forestry. In 1966 Zagrodnik also became a member of the Agriculture Council of the GDR.

From 1961 to 1967 he was a member of the Presidium of the League for Friendship between Nations and the German-African Society. He was also a member of the Peace Council from 1965 and from 1974 acted as vice-president of the GDR-Norway friendship society.

In 1976 Zagrodnik resigned from his full-time party functions for health reasons.



Individual evidence

  1. Neues Deutschland, October 4, 1986, p. 5.