Streblus asper

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Streblus asper
Streblus asper

Streblus asper

Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Mulberry family (Moraceae)
Tribe : Moreae
Genre : Streblus
Type : Streblus asper
Scientific name
Streblus asper

Streblus asper , sometimes called the carpenter's tree, is a species ofthe mulberry family (Moraceae). It is native to arid regions in Thailand , India , Malaysia and Vietnam . It occurs from Pakistan , India and the Himalayas to Southeast Asia .



Streblus asper grows as a medium-sized, richly branched tree or shrub and reaches a height of 15 meters. The dark gray bark is rough. The bark has short stiff hairs and initially has conspicuous lenticels .

The alternate and two lines arranged on the branches leaves are stalked sitting or short. The leathery, rough leaf blades are with a length of 2.5 to 6 centimeters and a width of 2 to 3.5 centimeters elliptical to ovoid or obovate with a wedge-shaped blade base and rounded or pointed to pointed upper end. The leaf margin is smooth or irregularly notched, serrated. There are four to seven lateral nerves on either side of the median nerve. The small stipules fall off early.

In China, the flowering period extends from February to April. Streblus asper is single- sexed ( monoecious ) or dioecious ( dioecious ). The stalked flowers are usually four-fold with a simple flower envelope. The male flowers are spherical and greenish-yellow in color. They appear in axially aligned groups, heads. The female flowers, on the other hand, are green and usually appear individually or up to five. The ovary is upper constant with short stylus and two scars branches . The style and stigma lengthen as the fruit ripens.

Small, yellow and round drupes are formed, to which the constant perianth and the scarred branches often adhere .

In China, the fruits ripen between May and June.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 28.


Use of the paper

Streblus asper was used in paper production in Thailand for 700 years as a raw material for so-called Khoi paper . Virtually all of the ancient Thai documents that still exist were written on Khoi paper.

The paper is durable even in the local high humidity. It is not easily flammable and resistant to yellowing and insect attack. Today, however, other fiber sources are used to make paper. Streblus asper fibers are primarily used today by artisans who use traditional techniques to produce paper.

In Vietnam, the roughly textured leaves are used as natural sandpaper for traditional woodworking.

Use in medicine

Different parts of plants are used in medicine to treat various ailments such as filariasis , leprosy , toothache , diarrhea and cancer . It was used to clean teeth until the middle of the 20th century, then the use of the cheaper and more practical plastic toothbrush plus toothpaste gained acceptance worldwide. To this day, the plant forms the main component of a popular Thai herbal toothpaste.

Various studies have been carried out on its antibacterial effects on various microorganisms. An extract from Streblus asper leaves has been shown to have selective bactericidal activity against streptococci .

Called Khoi wood by the locals , it is smoked with cannabis throughout Southeast Asia to reduce irritation of the throat from cannabis smoke.

The fruits are sweet and edible.


Web links

Commons : Streblus asper  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • RB Suresh Kumar, A. Puratchikodi, Angelene Prasanna, Narayan Dolai, Piyali Majumder, UK Mazumder & PK Haldar: Pre clinical studies of Streblus asper Lour in terms of behavioral safety and toxicity. In: Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. Volume 11, Number 4, pp. 243-249. doi : 10.1007 / s13596-011-0040-4 (English)
  • S. Rastogi, DK Kulshreshtha, AK Rawat: Streblus asper Lour. (Shakhotaka): A Review of its Chemical, Pharmacological and Ethnomedicinal Properties. In: Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM. Volume 3, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 217-222, doi : 10.1093 / ecam / nel018 , PMID 16786051 , PMC 1475940 (free full text).
  • History of paper printing in Thailand on (English).
  • Streblus asper at Useful Tropical Plants, accessed July 27, 2017.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Streblus asper at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis